In IP Application Node and MME Nodal/Node Testing, the CALL tab provides a means for capturing Audio/Video Call capabilities (i.e what the UE supports)
In MME Nodal/Node when Enable B-TrunC is selected. In IP Application Node when B-TrunC DC is selected.
Measurements are collected on the BTrunC | TSM, BTrunC | Call, BTrunC | S1-T report tabs.
Call Type |
Select Call Type. Options : Full-Duplex Audio Private Call (default), Half-Duplex Audio Private Call, Audio Group Call, Full-Duplex Video Private Call, Video Group Call, Multi-source Video Group Call, Video Push to UE (Private Call), Video Push to GROUP (Group Call), Video Pull Up, Video Pass Back, Video Forward to Group (IP Application Node) When Dispatch Console (DC interface) is enabled, the tcl variables begin with Dc. Multi-source Video Group Call, Video Push to UE (Private Call), Video Push to GROUP (Group Call) are only available on MME Node test case when Mobility Type = None and DC Interface is enabled. When Video Push to GROUP (Group Call) is selected, Video Only must also be enabled on DC Panel. Tcl Parameter: CallType Tcl Parameter: DcCallType |
Functionality Pattern |
Select the Functionality Pattern. Not available when Call type = Group. When Call type = Video Push to UE (Private Call), the Functionality Pattern must be set to "All Terminate" on MME Nodal test case. When Call type = Video Push to UE (Private Call), the Functionality Pattern must be set to "Mobile-To-Mobile" on MME Node test case. The number of Subscribers must be even when "Mobile-To-Mobile" is selected. Options : All Originate (default), All Terminate, Mobile-To-Mobile Tcl Parameter: CallPattern Tcl Parameter: DcCallPattern |
Starting Audio RTP Port |
Enter Starting Audio RTP Port. Not available when Functionality Pattern = "Mobile-To-Mobile". Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 6000 Tcl Parameter: CallRtpAudioPort Tcl Parameter: DcRtpAudioPort |
Starting Video RTP Port |
Enter Starting Video RTP Port. Not available when Functionality Pattern = "Mobile-To-Mobile". Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 30000 Tcl Parameter: CallRtpVideoPort Tcl Parameter: DcRtpVideoPort |
Calls Start After |
Select Calls Start After. Not available when Call type = Group or Functionality Pattern = "All Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile" or Emulate DC Initiated Group Call is selected. Options : When All Users Registered, When User Registered (default) Tcl Parameter: CallStart Tcl Parameter: DcCallStart |
Call Establishment Rate (calls/s) |
Enter Call Establishment Rate (calls/s). Not available when Functionality Pattern = "All Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile" or Emulate DC Initiated Group Call is selected. Range: 0.001 to 1000.0 Default: 100.0 Tcl Parameter: CallEstabRate Tcl Parameter: DcCallEstabRate |
Call Start Delay (s) |
Enter Call Establishment Rate (calls/s). Not available when Functionality Pattern = "All Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile" or Emulate DC Initiated Group Call is selected. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 10 Tcl Parameter: CallStartDelay Tcl Parameter: DcCallEstabDelay |
Call Release Rate (calls/s) |
Enter Call Release Rate (calls/s). Not available when Functionality Pattern = "Mobile-To-Mobile". Not available when test case = MME Node. Range: 0.001 to 1000.0 Default: 100.0 Tcl Parameter: CallReleaseRate |
Enable RTP Traffic |
Select to enable RTP Traffic. Media Tab will be enabled. Not available when Functionality Pattern = "Mobile-To-Mobile". Tcl Parameter: CallRtpTrafficEn Tcl Parameter: DcRtpTrafficEn |
Negotiate Audio/Video Codec |
Select to Negotiate Audio/Video Code. Available on MME Nodal test case when Call type = "Full-Duplex Audio Private Call" or "Full-Duplex Video Private Call" and Functionality Pattern = "All Terminate". |
Starting UE IP Address |
Enter Valid IPv4/IPv6 address. Not available when Functionality Pattern = "Mobile-To-Mobile". Tcl Parameter: CallUeIpAddr |
Call Attribute |
Select Call Attributes. Not available when Functionality Pattern = "All Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile" or Emulate DC Initiated Group Call is selected. Emergency Call. Tcl Parameter: CallEmergCallEn Reserved Priority Call. Tcl Parameter: CallReservPriorityCallEn Prohibit Floor Preemption. Tcl Parameter: CallProhFloorPreempEn Answer Required. Tcl Parameter: CallAnswerRequiredEn |
Called Number |
Enter Called Number. Not available when Call type = Group or when Functionality Pattern = "All Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile".
