About the Data Message Flow Window

Use the Data Message Flow window to create and edit message flows when you include Data Traffic in a test. The availability of parameters and options depends on the Data Protocol selected. A parameter may be disabled because it is not applicable to the selected protocol, or because the protocol will only accept one value. In the POP3 example shown below, for example, Underlying Protocol is disabled because POP3 only runs over TCP.

The window displays two main tabs: the General tab and the Sequencing tab.

NOTE: The TLS tab is available only when Data protocol is https or cust and Underlying Layer is TLS.
  • The Timing tab is available only for Advanced Data Protocols.
  • The Timing tab is not available for editing or viewing, if you have opened any messages for editing on the Sequences tab


NOTES: You may save the GUI settings as a Tcl file:
  • Click the Save to File button to save as Tcl file.

Message Flow Controls

The Advanced Data feature gives you the ability to use flow controls to design the data packets that are sent during the test and order them in a sequence of steps. These steps can be executable commands that send messages from the MN (client) or the Network Host node (server). Additional controls are provided that you can use to repeat a group of commands, control subflow execution, or generate and handle events.

You can change the order of the flow controls by selecting the control's button and dragging the control up or down or by using the context menu. In the POP3 example above, step 2 is selected. You can also copy one command or the entire flow sequence to your clipboard and append the contents of your clipboard to the end of a sequence, insert the contents between steps, or replace the entire sequence. Right-click a step number to access the context menu for flow controls. Right-click in an empty portion of the sequence pane to copy the sequence, replace the sequence, or add to the sequence. 

You can display the flow sequences of DMFs, including Commands, Sends, Waits, Subflow Starts, and transaction loops by clicking the Display Sequence button.