About Optional Message Attributes

The AAA and DCCA test cases give you total control over the optional RADIUS, Diameter, vendor-specific, and application-specific attributes that are included in the various messages. In addition to the attributes defined on the tabs of a test case, you can configure and explicitly define the optional attributes required by your SUT.

Attribute Template Libraries

Each attribute is saved in a separate template that provisions the attribute fields and defines when the attribute is included in a message. Templates are grouped by vendor, and the attributes provided with the test system are in the Basic section of the library. User-defined or customized attribute templates are saved in the Global section of the library, and can be exported from one test system and imported on another.

The Basic VSA Template Library contains RADIUS and RADIUS Accounting attributes and VSA extended attributes for 3GPP and 3GPP2 as defined in the following specifications:

The Basic AVP Template Library contains Diameter Base, NASREQ, and Credit Control attributes as defined in the following specifications:

You can extend your library by defining new RADIUS, Diameter Base, or Diameter application attributes within the existing vendor classes, and by adding new vendors and defining the extended attributes required by the vendors' implementations.

Using Optional Attributes

When you configure a test, you can add any combination of attributes from the library and use them as defined or modify them in the test case. When you add an attribute to a test case, the definition is embedded in, and saved with, the test case. No relationship is maintained with the original Template.

Related Topics

  1. About Diameter Testing
  2. About RADIUS Testing
  3. About the AAA Applications
  4. The AAA Server Nodal Test Case
  5. The AAA Server Node Test Case