Auto-Fill Fields

When you define a message in a DMF or a Lite DMF, you can insert fields that will supply dynamic values for the message when it is generated during a test. The information that is inserted with a field can be drawn from the IP header, from messages received, or from values generated by or defined in the test case. You can also capture values from a received message and use them to provision the port used in a DMF (subflow) OR Lite DMF or to calculate other values that can be inserted into a subsequent message. Values can be represented in text or binary formats as appropriate.

In the example shown, three different types of values generated by the test are inserted in the message. Each value will be inserted at the byte offset specified, and each will use the selected format. You can Add and Remove rows.

See About the Message Editor Window for more information about field placement and the user interface.

This topic describes the different types of fields available, how they can be used, and how they are defined, including practical examples. The topics listed under Related Parameters cover the other settings used to define messages and DMFs. The topics listed under Related Topics provide more information about message definition and about tools that can help you build a DMF.

Field Types

Many different types of information can be inserted into or extracted from messages with the following fields.

NOTE: When a field generically indicates an endpoint, such as source or destination, the entity referenced by the field is relative to the message's sender and receiver. Fields that insert information act from the perspective of the message's sender, while fields that extract information act from the perspective of the message's receiver. In a message sent by the client, for example, one field can insert the value of the subflow's Client Port (the sender's source port) and another field can capture the inserted value by using a field that extracts the subflow's destination port (the client's port is the destination of the server's subflow).

IP Header Values

You can insert values from the packet's IP header with the following fields:

NOTE: In this context, the terms source and destination refer to the sender or recipient of the message. If the packet is sent by the MN, the MN is the source. If the packet is sent by the Network Host, the host is the source.

Test Case Values

Information generated by the test case provides zero-based counters and identifiers at the session, DMF, and subflow levels:

Copy/paste Buffers

Paste Buffers can be configured and initialized on the Sequence Tab for Advanced Data DMFs or Paste Buffers Tab for Lite DMFs

You can capture any value from one message and insert those bytes into any subsequent messages with the Copy Buffer and Paste Buffer fields. Place a Copy Buffer in a defined message to capture the actual value contained in the message when it is received. Place the corresponding Paste Buffer in any subsequent messages to insert the captured value into the message before it is sent. If a DMF contains subflows, the same Paste Buffer can be used to insert values in the mainflow and any associated subflows.

Ten field types, Copy Buffer 1 through Copy Buffer 10, allow you to capture bytes from a received message. You can specify the bytes to capture in one of two ways:


Subflow Ports

You can capture a port value and use it to provision the defined port for a subflow. With these fields, a Search Pattern must be used to find the port value in the message.


  • In order to dynamically provision either the client or server port, the port number must be defined as 0 in the subflow. If a specific port is defined in the subflow, that port will be used rather than the extracted value.

  • If the test case will be executing multiple DMFs, make sure that the port provisioning will not violate the rules governing client and server port assignments.

You can also paste a subflow's Client Port or Server Port into a message, allowing you to configure messages that dynamically change based on the subflow's actual ports.

Time Stamps

You can insert the time a message is sent the source's local time into a message and extract the time stamp at the destination.

These fields are required to measure one-way latency, measured from the time a message is sent until it is received, between the source and the destination. A Remote Host and two DMFs are required to calculate one-way latency. One side uses Insert Local Time to include a time stamp in a message, and the other side uses Extract Remote Time to capture the time stamp from that message. You can measure one-way latency from the MN/MS to the Network Host and from the Network Host to the MN/MS with the same pair of DMFs.

NOTE: The 8-bit binary format does not allow space for enough information to reliably calculate latency. A minimum of 64 bits should be used to configure Insert and Extract time parameter. The delay calculations will not be accurate without both Insert and Extract time parameters.

Related Measurements

NOTE: The latency measurements are shown in the One Way Delay counters in the L5-7 Client | Advanced and L5-7 Server | Advanced tabs.

Per-Flow CDR Validation Values

When your test includes Per-Flow CDR Validation, you can capture a value from a message that will be included in the LDRs and compared to values in classification templates.

IMS Fields and HTTP

If you have enabled authentication for an IMS Security test, you can use the following fields to capture and insert authentication credentials and keying material. See Building an IMS AKA DMF for more information on how to use these fields.

During the registration process an IPSec connection is established and the client and server must identify the SPIs that are associated with the IPSec SAs. The following fields can be used to provision the Peer SPI for the IPSec tunnel or to insert the provisioned Source SPI into a message. A set of fields is provided for each of the sixteen possible IPSec tunnels.

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Field Formats

Values can be generated or captured in text or binary formats. In some cases, you can choose the number of bits used in a binary format. If the length is not specified, the length of the field will be the number of bits required for the value. The table below shows the formats that are available for the different field types.


  • When you use a fixed-length binary format, ensure that the length can accommodate the largest possible value that will be generated during the test.

  • The Format does not automatically change when you change the field Type unless you click on the format list. You will receive a validation error if the message contains an invalid type/format combination.


Binary Formats









Source IP Address







Dest IP Address







Source Port







Dest Port







Domain Name


















Cert Insert


Signed Start / Signed End


URL Encode Start / URL Encode End


Session Offset




Transaction Count




Message Count




DMF Row Count




Copy Buffer n


Paste Buffer n



Insert Subflow n Src Port







Extract Subflow n Src Port







Insert Subflow n Dest Port







Extract Subflow n Dest Port







Insert Local Time



Extract Remote Time





Extract Source Billing Reference




Extract Dest Billing Reference




Extract RAND







Insert Digest







Insert Host URI







Insert Basic Credentials







Insert RAND







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The Offset setting determines the starting byte of a field operation. A field that captures information uses Offset to target the starting byte of the capture or the starting point of a search when a Search Pattern is used. A field that inserts information uses Offset to determine where the information is placed. If you enter a 0 offset, for example, the information is inserted or copied beginning with the first byte in the message.

