SIP Subscribers

In VoLTE testing, the Phonebook tab defines attributes of SIP Subscribers, SIP Endpoints, and Server Profile depending on what Test Case configured.

SIP Subscribers defines attributes of UE/SIP Subscribers that are emulated by current Nodal Test Case (IMS Nodal, IP Application Node, MME Nodal, SGW Nodal). The SIP Subscriber tab is not available if P-CSCF Mode = SIP Endpoint  and Enable Registration = True (selected) on the Emulator Configuration tab.

In MME Nodal test case, when you Enable Emergency Call on the VoLTE tab, the Emergency Phone Number to Emergency Service URN Translation pane becomes available.

  • Number of Phone Book entries = Number of SIP Subscribers = Number of UEs * Number of SIP Subscribers per UE
  • Phone Book is applied to UEs that are simulated by Nodal Test Case (MME Nodal, SGW Nodal) and IMS Node that emulates SIP Subscribers
  • E911 Phonebook is available on the MME Nodal test case when Emergency PDNs ,  2-Way Live Audio Bridging and Enable Separate Phonebook are enabled. Phonebook 2 is available on the MME Nodal test case when Emergency PDNs is not enabled but 2-Way Live Audio Bridging and Enable Separate Phonebook are enabled.

  • Any parameter that uses auto-increment syntax should not be empty. GUI validation will prevent capture and report an error.

SIP Subscribers


Apply Test Data File



Emergency Phone Number to Emergency Service URN Translation

Local Subscribers  (IMS Nodal Only)


Local Subscribers  (IMS Nodal Only)



Remote Subscribers  (IMS Nodal Only)



Remote Subscribers  (IMS Nodal Only)   PSTN Subscribers  

Remote Subscribers  (IMS Nodal Only)


SIP Subscribers



Public User Name

Public User Identity identifies User in IMS Network. Each UE can have multiple Public User Identities.  

Public ID takes a form of SIP URI:  

SIP: [email protected], where is a home network domain name.

NOTE: The default value displayed depends on whether you select Decimal or Hexadecimal in the Parameter Auto-increment Wizard window.


Default: user#(N0); user#(N0x0)  

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsPublicUserName 

Private User Name

Private User Identity is a unique global user identity. Private User Identity does not identify the User, but identifies User’s subscription. Private User Identity is used for authentication purpose. It is not used for routing.

  • Each UE has one Private User Identity.
  • Private User Identity takes the form of NAI: [email protected].

NOTE: The default value displayed depends on whether you select Decimal or Hexadecimal in the Parameter Auto-increment Wizard window.


Default: user#(N0); user#(N0x0) 

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsPrivateUserName

Secret Key

The key associated with the subscriber's private identity. this private key is required during the registration process.

Encrypt - Click on Encrypt to encrypt the Secret Key. Any user type can enter the value in plain text, and then click an “Encrypt” button which will encrypt the value and switch the TC-GUI to use parameter variable name with _Enc Suffix. (encrypted-mode). The fields in the GUI will become like passwords with just "****************" in them and they will be not be edit able. When the Secret Key is encrypted , the TDF-CSV editor will automatically encrypt the value when it is saved in the cell "Secret Key Encrypted". Additonal details in Apply Test Data File to NAS Protocol.

Decrypt - Click on Decrypt to decrypt the Secret Key.

Range: -2147483648 <= Value <= 2147483647 (Ascii string allows an auto-incrementing number #(N...)). At least 1 character must be entered otherwise an error will occur.

NOTE: This format allows many combinations: 16-base numerical prefix with 10-base suffix, text-base prefix with 16-base suffix, … and so on. The parameter allow you to provide incrementing HEX values, with or without the 0x prefix in the final value used as the secret key:

(Prefix 0x is converted to a HEX value with the HEX suffix, and incremented as a hex value, if not an ASCII value is used.)



==> 31323334,  31323335,  31323336, ... 3132333F, ...


==>  0x31323334,  0x31323335,  0x31323336,  ... 0x3132333F ...