Default: 12345678#(N0) Tcl Parameter: CallCalledNumber Tcl Parameter: DcCalledNum |
Caller Number |
Enter Caller Number. Not available when Call type = Group or when Functionality Pattern = "All Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile".
Default: 12345678#(N0) Tcl Parameter: CallCallerNumber |
Call Priority |
Enter Call Priority. Range: 0 to 255 Default: 09 Tcl Parameter: CallPriority |
Call Release Delay (s) |
Select to enter Call Release Delay in seconds. Used to emulate initiating call release from T-CN (Trunking Core Network) /DC (Dispatch Console). It can be applied to Private/Group call. Can be used to emulate group call dismantle. Not available when Functionality Pattern = "Mobile-To-Mobile". Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 10 Tcl Parameter: CallReleaseDelayEn Tcl Parameter: CallReleaseDelay |
Priority Attribute |
Select Priority Attribute. Available in IP Application Node when B-TrunC DC is enabled. Options: Not Emergency/Preemption Call, Emergency Call, Preemption Call Tcl Parameter: DcCallPriority |
Ringing Required |
Select Ringing Required. Available in IP Application Node when B-TrunC DC is enabled. Tcl Parameter: DcRingEn |
Call Release Cause |
Select from a list of Call Release Cause options. Options: Reserved (64), Normal (65) - default, Originate Initiate (66), CN Force (67), Timeout (68), Terminate Initiate (69), DC Cancel Video Push (70), CN Cancel Video Push (71) Tcl Parameter: DcCallRelCause |
Call Control |
In MME Node - Available when (Call type = Private (Full-Duplex Audio Private Call, Half-Duplex Audio Private Call,Full-Duplex Video Private Call) and Functionality Pattern = ("All Originate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile) or "(Call type = Group (Audio Group Call or Video Group Call) and Emulate DC Initiated Group Call is selected. In MME Nodal - Available when (Call type = Private (Full-Duplex Audio Private Call, Half-Duplex Audio Private Call,Full-Duplex Video Private Call) and Functionality Pattern = ( "All Originate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile) or "(Call type = Group (Audio Group Call or Video Group Call) and Emulate DC Initiated Group Call is NOT selected. In IP Application Node - Available when Functionality Pattern = "All Originate". Enter Call Hold time in seconds. Range: 1 — 65535 Default: 0 Tcl Parameter: CallHoldTime Tcl Parameter: DcCallHoldTime Enter Call Pending time in seconds. Range: 1 — 65535 Default: 0 Tcl Parameter: CallPendingTime Tcl Parameter: DcCallPendingTime |
Call Altering Waiting Time (s) |
Available in MME Node test case. Available when Call type = Fullf-Duplex Audio Private Call and Functionality Pattern = "All Originate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile". Enter call alerting wait time in seconds. Range : 0 to 65535 Default : 0 Tcl Parameter: CallAlertingWaitingTime |
Half Duplex Floor Control |
Select to emulate floor operation for Half-Duplex call. Available when Call type = Half-Duplex Audio Private Call. Available in MME Nodal Test Case. Enter Floor Hold Time. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 10 Enter Floor Request Interval (s). Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: CallHalfDuplexHoldTime Tcl Parameter: CallHalfDuplexFloorReqDelay |
Terminate Operation |
Available in MME Nodal Test Case. Select to emulate floor operation for Half-Duplex call. Available when Call type = Fullf-Duplex Audio Private Call or Full-Duplex Video Private Call and Functionality Pattern = "Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile". Enter Call Alerting Time in seconds. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 5 Select Call Answer Operation. Options : Answer, Refuse Tcl Parameter: CallAlertingTime Tcl Parameter: CallAnswerOperation |
Trunking Service Request |
Select the Trunking Service Request. Available when (Call Type = Half-Duplex Audio Private Call, Audio Group Call, Video Group Call) and Vendor Variant on TSM Panel = Variant 8. Select the Dedicated Bearer Setup Mode. Options: SEPARATED (default), PIGGY_BACK Available in MME Node Test Case. Tcl Parameter: TsrDedBearerSetupMode |
Not available when Call Type = Private (Full-Duplex Audio Private Call, Half-Duplex Audio Private Call,Full-Duplex Video Private Call) or when Functionality Pattern = "All Originate" or "All Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile".
