These parameters are accessible by clicking the Settings... button in the Test Activity pane when a handoff test is selected from the Test Activity drop-down list. When you select a handoff test, an additional tab may be added to the test case that allows you to define the control protocol used with the handoff node or SUT.
NOTE: Emulated nodes that service handoff sessions are defined on the Network Devices tab. NOTE: Mobility test handoff rates may not be able to reach or sustain the maximum activation rate allowed for Capacity tests. |
Handoff Tests |
Handoff Rate Tests |
Measurements collected for all handoff tests are reported on the Test Summary tab. Additional measurements for handoff rate tests are reported on the Rate Test tab.
The number of milliseconds to wait, after mobility events have been started, before initiating the first handoff. If handoffs begin When All Sessions Started, the delay timer starts when the final session is started; otherwise, the delay is applied to each session as it is started.
When Continuous Handoff is selected, the delay timer is also used as a handoff timer. The session is maintained on the device until the timer expires, and then handed off.
NOTE: When you select Continuous Handoff in the Returning Home test activity, the delay timer only applies to the initial handoff. |
Range: 1000 — 100,000,000
Default: 10000
Tcl Parameter: MobilityTimeMs
When you check the Session Start Retries box, the test will continue to attempt to re-connect any sessions that failed. The test first attempts to start all of the sessions defined for the test and then retries failed sessions. A session failure includes any failure to reach the established state and any failure after the session is established. Error counters are incremented for each session failure.
NOTE: When Start Retries is enabled and any sessions fail to be initially established, the test case remains in the Started state. Any Automation Control steps that depend on the test case reaching the Running state will not be executed, nor will any test events that use a When All Sessions Established trigger such as Traffic Start or Handoff Start Type. |
When you clear the checkbox, the test attempts to start all of the sessions defined for the test and will only retry failed sessions as defined in the control protocol retries. After all sessions have been attempted, the test case advances to the Running state regardless of whether all sessions were successfully established.
Tcl Parameter: SessionRetries
Use the radio buttons to specify when handoffs should begin.
When All Sessions Started — Handoffs begin after the final MN session is started and the delay time has expired. This is the only option available in a handoff rate test. When Session Start Retries is enabled, handoffs will only begin if all sessions are successfully started.
When Session Started— Each session is started and then handed off as the session's delay time expires.
Default: When All Sessions Started
If you select When All Sessions Started, you can define a rate for the handoffs and apply a distribution model to that rate.
Mobility Rate — The rate, in sessions per second, that the sessions will be handed off. You can change the rate while the test is running. The maximum Mobility Rate matches Mobile Subscribers Activation Rate, which derives its maximum from your licensed value.
Range: 0.001 — Variable1
Default: 1
1 Maximum rates, number of sessions, and number of emulated nodes vary depending on the test configuration and the test system's licensed capacity.
Mobility Rate Interval Distribution — Apply a distribution model to the Mobility Rate.
Tcl Parameter: StartType
Use the radio buttons to specify the number of handoffs that will be performed for each session.
Single Handoff — Each session is handed off once and then maintained on the handoff node or SUT.
Continuous Handoff — Each session is continuously handed off with the handoffs spaced by the delay time.
Default: Single Handoff
Tcl Parameter: MobilityMode
Applies to Inter Technology Mobility, Inter-AMF, and Intra-AMF test activity Settings.
When All UEs Registered - 0 (default) - Send PDU request only after all UEs have registered
When UE Registered - Send PDU request immediately after each UE has registered
Tcl Parameter: PduInitType
Applies to Dual Connectivity test activity Settings. Select for gNB Triggered PDU Session Modification based on Data consumption.
The usage scenario of the "Mobility Delay Timer" in the scenario of data consumption triggering is different from the original scenario.
Mobility Delay Timer will be used when configured Continuous Handoff. When all UEs/UE (depends on "When all Sessions Started" or "When Session Started") handoff to the target side, will start the activity timer with the value of Mobility Delay Timer to trigger the handoff from the target side to the source side.