==> 0xaabbccdd9, 0xaabbccddA, 0xaabbccddB, ... 0xaabbccddF, ...

When you use prefix 0x, the string 0xaabbccdd#(N0x9) is converted to a HEX number with the HEX suffix (it will be incremented as a hex value):


==> 0xaabbccdd9, 0xaabbccdd10, 0xaabbccdd11, ... 0xaabbccdd70, ...

When you do not use prefix 0x then the string aabbccdd#(N9) will used as an ASCII: 616162626363646439, 61616262636364643130, ...


  • Each UE has one Private User Identity.
  • Private User Identity takes the form of NAI: [email protected].

NOTE: The default value displayed depends on whether you select Decimal or Hexadecimal in the Parameter Auto-increment Wizard window.


Default: password#(N0) (Decimal) password#(N0x0) (Hexadecimal)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsSecretKey

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsSecretKey_Enc

Realm Network Domain Name

An administrative domain that maintains the subscriber's account (Home Realm) or that is currently servicing a UE in a foreign network (Local Realm). The Home Realm and Local Realm are the same domain when the MN is in its home network.

Default:; Example #(I10.20.30.1) to Auto-increment an IP Address. #I (auto increment an IP address)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsRealmDomain  


NOTE: The default value displayed depends on whether you select Decimal or Hexadecimal in the Parameter Auto-increment Wizard window.

Home Network Domain Name

Home Network Domain Name.

Default:; Example #(I10.20.30.1) to Auto-increment an IP Address. #I (auto increment an IP address)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsHomeDomain  

NOTE: The default value displayed depends on whether you select Decimal or Hexadecimal in the Parameter Auto-increment Wizard window.

Signaling Port

The port number used for SIP communication.

Default: 5060  (Default = 5061 if TLS is enabled)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsPort  



Default: 5050241#(N0121507:7)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsImsi  

Not available when Use Real SIM Card or Use SIM Server is enabled on the Mobile Subscribers Pane. 

Secured Client Port

Secured Server Port

Indicates the secured Client and Server Ports for secure IPSec SIP communication.


  • Exclude Port numbers that are used by Signaling Port. Zero (0) is always excluded and 5060/5061 are the default Signaling port numbers and if used, they will be excluded.
  • When Auto-Increment Format Wizard is used , zero and the Signaling Port Values are always skipped in the calculation of the next value.  
  • Random incrementor option (R) is not supported for Secured Server Port.
  • When Alter Security Header is enabled on the VoLTE Tab, use Random incrementor option (R) for Secured Client Port, Client SPI and Server SPI.


Default: Secured Client Port: #(N32001 0/2)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsSecClientPort  

Default: Secured Server Port: #(N32000 0/2)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsSecServerPort  


Client SPI

Server SPI

Indicates the security parameter index of the IPSec packet. The Security Parameter Index identifies a security context between two peers.

When Alter Security Header is enabled on the VoLTE Tab, use Random incrementor option (R) for Secured Client Port, Client SPI and Server SPI.

TIP: By default, a 64-bit SPI is transmitted. If your SUT requires a fixed length other than 64 bits, use a hexadecimal format.

Default: Client SPI: #(N257 0/2)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsClientSpi  

Default: Server SPI: #(N256 0/2)

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsServerSpi  



Preview Auto-Incremented Values
  • Click Preview Auto-Incremented Values to view the values generated by the wizard.
  • Click Generate Empty TDF, enter the desired value and save the values to a .CSV file for reuse. Example of Auto Increment IP Address.




Apply Test Data File

You can provision unique, non-sequential values for some parameters by using Test Data Files from your Test Library.

Added support for UUID mapping in the TDF file. UUID is supported in the TDF only. Column name is "UUID". The default value for it in the "Generate Stub TDF" dialog is "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-123456789012".

TDF Parameters and default values: Rows in the file are sessions

Public User Name = user1,

Private User Name = user 1,

Secret Key = password1,

Home Network Domain Name =,

Realm Network Domain Name =,

Signaling Port = 5060,

IMSI = 50502410121507,

Secured Client Port = 32001,

Secured Server Port = 3200,

Client SPI = 257,

Server SPI = 256,

UUID = ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-123456789012

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsTdfEn

Tcl Parameter: ImsSipSubsTdf

See Applying Parameter ValuesApplying Parameter Values.