Number of Groups |
Enter Number of Groups. Upper limit based on license value. Range: 1 to 1500 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: CallNumOfGroup |
Group Information |
Select Group Information. The Test server will request to update group information from the network and save it to a file called group_info.csv. Options: Update from T-CN (default) or Load from Local File Tcl Parameter: CallGroupInfoUpdateType |
Initiate Group Information Update Request |
Select to initiate Group Information Update request. Tcl Parameter: CallInitGrpInfoUpdateReqEn |
Group Information Test Data File |
When Group Information is "Load from Local File". A file should be selected to configure group information for subscribers. See Applying Test Data FileApplying Test Data File. See Test Data Files for further explanation and sample files. If a sample is not found for the specific TDF, you can obtain a sample file from your Technical Support representative. You may also use the following options to select an existing TDF or create/edit TDF-CSV files (TDF-CSV Editor). For most TDF Parameters used for Applying Parameters, each row in the file is the overridden value for a different “Session”, aka a different UE. But some TDFs are done in other dimensions, like Bearers, eNodeBs, Subscribers (2 per UE sometimes) or even Hosts, etc. Tooltips on the TDF Parameter: Note that the “ID” is a unique ID. Please Provide the ID when reporting issues with a TDF. For TDFs that do not apply / override Parameters, but instead are just their own configuration or data or media files you won’t see TDF ID row details.
Emulate DC Initiated Group Call |
When selected the MME Nodal will not initiate group call. It will wait for DC (Dispatch Console) to initiate the group call. Not available when Call Type = Multi-source Video Group Call. Tcl Parameter: CallEmulateDcInitGrpCallEn |
Release Initiator |
Select the Release Initiator. Options: Speaker (default), Listener Tcl Parameter: CallReleaseInitiator |
Floor Control |
Select and enter Floor Control. Select to enable Floor Switch Interval in seconds. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 10 Tcl Parameter: CallFloorSwitchIntervalEn Tcl Parameter: CallFloorSwitchInterval Select to enable Floor Request Interval in seconds. Available in IP Application Node. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 10 Tcl Parameter: DcFloorReqDelayEn Tcl Parameter: DcFloorReqDelay Select to enable Floor Hold Time Interval in seconds. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 5 (In MME Nodal), 10 (In IP Application Node) Tcl Parameter: CallFloorHoldTimeEn Tcl Parameter: CallFloorHoldTime Tcl Parameter: DcFloorHoldTimeEn Tcl Parameter: DcFloorHoldTime Select to enable Floor Queueing Timeout in seconds. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 5 Tcl Parameter: CallFloorQueueTimeoutEn Tcl Parameter: CallFloorQueueTimeout Tcl Parameter: DcFloorQueueTimeoutEn Tcl Parameter: DcFloorQueueTimeout |
Group Call Context |
Select Context Setup Failure or Context Release Indication. You can only select one or the other, not both. Select to enable CAICT B-Trunc S1-T Group Call Context. Tcl Parameter: CallContextSetupFailEn
Select to enable Context Release Indication Delay (s) in seconds. Enter the Delay in seconds. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 5 Tcl Parameter: CallContextRelIndEn Tcl Parameter: CallContextRelIndDelay
Select to enable Context Expansion Delay (s) in seconds. Enter the Delay in seconds. When enabled, you can select Trigger Trunking Error Indication. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 5 Tcl Parameter: CallContextExpEn Tcl Parameter: CallContextExpDelay Tcl Parameter: CallTriggerErrIndEn
Select to enable Context Setup Trigger Group Call Configure Transfer. Tcl Parameter: CallGrpCalCfgTranEn |
Not available when Call Type = Private (Full-Duplex Audio Private Call, Half-Duplex Audio Private Call,Full-Duplex Video Private Call) or when Functionality Pattern = "All Originate" or "All Terminate" or "Mobile-To-Mobile".
