Tsm Panel

In MME Nodal/Node Testing, the Trunking Service Management (TSM) tab provides a means for capturing Audio/Video codec capabilities (i.e what the UE supports)  

In MME Nodal/Node when Enable B-TrunC is selected.

MME Node

Trunking Update Period (s)


 Network Trunking Capability


Stun Operation



Enable Call Setup



MME Nodal 


UE Trunking Capability


UE Trunking Security Capability


Audio Codec Capability

Video Codec Capability

Deregister Type

Stun Status

Trunking Servicing Cell Update Indication Delay (s)

Enable Call Setup


MME Node / MME Nodal

Short Data Service

Enable Short Data Service




Related Measurements

Measurements are collected on the BTrunC | TSM, BTrunC | Call, BTrunC | S1-T report tabs.

MME Node and General Settings

Vendor Variant  

Select Vendor Variant.

Options : None (default), Variant 3, Variant 4, Variant 5,  Variant 8

Tcl Parameter: TsmVendorVariant

Trunking Update Period (s)

Enter the Trunking Update Period in Seconds.  

Range: 0 - 11160

Default: 0

Tcl Parameter: TsmTrunkUpdatePeriod

Subscriber Number

Enter Subscriber number. Must be unique. Up to 20 digits.

Default: 12345678#(N0)

Tcl Parameter: TsmSubNumber

User Name

Select to enter a User Name. Must be unique for each Subscriber.  

Default: user#(N0)

Tcl Parameter: TsmUserNameEn

Tcl Parameter: TsmUserName

Emergency Number

Select to enter an Emergency number.

Default: 12345678#(N0)

Tcl Parameter: TsmEmergNumberEn

Tcl Parameter: TsmEmergNumber

Emergency Group Number

Select to enter an Emergency Group number.

Default: 12345678#(N0)

Tcl Parameter: TsmEmergGrpNumEn

Tcl Parameter: TsmEmergGrpNum

Starting IMSI

IMSI. Enter 15 digit starting IMSI.

Tcl Parameter: TsmImsi  

Network Trunking Capability Half-Duplex Private Call  

Select to indicate Half-Duplex Private Call.

Tcl Parameter: TsmHalfDuplexPrivateCallEn

Emulate Register Reject

Select to emulate "Register" reject. Enter rejects per many subscribers.

1 for Every X number of Subscriber (s) and Reject Cause (Authentication Failure, Unknown, Invalid User)

Range: 1 - 400000

Default: 1

Tcl Parameter: TsmEmulateReqRejectEn

Tcl Parameter: TsmRejPerSubs

Tcl Parameter: TsmRejectCause

Emulate T-CN Initiated Deregister

Select to emulate "T-CN" Initiated De- Register. Enter Delay in seconds.

Select Dereject Cause (Standard, Re-Register after Deregister, Subscription Data Deleted)

Range: 1 - 65535

Default: 10

Tcl Parameter: TsmEmulateTcnInitDeregEn

Tcl Parameter: TsmTrunkDeregDelay

Tcl Parameter: TsmDeregCause

Stun Operation

Select Enable Stun Operation and enter the Stun Delay, Stun Type and Revive Delay (s).

Select the Stun Type. Options : Stun (default), Kill

Enter the Stun Delay in seconds.

Range: 0 to 65535

Default : 5

Enter the Revive Delay in seconds.

Range: 0 to 65535

Default : 0

Tcl Parameter: TsmStunOperationEn

Tcl Parameter: TsmStunType

Tcl Parameter: TsmStunDelay

Tcl Parameter: TsmReviveDelay

Enable Call Setup

Select to enable CALL Panel tab.

Tcl Parameter: TsmCallSetupEn



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MME Nodal Parameters

UE Trunking Capability

Select to indicate Trunking Channel PDCP Header Compression capability (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmTchPdcpHeadCompressEn


Select to indicate AMR Over PDCP capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmUeAmrOverPdcpEn


Select to indicate Half-Duplex Private Call capability (Default = true).

Tcl Parameter: TsmHalfDuplexPrivateCallEn


Select to indicate NAS Video Service capability (Default = true).

Tcl Parameter: TsmNasVideoServiceEn

UE Trunking Security Capability

Select to indicate the Ciphering Algorithm and the Integrity Algorithm.

