The GGSN Nodal, IP Application Node, and WiMax Nodal test cases support DHCP client functionality, and can obtain IP addresses for MNs from a DHCP server.
In general, adding a DHCP client to your test consists of the following steps:
If you are performing a GGSN Nodal or WiMax Nodal test, you can add a DHCP Server Node test case to the test session and configure it to supply IP addresses.
If a device in the test network will be providing DHCP services, configure the address pools according to the test requirements:
In a GGSN Nodal or a WiMax Nodal test, configure addresses that will be acceptable to the SUT and ensure that there is network connectivity between the SUT and the DHCP server.
In an IP Application Node test, configure address pools that will allocate addresses matching the Local Interface pool on the test case's test server, and ensure that there is network connectivity between the test server and the DHCP server.
Start with a test session that successfully executes without DHCP if possible.
Edit the test case.
In an IP Application Node test case, set the Starting Client Node IP Address to (IPv4) or FF02::1:2 (IPv6) to indicate DHCP-provisioned addresses.
Check the DHCP Enabled box located in the Data Traffic pane and the Settings... button is enabled.
Click the Settings... button to open the DHCP Settings window.
The Server Port and Client Port default to IPv4 ports. If you are testing with IPv6, the default Server Port is 547 and the default Client Port is 546.
The Client ID... is used by the DHCP server to identify the client's binding. The default value provisions a unique identifier for every MN session. If you modify the default, use an Auto-Increment format.
The User Class List... allows the client to request an address from a specific pool on the server. To add a value to the list, click Add, enter the value in the dialog box, and then click OK. You can change a value by clicking Edit, or remove a value from the list with the Remove button.
If the DHCP Server Node test case will be providing address allocation services for the test, the User Class values are compared to the Pool Identifiers defined in the IP Pool Manager when more than one pool is defined. If a match is not found, an address will not be allocated. Refer to DHCP with IPv4 or DHCP with IPv6 for more information about the methods a server node uses to allocate addresses.
If you are testing with IPv6, enter the client's Enterprise Number...
In an IP Application Node test case, enter the MAC address of one of the test server's physical interfaces in DHCP H/W Address... This allows a DHCP server to communicate with the client nodes before they have been allocated IP addresses.
The basic configuration is complete. OK the DHCP Settings window and the Test Case Settings window.
Run the test session, and you should see the sessions establish just as they did without the DHCP client. The DHCP Client report tab provides message, transaction, and error counters for client operations.
TROUBLESHOOT: If your sessions fail to establish, look for Nak Messages Received, Wait Offer Timeouts, or Wait Ack Timeouts on the DHCP Client report tab. Nak Messages Received indicates that a DHCP server is unable to allocate an address either because the client's request does not contain the correct information or because the server's pools are empty. Offer and Ack timeouts indicate that the server is not responding to the client requests or that there is a connectivity problem between the client or relay agent and the server. If you are using a DHCP server node, Wait Offer Timeouts can indicate that the server node is unable to allocate an address or that it is unable to communicate with the client or relay agent. Check the server node IP Pool Manager report tab for allocation errors. Wait Ack Timeouts indicate connectivity problems with the server node, and Nak Messages Received indicates that the client is improperly responding to an Offer message. |
When your test is running successfully, you can add or modify the client options listed below.
Client Options:
The client will re-transmit requests if Retries... is greater than 0.
The client can request a specific lease time request for an address. Check the Include Lease Time Request... box and enter the number of seconds in Lease Time. This option is ignored by a DHCP server node.
A client can also request additional network configuration information when the Include Parameter Request List... box is checked. Enter a comma-separated list of DHCP option codes in Parameter Request List. Any information received from a DHCP server is ignored, and a DHCP server node will ignore a parameter list.