Number of Groups |
Enter Number of Groups. Upper limit based on license value. Range: 1 to 1500 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: CallNumOfGroup |
Number of Groups Per Subscriber |
Select the number of Groups Per Subscriber. Options : 1 or 2 If 2 Groups Per Subscriber is selected, Add to 2nd Group Delay in seconds and Keep in 2nd Group Time in seconds become available. Range: 0 to 65535 Default: 0 Tcl Parameter: CallNumOfGroupPerSub Tcl Parameter: CallAddTo2ndGrpDelay Tcl Parameter: CallKeepIn2ndGrpTime |
Starting Trunking IP Address |
Enter a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkIpAddr |
Group ID |
Enter Group Id (max 11 digits)
Default: 12345678#(N0) Tcl Parameter: CallGroupId |
Group Number |
Enter Group Number (max 20 digits)
Default: 12345678#(N0) Tcl Parameter: CallGroupNumber |
Group Short Number |
Select to enter a Group short number. (max 20 digits)
Default: 12345678#(N0) Tcl Parameter: CallGroupShortNumEn Tcl Parameter: CallGroupShortNum |
Group Name |
Select to enter a Group Name. (max 32 characters)
Default: group#(N0) Tcl Parameter: CallGroupNameEn Tcl Parameter: CallGroupNameNum |
Trigger Trunking Error Indication in GrpDLNasTransMsg |
Select to Trigger Trunking Error Indication in GrpDlNasTransMsg. Tcl Parameter: CallTriggerErrIndEn |
Downlink Transport Layer |
Select Downlink Transport Layer. Options: Unicast (default), Multicast Tcl Parameter: CallDownlinkTransLayer |
Multicast Address |
Enter Multicast Address. Available when Downlink Transport Layer = Multicast. Enter a valid IPv4/IPv6 address. Tcl Parameter: CallMulticastIpAddr |
Initiate Group Information Update Command |
Select to Initiate Group Information Update Command. Tcl Parameter: CallInitGrpInfoUpdateCmdEn |
Floor Control |
Select and enter Floor Control. It is used to emulate different operations when receiving a Floor Request from UE. Available when Call Type is Group. Select to Floor Operation. Options: Grant (Default), Queueing, Reject
Tcl Parameter: CallFloorOperation Select Queue Length. Available when Floor Operation = Queueing. Range: 1 to 10 Default: 10 Tcl Parameter: CallQueueLength Enter Floor Timeout Time (s) in seconds. Range: 0 to 65535 Default: 0 Tcl Parameter: CallFloorTimeoutTime Enter Queueing Time in seconds. Available when Floor Operation = Queueing. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: CallQueueTime Select to enable Queueing Cancel. Available when Floor Operation = Queueing. Tcl Parameter: CallQueueTimeCan |
DC Emulator Emulate DC Initiated Group Call |
Select to Emulate DC (Dispatch Console) Initiated Group Call. Tcl Parameter: CallEmulateDcInitGrpCallEn Select to enable DC Initiated Floor Request Delay (s) and enter delay in seconds. To emulate Group Call Insert. Range: 1 to 65535 Default :10 Tcl Parameter: CallDcInitFloorReqDelayEn Tcl Parameter: CallDcInitFloorReqDelay Enter DC Floor Hold Time (s) and enter hold in seconds. T set a timer for DC holding the floor, when it’s expired, will emulate DC initiated Floor Release. It’s to emulate group call insert cancel. Range: 1 to 65535 Default :10 Tcl Parameter: CallDcFloorHoldTime Enter DC Number Range: Max 20 digits
Default: 12345678#(N0) Tcl Parameter: CallDcNumber Enter Starting DC IP Address. Enter Valid IPv4 or IPv6 Address. Tcl Parameter: CallDcIpAddr |
Quality of Service |
Enter Class Identifier.
