When you define a test case, the mandatory RADIUS or Diameter attributes that are included in the various messages are defined in the test case parameters. The optional attributes required by the vendor, Diameter application, or network configuration are defined in the Vendor Specific Attribute Configuration or AVP Configuration on the NAS, DCCA, or AAA tab of the test case. Alternatively, you can provision RADIUS VSAs using a Test Data File.
Some of the mandatory RADIUS attributes are provisioned by the test system based on the message type or information received in another message. The user-configurable mandatory attributes are defined by the following parameters:
Acct-Session-ID is defined by Starting Accounting ID.
NAS-Identifier is defined by NAS Identifier.
NAS-IP-Address can be provisioned with NAS Node Address when you include it using the checkboxes in the Authentication and Accounting panes. Rather than using the node's IP address, you can add this attribute to your VSA configuration and provision it with a different static or incrementing IP address.
User-Name is identified by User Name.
User-Password and CHAP-Password (Access Request messages only) are defined by Password.
When CoA support is enabled in the AAA Server Node test case, the following attributes are included in CoA Requests. You can provision up to 30 VSAs for CoA Requests triggered by an Access Request and up to 6 VSAs for CoA Requests triggered by an Accounting Request.
Some of the mandatory Diameter attributes — Session-Id, Accounting-Record-Number, CHAP-Challenge and command and record types, for example — are provisioned by the test system. The user-configurable mandatory attributes are defined by the following parameters.
Application-Id, Auth-Application-Id and Acct-Application-Id are defined by Application ID.
Destination-Host and Destination-Realm are uniquely defined for each SUT by Host and Realm (on Network Devices tab)
Host-IP-Address is defined by emulated node's IP address.
Origin-Host and Origin-Realm are defined by Origin Host and Origin Realm.
Product-Name is defined by Product Name.
Vendor-Id is defined by Vendor ID.
User-Name is defined by User Name.
Password defines User-Password when PAP authentication is used, and contributes to CHAP-Auth when CHAP authentication is used.
Service-Context-Id is defined by Service Context ID.
Attributes that comprise the Multiple-Services-Credit-Control grouped AVP are defined on the MSCC sub-tabs in both the DCCA Nodal and DCCA Node test cases.
Subscription-Id is defined with Include MSISDN and Include IMSI.
User-Name is defined by User Name.
CC-Session-Failover and Credit-Control-Failure-Handling AVPs are defined by Failover and CCF-Handling in the DCCA Node test case.
You can configure a list of optional attributes that will be used in the test, either by creating new attributes or by creating attributes from the templates in the library. You can also extend the Template Library by adding new attribute templates.
Before you configure the attribute list, you should be familiar with:
The attributes required by the SUT.
The values and formats for the attributes you will be using. Definitions for the attributes provided in the Basic VSA Template Library can be found in the referenced RADIUS, 3GPP, and 3GPP2 specifications. Definitions for Diameter attributes can be found in the referenced Diameter specifications.
The windows you will be using.
To open the VSA/AVP Configuration window:
Click the View/Edit button and the VSA/AVP Configuration window opens. If a configuration has already been defined, the attributes are displayed in the grid.
Click Only Show VSAs/AVPs included in message to filter VSAs/AVPs by message type. Default shows all VSAs/AVPs in the messages without any filtering. You may pick one message type, and see only the AVPs/VSAs that apply to the select message type.
NOTE: When in filtered mode, you cannot delete or move any AVPs/VSAs, but you can still Add, Edit, and Save them as Templates. |
Click the Add... button at the bottom of the configuration window, and select New to create a new attribute or From Template to add an attribute from the library. The order of the attributes is not important unless an attribute requires that multiple uses be ordered in a certain way.
If you select New, the editing window opens where you can define the attribute.
If you select From Template, the Saved Templates window opens and displays the templates in the selected library. Use the Vendor and Library drop-down lists to navigate to a library section, select the attribute template, and click OK. The attribute is added to the list, and its default definition is displayed in the grid.
TIP: You can also use the Saved Templates window to manage your library. When you select a template, you can delete it with the Delete button if your account has sufficient permissions. Use the Vendors... button to manage the vendor list. |
Once an attribute has been added to the list, you can edit the attribute and change the value that is used for this test or remove the attribute. When you are finished adding attributes, save the configuration.
NOTE: Attributes in the list that were added from library templates do not retain any relationship with the templates in the library — they were created from the templates. Any changes that you make to an attribute do not affect the original template unless you save the definition to a template and overwrite the original. Likewise, a change to a template does not affect any attributes created from that template. You can delete a template from the library, and the attributes created from it will remain valid attributes in their respective test case configurations. |
Click Add QuickList to add the selected VSA/AVP to the QuickList. This button is available only when you select one or more AVPs/VSAs from the grid.
Click Display QuickList to open the QuickList window, which is populated with VSAs/AVPs in the order you added.
You can use any of these methods to open an attribute definition for editing. The definition is displayed in the editing window.
Right-click the attribute and select Edit from the drop-down menu
Select the attribute and click the Edit button
Double-click the attribute.
To define an attribute template:
Use the Edit VSA window or Edit AVP window to define a new attribute template or modify the definition of an existing template.
Select the associated Vendor... from the drop-down list. You can add a new vendor with the Vendor... button.
Define the parameters that provision the message fields:
Hashing... (RADIUS)
AVP Flags... (Diameter)
Only in these message instances... (DCCA Server Node only)
Select the messages... that will include the attribute.
When you are finished, you can click OK to accept the definition and return to the configuration window or click Save Template to save the definition to the library as a template. You can also Cancel the changes or the new attribute.
If you are adding a new attribute, it is now displayed in the list.
Right-click the attribute and select Remove from the drop-down menu, or select the attribute and click the Remove button. The attribute is removed from the list, and if the vendor tab is empty, it is also removed. The change is not committed, however, until you save the configuration.
When you have defined a new attribute, you can save it and create a new template in the library. The template can then be used to create attributes in other test cases. You can also update an existing template in the Global library by overwriting it.
You can save a template from either the editing or configuration window.
Save a template from the editing window with the Save Template button.
Save a template from an attribute in the configuration window by right-clicking the attribute and selecting Save from the drop-down menu, or by selecting the attribute and clicking the Save button.
A dialog box opens and prompts for the template's file Name. When you add a new attribute, the attribute's Name is provisioned by default, and you can edit the file name as needed. You can only save templates in the Global section of the library.
Click OK, and the template is saved to the library and associated with the selected Vendor. If a template of the same name exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite the existing template.
To save an attribute configuration:
The definitions for all of the attributes displayed in the configuration window are embedded in and saved with the test case. The attributes are treated like the test case parameter settings in that you can change a local test case's attribute configuration when you use it in a test session and save those changes with the session without affecting the original test case saved in the library.
When you have finished defining the test case, you can:
Save the attribute configuration in the Test Case Library by saving the test case.
— or —
Save the attribute configuration as part of a local test case definition by saving the test session.