The values on the RANAP tab report the processing measurements for the RANAP layer in a UMTS test case and HNB test case.
In the default view, the Reports tab displays the Summary view, which summarizes the measurements for the test session. If your test includes multiple test cases, you can view the report for a single test case by changing the report view...
Unless otherwise noted, cumulative values report the number of occurrences or rates calculated since the start of the test, and per-interval values report the number of occurrences or rates calculated during the interval. You can view either by changing the measurement values...
Elapsed Time is the first measurement on every tab. It reports the amount of time between the start of the test and the end of the report interval.
Test Iteration reports the current iteration in a repeating test session. It is only displayed when a Number of Iterations is defined for the test session.
The following measurements record the RANAP messages and actions related to MN/UE Iu signalling connections and RABs.
Init UE Messages — The number of Initial UE Messages sent to the SGSN, requesting an Iu connection for an MN.
Security Mode Commands — The number of Security Mode Command messages received from the SGSN, informing the RNC of the ciphering and integrity protection algorithms that it may use.
Security Mode Rejects — The number of Security Mode Reject messages sent to the SGSN, indicating that the RNC cannot support the algorithms specified in the Security Mode Command message.
RAB Release Commands — The number of RAB Assignment Request messages received from the SGSN, directing the RNC to release a RAB.
RAB Assignment Releases — The number of RABs released by the RNCs in response to a RAB Assignment Request from the SGSN.
IU Release Commands — The number of Iu Release Command messages received from the SGSN, directing the RNC to release an MN's Iu connection and any active RABs associated with the MN. This measurement also records Iu Release Requests sent from the RNC, notifying the SGSN that the RNC is releasing the MN's connection.
IU Release Completions — The number of Iu Release Complete messages sent to the SGSN after successful Iu releases.
RAB Modify Requests — The number of RAB Modify Request messages sent to the SGSN, requesting that one or more RABs be modified.
RAB Release Requests — The number of RAB Release Request messages sent to the SGSN, requesting that a RAB be released.
Paging Counts — The number of Paging messages received from the SGSN, indicating that the SGSN has received data for an MN and that the an Iu connection should be established in order for the MN to receive the data.
CN Traces Invoked — The number of CN Invoke Trace messages received from the SGSN, requesting that the RNC begin a trace session for the referenced MN.
CN Trace Deactivated — The number of CN Deactivate Trace messages received from the SGSN, stopping a trace that was activated with a CN Invoke Trace message.
RAB Assignment Requests — The number of RAB Assignment Request messages received from the SGSN, requesting that a RAB be established for a PDP context.
RAB Assignment Responses — The number of RAB Assignment Response messages sent to the SGSN in response to RAB Assignment Requests.
The following measurements record the Routing Area Update messages exchanged during MN handoffs between RNCs during a Mobility or Session Loading with Mobility test.
SRNS Context Requests — The number of SRNS Context Request messages received by the source RNC, requesting that the PDP contexts of the referenced RABs be transferred to the SGSN.
SRNS Context Responses — The number of SRNS Context Response messages sent by the source RNC, informing the SGSN of the RAB information for the PDP contexts transferred.
SRNS Data Forward Commands — The number of SRNS Data Forward Command messages received from the SGSN, notifying the RNC that it should establish a new GTP tunnel with the information included in the message and that it should forward all PDP context packets related to the referenced RABs using the new tunnel.
The following measurements record the messages exchanged between the source RNC and the SGSN and the SGSN and the target RNC when the SRNS Relocation procedure is performed during a handoff.
Required Relocations — The number of Relocation Required messages sent to the SGSN during relocation preparation prior to executing MN handoffs.
Relocation Commands — The number of Relocation Command messages received by the source RNC, indicating that the SGSN is ready to proceed with the MN handoff initiated by a Relocation Required message.
Relocation Preparations — The number of times the Relocation Preparation process was successfully completed (the successful exchange of a Relocation Required request and a Relocation Command response).