Range: 0 to 255 Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkQosQci
Select to enable Set Bit-Rates (Default = false). The Set Bit Rates checkbox is available only when Class Identifier value is 0 or between 10 and 255. Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkBrEn
Enter ARP Priority Level. Range: 0 to 15, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkQosArpValue
Select to enable Pre-emption Capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkQosArpPreemptCapEn
Select to enable Pre-emption Vulnerability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkQosArpPreemptVulnEn
All of the uplink and downlink rate attributes include a wizard that converts Kbps to the correct attribute code. Click the "..." button, enter the rate in Kbps in the dialog box, click OK, and the converted code is displayed in the parameter field. You can also directly enter the code in the field. Enter Max Bit Rate Downlink. Range: 0 to 255, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkQosMaxBrDownlink
Enter Guaranteed Bit Rate Downlink. Range: 0 to 255, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkQosGuaranteedBrDownlink
Enter Max Bit Rate (extended) Downlink. Range: 0 to 255, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkQosMaxBrDownlinkEx
Enter Guaranteed Bit Rate (extended) Downlink. Range: 0 to 255, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTrunkQosGuaranteedBrDownlinKEx |
Audio Codec Capability |
Select to indicate AMR Codec capability (Default = true). Tcl Parameter: CallAmrEn
Select to indicate AMR Parameter capability. Available when AMR is selected. Select to indicate 4.75Kbps AMR Parameter capability (Default = true). Tcl Parameter: CallBitRate1En Select to indicate 12.2Kbps AMR Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallBitRate2En Select to indicate Payload Byte Alignment AMR Parameter capability (Default = true). Tcl Parameter: CallPayloadFormat1En Select to indicate Payload Saving Bandwidth AMR Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallPayloadFormat2En Select to indicate AMR Over PDCP AMR Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallAmrOverPdcpEn Select to indicate Packet Interval 20ms AMR Parameter capability (Default = true). Tcl Parameter: CallPtime1En |
Video Codec Capability |
Select to indicate Supported Video Codec List capabilities. H264 (Default = true) Tcl Parameter: CallH264En H263 (Default = false) Tcl Parameter: CallH263En
Select to indicate H.264 Parameter capability. Available when h264 is selected. Select to indicate 15 frames/s H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallFrameRate1En Select to indicate 20 frames/s H.264 Parameter capability (Default = true). Tcl Parameter: CallFrameRate2En Select to indicate 25 frames/s H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallFrameRate3En Select to indicate 30 frames/s H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallFrameRate4En Select to indicate 1080 HD H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallHd1080En Select to indicate 720p HD H.264 Parameter capability (Default = true). Tcl Parameter: CallHd720En Select to indicate XGA H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallXgaEn Select to indicate SVGA H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallSvgaEn Select to indicate QCIF H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallQcifEn Select to indicate CIF H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallCifEn Select to indicate VGA H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallVgaEn Select to indicate QVGA H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallQvgaEn Select to indicate D1 H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallD1En Select to indicate 4CIF H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false). Tcl Parameter: CallCif4En |
Group Call Context |
Select to enable Context Setup With "AMR Over PDCP" Indicator. Select to enable CAICT B-Trunc S1-T Group Call Context. Tcl Parameter: CallContextSetupWithAmrOverPdcpEn
Select to enable Context Modification Delay (s) in seconds. Enter the Delay in seconds. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 5 Tcl Parameter: CallContextModificationEn Tcl Parameter: CallContextModificationDelay
Select to enable Instant Group Call Config Notify Delay (s) in seconds. Enter the Delay in seconds. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 5 Tcl Parameter: CallInstantConfigNotifyEn Tcl Parameter: CallInstantConfigNotifyDelay |
Group Reset |
Available in MME Nodal and MME Node test cases. Select to perform Group Reset. Tcl Parameter: CallGroupResetEn
Available when Group Reset is enabled. Enter the Reset Delay in Seconds. Range : 1 to 65535 Default : 5 Tcl Parameter: CallGroupResetDelay
Select the Reset Type. Options : All (default) or Part Tcl Parameter: CallGroupResetType
Select the Group S1-AP ID Type. Available when Reset Type = Part. Options: ENB, MME or Both Tcl Parameter: CallGroupResetS1IdType