See Test Data Files for further explanation and sample files. If a sample is not found for the specific TDF, you can obtain a sample file from your Technical Support representative. You may also use the following options to select an existing TDF or create/edit TDF-CSV files (TDF-CSV Editor). 

For most TDF Parameters used for Applying Parameters, each row in the file is the overridden value for a different “Session”, aka a different UE. But some TDFs are done in other dimensions, like Bearers, eNodeBs, Subscribers (2 per UE sometimes) or even Hosts, etc. Tooltips on the TDF Parameter: 

Note that the “ID” is a unique ID. Please Provide the ID when reporting issues with a TDF. For TDFs that do not apply / override Parameters, but instead are just their own configuration or data or media files you won’t see TDF ID row details.

TIP: When including large files, please be aware of memory limitations, since the TDF Editor shares memory with the Client.

NOTE: The available TDF options vary. on the L3-7 | IPSec tab > IKE with RSA Settings you may only select the Certificate TDF from TAS (these are non-CSV TDFs).

In addition, where applicable, any rules for defining TDFs are included in specific Test Cases. (For example, In MME Node test case, see MME Node - Provisioning TDF.)

From the DMF Window, press Shift+Alt+A to display the  Save DMF as Tcl window. Click the Save to File button to save as Tcl file. See additional details on Using the Tcl API.


Select/Create a new TDF-CSV

Allows you to create a new TDF by entering a file name that doesn’t already exist or select an existing file by entering a file name that already exists.

Click to open the Select Existing or Create window.

  • Navigate to the relevant library/folder,

  • Enter the name of the file:

  • If the file name already exists, the file is selected and applied in the test case.

  • If the file name does not exist, a message displays that says you are creating a new TDF and the embedded TDF-CSV will be launched.

    • Click Yes to launch the TDF-CSV Editor and create/save the new TDF-CSV.

    • Click No to select a different file

NOTE: If you do not have permission to save in the selected library, an error displays when you try to create a new file.
TIP: You may also navigate to the relevant library/folder and select file, and click OK.


Upload a New TDF to TAS

Click to import a new TDF file from your local folder and select in the test Case (instead of having to go to TDF Admin).

  • Navigate to the file on your local folder and select.
  • Then navigate to the location (library) where you want to save it on the TAS. You may rename the file, if required.  

View Edit Selected TDF in TDF-CSV Editor

Available only when you have selected a TDF on TAS. Click to open the selected file in TDF-CSV Editor (in place, that is, within the Test Case).

Edit the file and save. You may also click Save As to save the edited TDF-CSV to a different library and also rename the file, if required.

NOTE: You may also select a TDF from a library to which you do not have write permissions, edit the file as required, and save (Save As) only to a different library with the same file name or a different name.

The only options available are Save As and Cancel.

Open Selected TDF in Standalone TDF-CSV Editor

Available only when you have selected a TDF on TAS. Select to retrieve the CSV file and open it in the stand alone TDF-CSV Editor.

Generate Stub TDF-CSV

TIP: Available only when a CSV specification has been defined for in the Test Case for the TDF widget ( View TDF Actions/Options Menu)


Opens an example context specific test data parametersexample context specific test data parameters, which you may save as a .CSV file or open in the TDF-CSV Editor.


Launch Standalone TDF-CSV Editor

Click to open a blank TDF-CSV Editor.

The Launch Standalone TDF-CSV editor options handles very large TDFs that may use too much Client memory if opened within the Test Case/in the embedded editor.  You may set the standalone TDF-CSV Editor memory high to edit large TDFs.




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Emergency Phone Number to Emergency Service URN Translation

The table defines translation of emergency number to emergency service URN. To enable emergency service, define the phone number associated with Public User Identity.



Add, Delete, Edit, Copy, Paste, move up/down

Click to add a row of emergency phone number and the service URN. Double-click on a row of Energency Phone Number/Service URN and edit the information.