NOTE: You may sort the Auto-fill fields in the Message Editor Window based on the Offset Column.

The Message Editor window provides several ways to help you determine the correct Offset for a field. See About the Message Editor Window for more information about field placement.


  • Offset positions are based on the literal portion of the message, as displayed on the Hex-Ascii tab, without regard to any content that may be inserted by another field.

  • Values can only be inserted into the literal portion of the message, excluding the range of bytes that are verified by the receiving end, and cannot be inserted into the portion of the message containing Filler Data.

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Command/Search Pattern

When you capture information from a received message, you can define search criteria to find information of variable length or location. In this case, the Format setting is ignored since the format is defined within the criteria and Offset specifies the starting point for the search. The message is searched using the criteria that you define in Command/Search Pattern and when a match is found, the number of characters or bytes specified is copied. You can literally specify the number of bytes or define a second search pattern to terminate the capture. If a match is not found, either the default value defined for the Paste Buffer is used or a dynamic port is assigned to the subflow depending on the type of field performing the search.

The search criteria is made up of three parameters: the starting pattern, the length and format of the information to capture, and the ending pattern. Up to 32 characters can be used in the Search Pattern. Double-click the field to enter or edit the criteria.

Syntax: <starting pattern>%[n]f[ending pattern]


s = ASCII characters (A— Z, a— z, 0— 9, @, _)
= Decimal characters (0— 9)
= Hexadecimal characters (0— 9, A— F, a— f)
= Raw binary byte (0x0— 0xff)


  • Most displayable characters that do not meet the definition of the ASCII format above, "/," or blank spaces for example, can be used as text in the pattern definition but will only be included in a capture if the format is binary (b).

  • The capture will terminate when a byte that does not match the defined value format is encountered.

  • Offset must be less than or equal to the actual location of search pattern.

Search Criteria Examples

Find a session identifier containing a variable number of digits.

Find a padded, fixed-length 10-digit identifier that does not occur in a fixed location.

Find the client port number to be assigned to a subflow.

Find a variable-length value embedded in a tag.

Modifying Inserted Auto-Fill Items

For some inserted Auto-Fill items, you can modify the inserted item using certain operations. The Auto-Fill items to which this applies include the following:

The available operators are as follows:

The syntax is as follows:


NOTE: The format in the Command will override the format selected in the Format Field.

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RTSP Examples

The following examples show you how to use fields to capture and use identifiers that are received from an application server and how to design messages and DMFs that react to changes that you make to the DMF's configuration.

Capturing an RTSP Session ID

When you test with a "real" application server rather than a Network Host, requests sent to the server must include the Session ID established by the server and transmitted to the client in the SETUP response. It is not necessary to fully define every response message in your DMF since the server will be generating the messages but enough content must be defined to verify the message and to provide the framework to place a Copy Buffer.  The default RTSP TCP DMF is used to illustrate this example.

  1. Initialize a buffer —

    1. Click the Paste Buffer Configuration button and open the Buffer Fields window.

    2. Set the Name of the first buffer to sessionID or something similar.

    3. Set the Size to 8 so that it can accommodate the ID length.

    4. Set the Initial Value to 00000000 or some other value that will indicate that the session ID is not correct.

  2. Capture the session ID — The ID is contained in the first RTSP message received from the server (the response message in Step 1 of the DMF):

RTSP/1.0 200 OK

In this DMF, the sequence number will always be a fixed length (3 digits) since it is defined by the client, and therefore the session ID will be in a fixed location. The length of the ID may vary, however.

  1. Edit the response message and select the Text Editor sub-tab.

  2. Select the entire session ID value, right-click, and select Add Auto-Fill from the context menu as shown in the example. A new field, with the correct Offset, is added to the grid.

  3. In the grid, set the field's Type to Copy_sessionID and set the Format to ASCII/String. Since the ID is text-based and "\r\n" immediately follows the ID value, the digits, beginning with byte 35, will be captured until a non-alphanumeric byte is reached (\r or 0x0d in this example).

  1. Insert the captured session ID — Insert the captured ID in the remaining client requests (Steps 2 and 3).

  1. Edit the PLAY request in Step 2 and select the Text Editor sub-tab.

  2. Replace the session ID with a field as you did when you placed the Copy Buffer.

  3. Set the new field's Type to Paste_sessionID and set the Format to Binary since the ID length is variable.

  4. Select the Auto-Fill Viewer sub-tab to check the field placement.

  5. Repeat these steps with the TEARDOWN request in Step 3.

When you execute your test, the DMF can correctly respond with the different session IDs the server will assign for every transaction.

Changing Subflow Ports

In the initial RTSP request, the client informs the server of a range of ports that it is willing to use for the content TCP connection — the subflow in this case. The server responds with the range of ports that it may use to establish the connection. You can structure your messages to react to changes that you make to the subflow's Client Port, and you can structure the subflow to accept any Server Port. The customized RTSP TCP DMF from the previous example will be used in this example.

  1. Insert the subflow Client Port — The client port range is specified in the request message in step 1 of the DMF.

    1. Edit the request message and replace the first client port with an Insert Subflow 1 Source Port field using the default Format. The value of the subflow's Client Port will be inserted into the message when you run the test and will change whenever you modify the subflow.

    2. Set the upper range (4901 in this example) to a value that will accommodate the upper range of ports you may be using. You can edit the message or initialize a Paste Buffer to provide the value as shown in the example.

  2. Configure the subflow server port

    1. Edit the subflow DMF.

    2. Set the Server Port to 0. This allows the test to accept any port the server chooses to use.

Your DMF can now react to port changes that you make and it can correctly respond to port selections made by the server.

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