This message flow simulates an HTTP transaction that retrieves one simulated web page from a server, and is intended to generate simple HTTP traffic between the MN and the Network Host node. The HTTP 1.1 Persistent Connection Pipelining message flow simulates pipelining client requests.
When control plane protocols are used, the TCP connection is established after Data Start Delay timer expires. The MN initiates the TCP connection, using the Client Port and Server Port defined in the message flow.
The client begins the message sequence by issuing the GET request, and the server responds with a 116-byte message that includes the response headers.
The client sends a second, identical GET request, and the server responds with a 116-byte message that includes the response headers.
In the default configuration, the message flow will repeat once per second while the MN session is active. This assumes that the entire flow can be completed in one second. The flow must complete before the next iteration can begin, even if this results in a slower transaction rate.
Since HTTP is a text-based protocol, you can easily modify the HTTP headers, add simulated web page content with filler data, or import a file to use as the web page. If you do modify the message, keep the following rules in mind:
If you change the HTTP version to 1.0, change both the request and response headers.
The response headers and the web page content are always separated by a blank line.
Persistent connection is the default for HTTP 1.1, but not for HTTP 1.0.
To simulate non-persistent HTTP, clear the Persistent Connection checkbox. The TCP connection will be torn down at the end of each message flow, and re-established for the next iteration.
You can specify that random port numbers, in the IANA specified dynamic range of 49152 — 65535, be used by the client by entering a 0 for the Client Port.