In other words, in the testing scenario of Continuous Handoff, the modification triggered by data consumption only applies to the source side to the target side, and the scenario from the target side to the source side will need Mobility Delay Timer to trigger it.
Enter the Data Volume Threshold. Range : 1 to 1000, Default : 10
Select the Data Volume Threshold unit. Options : KB, MB, GB Default : MB
Tcl Parameter: TrigPduResModByDataEn
Tcl Parameter: TrigPduResModVolThresh
Tcl Parameter: TrigPduResModVolThreshUnit
Applies to Intra-CU Mobility, Intra-DU Mobility test activity Settings.
Select the Cause - Options : Handoff Failure (default), Other Failure
1. For inter- gNB-DU RRC Connection Re-establishment, messages 8 and 9 in the following figure are added by this feature. This is to comply with the O-RAN.WG5.C.1 spec.
2. When the "Ues RRC Reestablishment" box is checked for "Intra-DU Mobility", RRC Reestablishment message, instead of Measurement Report, is triggered for Intra-DU handover. The message flow is shown in the figure above.
3. When the "RRC Reestablishment Procedure" checkbox under the "AS-5G|RRC" tab is checked for "Intra-CU Mobility" test activity. RRC Reestablishment is triggered by the target gNB-DU as shown in the following figure.
Tcl Parameter: RrcReestabEn
In the CDMA2000 End-to-End test case, the Inter-PDSN handoff test performs handoffs between two PDSN-FA SUTs. Use the drop-down list to select the SUT that will receive the handoffs.
Enter the port used on the handoff FA in FA #2 Port Number.
Use the checkbox to enable fast handoff support. In a fast handoff, the MN's PPP session is maintained throughout the handoff.
Use the checkbox to include an Active Start Airlink record in all handoff registration requests. When the box is cleared, dormant sessions will remain dormant.
In Mobile IP test cases and in the PDG Micro-Mobility test case, you can define the addresses and subnet that will be used for the handoff addresses in a Mobile Node Mobility test.
Co-Located Care of Address #2 is used in the IPv4 HA Nodal test case.
Local Mobile Address #2 is used in the CDMA/WiFi Convergence test case.
Starting Care of Address #2 is used in the IPv6 HA Nodal test case.
Starting Client IP Address #2 is used in the PDG Micro-Mobility test case.
Format: (IPv4) or 0::0/0 (IPv6)
Default: N/A
IMPORTANT: The following rules apply to provisioning addresses for mobility handoffs:
In PGW Nodal testing, the SGW Relocation test activity allows you to test Inter-PDSN handoff. SGW Relocation also allows you to configure Target SGW User Node and Target SGW Control Node.
In a UMTS Iu-PS interface test, you can use this checkbox to trigger the Serving Radio Network System (SRNS) relocation procedure and simulate handoffs between RNCs in different radio systems. In this scenario, PDP context information is sent from the source RNC to the SGSN, which relays the information to the target RNC.
In a UMTS Gb interface test, you can use this checkbox to trigger an inter-BSS or Gb-Iu handoff initiated by the SGSN.
In a MME Nodal test case with I2 Inetrafce , you can use this checkbox to resume PS service after call is terminated (single Handoff).
Use the radio buttons to define the type and length of the handoff run that will be executed in a handoff rate test.
By Time — The handoff run will execute for the number of seconds you enter.
Range: 1 — 86,400
Default: 10
By Block — The handoff run will execute for the number of sessions you enter.
Range: 1 — 100,000
Default: 10
Default: By block
The number of seconds to wait before checking the error threshold and, if necessary, adjusting the Mobility Rate in a handoff rate test.
Range: 60 — 1000
Default: 60
The percentage by which the Mobility Rate is decreased if the error threshold is exceeded in a handoff rate test.
Range: 1 — 100
Default: 10
The error threshold used to determine whether the Mobility Rate is adjusted in a handoff rate test. It represents the percent of sessions that have encountered errors during the handoff run.
If the actual error percentage equals or exceeds this threshold, the sessions are handed back to the originating device, the rate is decreased by the Back Off Rate , and the run is repeated.
Range: 0 — 99
Default: 1