This message flow simulates a TFTP file download from the server to the client over UDP. The flow is intended to generate simple TFTP traffic between the MN and the Network Host node.

When control plane protocols are used, the message flow begins after Data Start Delay timer expires. The MN initiates the TCP connection and the Client Port and Server Port in the message flow define the ports used for the TFTP request.

  1. The client begins the message sequence by issuing a request to download the specified file using octet mode.

At this point in the message flow, the TFTP data subflow is executed. It performs the requested data transfer using the ports defined in the subflow. When the transfer is complete, the subflow returns a TRANS_COMPLETE event to the mainflow and the mainflow sends a Stop Subflow to halt subflow execution.

NOTE: Step 2 is a blank command used for padding since a Send Event control cannot follow a Wait for Event control.

In the default configuration, the message flow will repeat once per second while the MN session is active. This assumes that the entire flow can be completed in one second. The flow must complete before the next iteration can begin, even if this results in a slower transaction rate.

Modifying the Message Flow

The encoded fields in the message are shown in red in the diagram above, and the text fields are shown in black. You can easily modify the name of the requested file.