Select Data Traffic on the General tab in the Test Case Settings window to add bearer plane traffic to a test case. Interface L3-7 becomes available with Data Profile and Data Traffic tabs - Additional details in Data Traffic Tab. This topic will guide you through executing each of the different data test types using simple data models:
Depending on the type of test you are defining, you may also use the following options:
With the Advanced Data feature, you can define complex data models using various application-layer protocols:
Default DMFs are provided for each protocol.
Build a message flow from scratch with the Protocol Wizard.
Convert a captured trace to a message flow with the PDML to DMF Wizard or Importing a PCAP File to DMF
Refine your DMF with Message Flow Controls that define the execution flow of a transaction and allow the DMF to react to events or responses in real-time.
Dynamically alter the content of messages with Auto-Fill Fields that can capture values from messages received and insert them into messages sent and that can provision unique values for each MN in messages sent.
Before you define the traffic, you should have a basic understanding of:
Configuring and executing a test session
Select the data test from the Data Traffic drop-down list. If you have not executed a data test with the current network and SUT configurations, execute a Verification test first to confirm connectivity. If you selected External, configure the test system as instructed in Using an External Data Source. Otherwise, define the Network Host.
TIP: Execute the test case and verify that it performs properly before adding data traffic. |
In most tests, the target data throughput of the test is the determining factor in whether you use a Local or Remote Network Host. Local Network Host nodes and MNs are executed on the same test server and therefore share its memory and processing resources. The number of MN sessions also affects the maximum throughput that is achievable as shown in Data Plane Rates. Select the location that best meets the requirements of your test and then follow the applicable instructions below.
NOTE: In the IPv6 HA Nodal test case, the Correspondent Node emulator provides Network Host functionality. Like a Network Host emulator, the CN emulator can run within the test case or in remote mode by using the IPv6 CN Node test case. |
Local Network Host
Select the Local radio button and the Network Host emulator settings are enabled.
Select a Physical Interface for the node and define the Starting IP Address. If you define more than one node, this address is incremented for each node.
The number of nodes you can define depends on the type of data test:
In a Verification test, you can define 1 node.
In a Continuous test, you can define up to 5 nodes. When you add DMFs to the test, you can assign one or more DMFs to be executed with each node.
Remote Network Host
If you will be using a Network Host test case as a remote host in a Verification or Continuous test:
An MN can communicate with up to 5 Network Hosts. Add one or more Network Host test cases to your test session and configure each.
Assign the test cases to different test servers than the nodal test case. You can assign all of the remote hosts to one test server or a mix of test servers.
Configure one Network Host emulator in each test case.
Define the Number of Source IP Addresses... to coincide with the number of MN data connections, including all primary PDP contexts and auxiliary instances that will be directing traffic towards the remote host.
Select the type of data test supported by the remote host: Continuous or Verification.
In the nodal test case, use the Add and Delete buttons to form a list of the remote host addresses.
If you will be using remote clients in a Power User test:
The IP Application Node test case emulates the clients/peers and can generate traffic towards up to 5 Power User MNs. Add the number of test cases required for the number of Power Users to your test session and configure each.
Assign all test cases to the same test server but to a different test server than the nodal test case.
Set Number of Mobile Nodes to the number of peers per Power User multiplied by either 5 or the number of Power User MNs, whichever is less.
Set the Starting Client Node IP Address. If you are using more than one test case, be sure that all client addresses are contiguous since the nodal test case will be expecting the clients to have a block of consecutive addresses.
Select the Continuous data test type.
Use the Add and Delete buttons to form a list of the Power User addresses in each test case. From the perspective of the IP Application Node test case, each Power User MN is a remote Network Host.
In the Power User test case, set Starting Destination Mobile Node Address to the lowest Starting Client Node IP Address from your client test cases.
Whenever you use a test case as a remote client or server, use Automation Control to ensure that the test case that emulates the server side is running before the test case that emulates the client side starts and that the server side stops after the client side stops. In a Power User test, it may be necessary or desirable to add a delay time to the step that starts the client side in order to allow sufficient time for the Power User MN data connections to be fully established.
In a Verification test, you can define when the PING is sent:
In a Continuous test, you can define when traffic begins in each MN session, whether the MN sessions are disconnected when data traffic ceases, control fragmentation, and you can optionally use error injection or perform a Verification test:
Since a nodal test case does not initiate traffic in a Power User test, Traffic Start and Data Start Delay determine when a Power User MN will be ready to respond to traffic. Perform Verification and Auto Stop Control Layer are not applicable in a Power User test.
Click the Add button and select whether to add a New or Existing DMF or Lite DMF. If you choose New, a blank Data Message Flow / Lite Data Message Flow window opens where you can define the message flow. If you choose Existing, the Select Data Message Flow window opens. Select the DMF and click Select to add it to the test case.
You can modify a DMF by double-clicking it or by first selecting it and then clicking View/Edit. Select a DMF and click Remove to remove it from the test case. Removing a DMF does not delete it from the library.
IMPORTANT: You can include up to 128 DMFs in a test case, which will simultaneously execute when data traffic begins. If you use multiple DMFs, keep the following rules in mind:
To map DMFs to hosts and MN connections:
If your test meets any of the following conditions, click the Instances and Assignments... button and define the relationships between DMFs, hosts, and MN connections following the guidelines in the Data Traffic Tab topic.
Multiple Network Hosts
Multiple MN connections (CDMA auxiliary service instances or GPRS PDP contexts)
Multiple DMFs with common client ports
Power User test (see Role)
To define Traffic Flow Templates:
A TFT is required for every MN data connection in a CDMA2000, GPRS, or UMTS test. By default, the test will automatically generate valid TFTs based on the test configuration. You can clear the Auto Generated TFTs checkbox and manually define a valid or invalid packet filter for each connection with the TFT Settings.
The TS executes all instances of DMFs on each UE, the specific running DMF instance is called a Flow. The TS will limit the total number of DMF Flows by license, grouped by the DMF Type. These are applied per TS-Process, regardless of how many processes are on the TS, each one will allow the license limit. . Additional details here - Data Traffic Tab