Setting Up an IP Application Node Test Case

The IP Application Node test case, when used with the Network Host test case, tests a Content Gateway by generating Data Traffic that is routed through the gateway. This topic will guide you through configuring and running a basic Capacity Test session using both test cases.

After you have a functioning test session, you can build tests using other test activities and options:

Before You Start:

You should have a basic understanding of the test system:

Gather information about the SUT:

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To configure the test session:

This test session will use two test cases, Network Host and IP Application Node, with each test case assigned to a different test server.

Create a new test session... and add a Network Host test case... from the Basic library. The Test Case Settings window... opens to the Test Configuration tab.

Network Host configuration — Define the Network Host emulator and the server side of the Data Traffic

  1. On the Network Devices tab, define the Network Host emulator by selecting a Physical Interface. You can accept the default IP address.

  2. A route from the Network Host's test server to the IP Application Node's test server via the Content Gateway is required. You can either add a static route, in which case this and subsequent tests can use Default Routing, or select Next Hop IP Address and enter the Content Gateway's IP address as the next hop.

  3. In the Mobile Subscriber pane on the Test Configuration tab, select the physical interface, routing address, transport protocol, client MAC address, activation and deactivation rates.

Transport protocol is IP/Ethernet.

  1. In the Data Traffic pane, select the Verification radio button. The purpose of the first test is simply to verify connectivity.

  2. OK the Network Host test case. If any parameters fail validation, you will receive an error indicating the problem parameter. Correct the problem, and OK the test case again. When the definition is accepted, the test case is listed in the Test Session window.

IP Application Node configuration — Define the Client Node addresses, the start and stop rates, and the client side of the Data Traffic

  1. Add an IP Application Node test case to the test session and assign it to a different test server than the Network Host test case.

  2. Enter the first address from the Local Interface pool of the test server in the Starting Client Node IP Address... field.

  3. If you will not be adding static routes, select Next Hop IP Address and enter the Content Gateway's address as the next hop.

  4. In the Data Traffic pane, select Verification from the Data Traffic drop-down list. This selection must always match the Network Host.

  5. Enter the Network Host's IP address (from the Network Host Node Address in the Network Host test case) in the Remote Host Node Address field.

  6. OK the IP Application Node test case.

The test session is complete, and you should save the session... before continuing.

NOTE: Since the two test cases are communicating with each other, the Network Host should always be running when the IP Application Node starts. This could be achieved using Automation Control, but in this scenario predecessors and delay times are not required. The test cases will serially start in the order in which they are displayed in the Test Session window: Network Host and then IP Application Node.

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To add static routes:

In order to use Default Routing in the test cases, specific routes must be defined: one from the Client Nodes to the Content Gateway and one from the Network Host to the Content Gateway.

  1. Add a static route on the IP Application Node test server with the Network Host address as the Destination, a host Mask ( or /32 with IPv4, /128 with IPv6), and the Content Gateway as the Gateway.

  2. On the Network Host test server, add a static route with a Destination address and Mask of the Local Interface address pool on the IP Application Node test server, and the Content Gateway address is the Gateway.

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To execute a data Verification test:

Open the test session... that you configured in the first step if necessary.

Run the test session, and a validation check is performed on the test definition This validation ensures that the IP addresses used by the test case do not conflict with any other test sessions that may be running on the test server, and that the test definition does not violate rate and volume limits. You will also receive an error if you attempt to run the test session on a test server that is already running at capacity or is otherwise unable to accept a test session. See Running a Test Session for more information on handling these types of errors.

Select the Reports tab when it becomes available. The Test Summary tab should show that Client Data Nodes Started is 1. When the other report tabs become available, the Network Host tab will be selected. It appears to the left of the Test Summary because the measurement tabs are in the same order as the test cases.

The Network Host tab reports the Data Traffic measurements for the Network Host test case, and the Data Traffic tab does the same for the IP Application Node test case. Both of these tabs should show that one packet was sent by the Client Node and received by the Network Host, and that 1 packet was sent by the Network Host and received by the Client Node. In addition, the Data Traffic tab should report the success of the verification test (Data Verify Attempts and Data Verify Successes), and that 1 ping was exchanged (Total Pings Sent and Total Ping Replies Received).

Explore the measurements displayed on the tabs. The measurement definitions are located in the Measurement Reference. You can also use the Report View drop-down list to change the report view... Stop the test session when you are ready to continue.

TROUBLESHOOT: If the verification test fails, Client Data Nodes Pending (Test Summary tab) will be 1, as will Data Verify Failures (Data Traffic tab).

The most likely cause for the failure is a connectivity problem.

  • First, verify that the IP addresses used in the test cases are correct.

  • If the IP addresses are valid, look at the packets sent and packets received counters on the Data Traffic and Network Host tabs. Data Traffic will show packets sent but none received. If the Network Host tab shows packets received and sent, the problem lies in the return route from the Network Host to the Client Node. If the Network Host did not receive a packet, the problem lies in the route from the Client Node to the Network Host.

If you made any changes to the test session, save the session. You can also save the test cases... for use in other test sessions.

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To execute a Continuous data test:

Open the verification test session that you successfully executed in the previous step if necessary. Modify the test cases to turn the Verification test into a Continuous test as follows:

  1. Edit... the IP Application Node test case.

  2. On the General tab, select Continuous from the Data Traffic drop-down list. Notice that more parameters are now enabled in the pane, including the Data Message Flow sub-pane.

  3. In a Continuous test, Data Message Flows define the Data Traffic that is generated by the Client Node. This test will use the Basic TCP DMF, which sends a 64-byte TCP packet to the Network Host every second. Add the Basic TCP DMF... from the Basic library to the test case. You can view the DMF definition by clicking View/Edit or double-clicking the DMF name.

  4. OK the test case.

  5. Edit the Network Host test case.

  6. Make the same changes that you made in the IP Application Node test case: select Continuous and add the Basic TCP DMF.

  7. Save the test session, using a different name to preserve the verification session.

Run the test session and view the report tabs. With this test you should see the packet counters incrementing in every interval as the data transactions are processed. The Basic Data counters also report transaction processing. See Data Traffic measurements for a full explanation of these measurements.

Now that you have a functioning Capacity Test, you can build on this foundation with other test activities and with a more complex data model using the many options and data types available. Refer to the topics in Test Options > Data Traffic for more detailed definitions and instructions.

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To add AAA integration:

If you have purchased the AAA application, you can add the functionality of a AAA Server Nodal test case to your test. One or more AAA server SUTs can provide authentication and accounting services for the MNs, including IP address allocation.

  1. Check the AAA box in the Test Activity pane.

  2. If MN IP addresses are assigned by the test or by a DHCP server, you can include the MN's IP address in accounting messages sent to the AAA SUT by checking the Use MN address in Framed IP box in the Mobile Node sub-tab. If MN IP addresses will be obtained from a AAA server, the Framed-IP-Address attribute will be included in accounting messages automatically and this box is disabled.

  3. Define the AAA SUTs, NAS Nodes, and the NAS tab parameters as you would for a AAA Server Nodal test.

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To add DHCP Relay Agent emulation:

You can emulate a DHCP Relay Agent (as described in RFC 3046) using the DHCP Relay Agent pane and the DHCP Relay Agent Node sub-tab in the General tab.

  1. Check the DHCP Enabled checkbox in the Data Traffic pane.

  2. Check the DHCP Relay Agent checkbox in the Test Activity pane.

  3. Enter parameters in the DHCP Relay Agent pane.

  4. Enter parameters in the DHCP Relay Agent Node sub-tab.

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