Defining a Message

With the Advanced Data feature, you can define the content of the messages sent by a Data Message Flow using the Message Editor window... When you use one of the pre-defined Data Protocols, you define the message payload. When you use the custom protocol, you define both the protocol header and payload in the message.

IMPORTANT: The test does not validate the headers and content, other than the optional verification by the receiving end. As far as the test is concerned, the successful delivery of a message is a successful transaction, regardless of whether an identical message would be recognized as valid by a "real" client or server.

Data header definition does become important, however, if there is a device in the data path between the MN and the Network Host that inspects packets for content billing or filtering. In this case, header integrity and validity may be required in order for the packet to be accepted and forwarded to its destination.

In general, defining a message consists of the following steps:

TIP: Rather than defining a message from scratch, start with one of the default DMFs and modify it to suit your purpose.

Learn the basics:

Before you define a message, you should have a basic understanding of:

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To open the Message Editor window:

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To define the message content:

The data protocol and type of message determine which method you will use to define the message: literal message content defined on the Hex-Ascii or Text Editor sub-tabs with or without dynamic values, filler data consisting of padded bytes or the contents of a file, or both.

With the Text Editor, you can enter the message content as you would in any text editing program. When you start a new line, the LF code is inserted automatically.

On the Hex-Ascii tab, you can add bytes to the message and define their values. The bytes are displayed in a row/bit position grid, and the ASCII translation of each row is displayed to the right of the grid.

With either of the editing sub-tabs, you can use these methods to define the content:

NOTE: On both the HEX/ASCII and Text Editor tabs, there is a "All CRLF" button (and a right-click option), that will reformat all solo "CR" or "LF" to "CRLF".

NOTE: The portion of the message defined on the editing sub-tabs, excluding Filler Data but including bytes inserted by Auto-Fill Fields, is limited to 1500 bytes. If you attempt to import or paste a larger message, only the first 1500 bytes (1500 ASCII characters or 3000 hex characters) will be inserted.

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To use Filler Data:

  1. Select either the Automatic or Test Data File radio button in the Filler Data pane. Automatic filler pads the message with the character "Z" for the specified number of bytes. Test Data File inserts the contents of a file in the message.

  2. Enter the starting byte number in Content Start. Enter 0 to insert the filler at the beginning of the message, for example. The byte that you define is highlighted in the Hex-Ascii sub-tab. If there is any literal content defined on the editing sub-tabs at or after the starting byte, it will be appended to the filler.

  3. If you chose Automatic, enter the total number of bytes for the message in Content Size. The difference between Content Size and the number of bytes defined on the editing sub-tabs determines the number of padding bytes added to the message.

  4. If you chose Test Data File, the file that you will use must first be imported into your system (see Managing Test Data Files for instructions).

    1. Click the Select... button and the Select Test Data File window opens.

    2. Select the Library section from the drop-down list.

    3. Select the data file from the File drop-down list and click OK. The file name is displayed next to the Select... button.

  5. If you have defined header fields in the editing sub-tabs and the total message size will be larger than the Segment Size, you can include the headers in every packet by checking Include All Data Before Content Start As Header In Every Segment.

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To enable verification:

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To set a delay time:

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