Relocation Preparation Failures — The number of times the Relocation Preparation process failed (the failed exchange of a Relocation Required request and a Relocation Command response).
Relocation Requests — The number of Relocation Request messages received by the target RNC during handoff execution, requesting that the target RNC allocate resources for the MN.
Relocation Request Acks — The number of Relocation Request Acknowledgement messages sent from the target RNC to the SGSN, indicating that the RNC has successfully allocated resources for the requested handoff.
Relocation Failures — The number of Relocation Failure messages sent by the target RNC, indicating that it was unable to allocate resources for the MN or that it was unable to support the requirements contained in the Relocation Request message from the SGSN.
Relocations Cancel — The number of Relocation Cancel messages sent by the source RNC, indicating that an error was encountered during the Relocation Preparation and that the handoff was cancelled.
Relocation Cancel Acks — The number of Relocation Cancel Acknowledgements received by the source RNC, notifying the RNC that the SGSN has cancelled the MN's relocation due to the receipt of a Relocation Cancel message.
Relocation Detects — The number of Relocation Detect messages sent by the target RNC, notifying the SGSN that it is now servicing the MN.
Relocations Completed — The number of Relocation Complete messages sent by the target RNC, notifying the SGSN that the handoff has been successfully completed.
Forward SRNS Contexts — The number of Forward SRNS Context messages sent by the source RNC to the SGSN and the number of messages received by the target RNC from the SGSN, providing the target RNC with the RAB ID and the next GTP and network uplink and downlink sequence numbers for each PDP context transferred to it.
The following measurements record messages that transport information payloads or provide MN information to the RNC or to the SGSN.
Direct Transfers — The number of Direct Transfer messages sent by the RNC. The payloads of these messages contain control messages interpreted by the GMM and SM protocols.
Direct Transfers Received — The number of Direct Transfer messages received by the RNC.
Data Volume Report Requests — The number of Data Volume Report Request messages received from the SGSN.
Data Volume Reports — The number of Data Volume Report messages sent to the SGSN in response to a Data Volume Request.
Location Related Data Requests — The number of Location Related Data Request messages received from the SGSN, requesting that the RNC either send dedicated assistance data to the MN or send deciphering keys for broadcast assistance data to the SGSN in a response message.
Location Response Data Requests — The number of Location Related Data Response messages sent to the SGSN in response to a Location Related Data Request from the SGSN.
Common IDs — The number of Common ID messages received from the SGSN, informing the RNC of the MN's IMSI.
Location Reporting Controls — The number of Location Reporting Control messages received from the SGSN, directing the RNC whether to send and when to send Location Report messages for an MN.
Location Reports — The number of Location Report messages sent to the SGSN, informing it of the location of an MN.
Direct Information Transfers Sent — The number of Direct Information Transfer messages sent by the RNC.
Direct Information Transfers Received — The number of Direct Information Transfer messages received by the RNC.
The following measurements record error messages sent or received by the RNC that are not related to a particular procedure.
Resets — The number of Reset messages sent and received by the RNC, indicating that the sender encountered an error that resulted in the loss of transaction information and that the receiver should release all affected RABs and reset the affected references.
Reset Acks — The number of Reset Acknowledgements sent and received by the RNC, indicating that the sender has completed the actions resulting from a Reset message.
Reset Resource Acks — The number of Reset Resource Acknowledgement messages sent by the RNC in response to Reset Resource messages received from the SGSN. The acknowledgement indicates that the Iu connections and RABs referenced in the reset message have been released by the RNC.
Overloads — The number of Overload messages received by the RNC, indicating congestion in the core network and requesting that the RNC reduce the rate of signalling traffic towards the SGSN.
Error Indications — The number of Error Indication messages sent and received by the RNC, notifying the receiver of an error detected in an incoming message, such as a syntax error, that could not be reported with another type of message.
RIM Data Validation Failures — The number of RIM messages received by the RNC with missing, unexpected, or malformed information elements.