In MME Node Testing, the DC tab provides a means for capturing related parameters for B-TrunC DC Interface.
In MME Node when B-TrunC and DC Interface is selected.
General Settings | |
Measurements are collected on the BTrunC | TSM, BTrunC | Call, BTrunC | S1-T report tabs.
Number of DCs |
Enter the number of DCs. Upper limit is controlled by license. Range : 1 to Upper Limit. Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: NumDcs |
DC Number |
Enter DC User. Unique for each DC. Click Default: 12345678#(N0) Tcl Parameter: DcUserNum |
Secret Key |
Enter Secret key. Click Default: password#(N0) Tcl Parameter: DcSrvProfileSecretKey |
T-CN Domain Name |
Enter T-CN Domain Name. Default: Tcl Parameter: DcTcnDomainName |
T-CN Port |
Enter T-CN Port. Range: 1 to 65535 Default: 5060 Tcl Parameter: DcTcnPort |
Call Release Cause |
Select from a list of Call Release Cause options. Options: Reserved (64), Normal (65) - default, Originate Initiate (66), CN Force (67), Timeout (68), Terminate Initiate (69), DC Cancel Video Push (70), CN Cancel Video Push (71) Tcl Parameter: DcCallRelCause |
Expires (s) |
Enter Expires timer in seconds. Range: 0 to 4294967295 Default: 3600 Tcl Parameter: DcRegExpires |
Video Only |
Select for Video only. Range: 0 to 65535 Default: 5 Tcl Parameter: DcVideoOnly |