Ciphering Algorithm Options : EEA1 , EEA2, EEA3

Tcl Parameter: TsmUeCapEea1En

Tcl Parameter: TsmUeCapEea2En

Tcl Parameter: TsmUeCapEea3En


Integrity Algorithm Options : EIA1 , EIA2, EIA3

Tcl Parameter: TsmUeCapEia1En

Tcl Parameter: TsmUeCapEia2En

Tcl Parameter: TsmUeCapEia3En


Audio Codec Capability

Select to indicate AMR Codec capability (Default = true).

Tcl Parameter: TsmAmrEn


Select to indicate AMR Parameter capability.  Available when AMR is selected.

Select to indicate 4.75Kbps AMR Parameter capability (Default = true).

Tcl Parameter: TsmBitRate1En

Select to indicate 12.2Kbps AMR Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmBitRate2En

Select to indicate Payload Byte Alignment AMR Parameter capability (Default = true).

Tcl Parameter: TsmPayloadFormat1En

Select to indicate Payload Saving Bandwidth AMR Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmPayloadFormat2En

Select to indicate AMR Over PDCP AMR Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmAmrOverPdcpEn

Select to indicate Packet Interval 20ms AMR Parameter capability (Default = true).

Tcl Parameter: TsmPtime1En

Video Codec Capability

Select to indicate Supported Video Codec List capabilities.

H264  (Default = true)

Tcl Parameter: TsmH264En

H263  (Default = false)

Tcl Parameter: TsmH263En


Select to indicate H.264 Parameter capability.  Available when h264 is selected.

Select to indicate 15 frames/s H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmFrameRate1En

Select to indicate 20 frames/s H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = true).

Tcl Parameter: TsmFrameRate2En

Select to indicate 25 frames/s H.264 Parameter capability (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmFrameRate3En

Select to indicate 30 frames/s H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmFrameRate4En

Select to indicate 1080 HD H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmHd1080En

Select to indicate 720p HD H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = true).

Tcl Parameter: TsmHd720En

Select to indicate XGA H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmXgaEn

Select to indicate SVGA H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmSvgaEn

Select to indicate QCIF H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmQcifEn

Select to indicate CIF H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmCifEn

Select to indicate VGA H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmVgaEn

Select to indicate QVGA H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmQvgaEn

Select to indicate D1 H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmD1En

Select to indicate 4CIF H.264 Parameter capability  (Default = false).

Tcl Parameter: TsmCif4En

Deregister Type

Select Deregister Type.

Options: Standard (default), Power Off, Power Off (Detach)

Tcl Parameter: TsmDeregisterType

Stun Status

Select the Stun status.

Options: Active,Stun

Tcl Parameter: TsmStunStatus

Trunking Serving Cell Update Indication Delay (s)

Select to add a Trunking Serving Cell Update Indication Delay in seconds.

Range: 1 to 65535

Default : 5

Tcl Parameter: TsmTrkSrvCelUpdIndEn

Tcl Parameter: TsmTrkSrvCelUpdIndDelay

Enable Call Setup

Select to enable CALL Panel tab.

Tcl Parameter: TsmCallSetupEn


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Short Data Service


Enable Short Data Service

Select to enable Short Data Service. Available in MME Nodal and MME Node test cases.

Tcl Parameter: TsmSdsEn

Short Data Start Delay (s)

Enter the Short Data Start Delay in seconds.

Range: 1 to 65535

Default : 5

Tcl Parameter: TsmSdsDelay


Enter the Short Data Service Mode. Point-to-Point (PTP) or Point to Multipoint (PTM).

Options: PTP (default) , PTM

Tcl Parameter: TsmSdsMode

Short Data Content

Add the Short Data Content.

Default : Take me out to the ball game

Tcl Parameter: TsmSdsContent

Originator Number

Enter the Originator Number. Not available on MME Nodal test case.

Default : 12345678#(N0) with auto increment / decrement using the Auto-Increment Format Wizard.

Tcl Parameter: TsmSdsOrigNum

Recipient Number

Enter the Recipient Number.

Default : 12345678#(N0) with auto increment / decrement using the Auto-Increment Format Wizard.

Tcl Parameter: TsmSdsRcptNum





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