Enter the Reset Number of Groups. Available when Reset Type = Part. Range : 1 to 65535 Default : 5 Tcl Parameter: CallGroupResetNumOfGroup |
AS Security |
Select to enable AS Security. Available on MME node test case. Tcl Parameter: CallContextSetupAsSecurityEn
Enter Update Period in Seconds. Available when AS Security is enabled and Number of Groups Per Subscriber = 1 on MME node test case. Range: 0 to 65535 Default : 0 Tcl Parameter: CallGroupKeyUpdatePeriod
Select Integrity Algorithm. Available when AS Security is enabled on MME node test case. Options : Reserved , EIA1 - SNOW3G , EIA2 - AES , EIA3 - ZUC Tcl Parameter: CallAsIntegrityAlgorithm
Select Ciphering Algorithm. Available when AS Security is enabled on MME node test case. Options : Null , EEA1 - SNOW3G , EEA2 - AES , EEA3 - ZUC Tcl Parameter: CallAsCipheringAlgorithm
Enter Group Key Version. Available when AS Security is enabled on MME node test case. Range : 0 to 15, default : 0 Tcl Parameter: CallGroupKeyVersion
Enter Group Key ASME. Available when AS Security is enabled on MME node test case. Range : Hex string starting with 0x, default : 0x63BFA50EE6523365FF14C1F45F88737D63BFA50EE6523365FF14C1F45F88737D Tcl Parameter: CallGroupKeyAsme |
TE-RAB Management |
Select Setup , Modify or Release tab. Available when Call Type = Audio Group Call or Video Group Call. If any checkbox from the Group Call Context is checked, the TE-RAB Management panel is grayed out.
Select Number of TE-RAB. Range: 0 to 2. Default : 0, If 0, the remaining fields in the TE-RAB pane are not available for input. Tcl Parameter: CallNumOfTeRabSetup Tcl Parameter: CallNumOfTeRabMdf Tcl Parameter: CallNumOfTeRabRel
Enter Delay (s). Available if Number of TE-RAB > 0. Range: 1 to 65535, Default : 5 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupDelay Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfDelay Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabRelDelay
Select to enter Group Aggregate Max Bit Rate. Available if Number of TE-RAB > 0. Range: 0 to 255, Default : 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupGroupAmbrEn Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupGroupAmbr Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfGroupAmbrEn Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfGroupAmbr Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabRelGroupAmbrEn Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabRelGroupAmbr
Enter TE-RAB1, TE-RAB2 pane details. Enter TE-RAB ID. Range : 1 to 15, Default : 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupId_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfId_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabRelId_1
Enter Class Identifier. Range : 1 to 10, Default : 1. Not available in the Release Tab. Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupQosQci_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfQosQci_1
Select No GBR Qos Info. When enabled all the Downlink fields are grayed out. Not available in the Release Tab. Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupNoGbrQosInfoEn_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfNoGbrQosInfoEn_1
Enter ARP Priority Level. Not available in the Release Tab. Range: 0 to 15, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupQosArpValue_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfQosArpValue_1
Select to enable Pre-emption Capability (Default = false). Not available in the Release Tab. Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupQosArpPreemptCapEn_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfQosArpPreemptCapEn_1
Select to enable Pre-emption Vulnerability (Default = false). Not available in the Release Tab. Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupQosArpPreemptVulnEn_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfQosArpPreemptVulnEn_1
All of the downlink rate attributes include a wizard that converts Kbps to the correct attribute code. Click the "..." button, enter the rate in Kbps in the dialog box, click OK, and the converted code is displayed in the parameter field. You can also directly enter the code in the field.
Enter Max Bit Rate Downlink. Range: 0 to 255, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupQosMaxBrDownlink_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfQosMaxBrDownlink_1
Enter Guaranteed Bit Rate Downlink. Range: 0 to 255, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupQosGuaranteedBrDownlink_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfQosGuaranteedBrDownlink_1
Enter Max Bit Rate (extended) Downlink. Range: 0 to 250, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupQosMaxBrDownlinkEx_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfQosMaxBrDownlinkEx_1
Enter Guaranteed Bit Rate (extended) Downlink. Range: 0 to 250, Default = 1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabSetupQosGuaranteedBrDownlinkEx_1 Tcl Parameter: CallTeRabMdfQosGuaranteedBrDownlinkEx_1 |
Video Source Indication |
Select to enable Video Source Indication. Available in MME Node test case. Tcl Parameter: CallVidSrcIndEn