You may add a maximum of 16 translation entities.

Range: 0-16

Default: 1

NOTE: The icon is not available (is greyed) once the maximum of 16 translation entities have been added.

Emergency Phone Number

Enter the emergency phone number. For example; 911.

Options: 0 -9; #; * (blank not allowed)

NOTE: You may also enter an emergency number as long as MSISDN.

Emergency Service URN

Enter relevant service URN for the URI.

Options: Maximum of 25 characters (alphabets, numbers, hyphenations)

example: sos, sos.XXX, nnn-sos (sos.police, sos.ambulance, sos.poison, 11-police, 118-sosmarine, etc)

Default: sos (blank not allowed)


Local Subscribers

Starting Phone Number  

Enter starting phone number. Landslide will use a configured Starting Phone Number for a first emulated subscriber and incremented values for subsequent subscribers. Subscriber phone numbers will be translated into either a SIP URI or TEL URI based on translation option of MGC.

Default: +1720#(N8881111) - a (+) sign indicates the configured number is a Global Number (E.164 compliance)  

Tcl Parameter: LocalStartPhoneNum  

Phone Number Type

Select Phone Number Type.

Options: Global Number or Local Number

Default: Global Number

Tcl Parameter: LocalPhoneNumType  

Phone Context

Enter Phone Context, required when Local Number is used.


Tcl Parameter: LocalPhoneContext  

Include ISDN Sub-Address

Select to in Include ISDN Sub-Address.

Tcl Parameter: LocalIsdnSubAddrEn  

Tcl Parameter: LocalIsdnSubAddr  

Address Encoding  

Select Address Encoding. Required when ISDN Sub-Address is entered.

Options: nsap-ia5, nsap-bcd or nsap

Default: nsap-ia5

Tcl Parameter: LocalAddrEncoding  

Include Extension

Select to in Include Extension.

Tcl Parameter: LocalExtensionEn  

Tcl Parameter: LocalExtension  


Remote Subscribers

Remote Subscribers Type

Remote subscribers are subscribers (not gateway) which reside outside a Landslide test case, they can function as terminators or originators of calls to/from local subscribers. In some cases, calls may be terminated by remote subscribers different than pre-configured remote subscribers when a gateway wants to re-route calls differently.

Remote subscribers can be either PSTN subscriber or VOIP endpoints.

Tcl Parameter: RemoteSubsType 

URI Scheme

Select URI Scheme.

Options: tel-URI, SIP-URI

Tcl Parameter: RemoteUriScheme 

Domain Name

Enter Domain Name of Remote Subscribers. Only available when URI scheme = SIP-URI.

Tcl Parameter: RemoteSipEndptsDomain 

Click to use the Auto-Increment Format Wizard.

Starting Phone Number  

Enter starting phone number. Landslide will use a configured Starting Phone Number for a first emulated subscriber and incremented values for subsequent subscribers. Subscriber phone numbers will be translated into either a SIP URI or TEL URI based on translation option of MGC.

Default: +1720#(N8881111) - a (+) sign indicates the configured number is a Global Number (E.164 compliance)  

Tcl Parameter: RemoteStartPhoneNum  

Phone Number Type

Select Phone Number Type.

Options: Global Number or Local Number

Default: Global Number

Tcl Parameter: RemotePhoneNumType  

Phone Context

Enter Phone Context, required when Local Number is used.


Tcl Parameter: RemotePhoneContext  

Include ISDN Sub-Address

Select to in Include ISDN Sub-Address.

Tcl Parameter: RemoteIsdnSubAddrEn  

Tcl Parameter: RemoteIsdnSubAddr  

Address Encoding  

Select Address Encoding. Required when ISDN Sub-Address is entered.

Options: nsap-ia5, nsap-bcd or nsap

Default: nsap-ia5

Tcl Parameter: RemoteAddrEncoding  

Include Extension

Select to in Include Extension.

Tcl Parameter: RemoteExtensionEn  

Tcl Parameter: RemoteExtension  


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