About the Test Case Settings Window

The Test Case Settings window is displayed when adding a test case to a test session and when editing the test case. You may access the test case window through the Network Browser Tab (Test Selection Mode) and Session Builder tab in the Test Session window. Use this window to configure the parameters for the test case, the test activity, and any options added to the test case such as Data Traffic.

NOTE: If this topic displayed when you clicked F1, you may wish to focus your cursor either on the tab in the test case settings panel or on the parameter help you wish to view. Hold down the left mouse key to maintain the focus on the radio button.

The test case window contains two major panels, the test case diagram and the test case settings panel. Above each panel is a header bar with the panel title and a toggle button to collapse or expand the panel. Standard tree symbols (-/+) indicate the state of the header bar panel.

Test Case Diagram Panel

(User Interactions)


Test Case Settings Panel

Buttons and Tabs


Test Case Diagram Panel

NOTE: The test case diagrams do not show every device that could receive or send traffic during a test but only shows those devices that are part of the test definition – either as a SUT or as an emulated node.

The modify control plane protocol stacks are collapses and show first 2-3 layers, either a single L1-2 or L1-3 layer for ease of reference.

User Interaction

  • The Network Diagram panel shows the 1st IP address and then the total number of interfaces in brackets if more than 1 node is supported.
  • When you save the Test Case, the Network Diagram panel identifies unassigned IP addresses and displays as [Unassigned].

Test Case Settings Panel

A variety of parameter types, fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and drop-down lists, are used to define different aspects of the test, and these parameters are logically grouped in panes and on sub-tabs. Buttons with labels ending in "..." open dialog boxes containing more advanced or detailed parameters for a particular option. A parameter can become enabled (editable) or disabled (gray) depending on the selections you make in other parameters. The available settings for a parameter, for example, the items in a drop-down list, may also change based on the setting in another parameter.

Test Configuration Tab

Network Devices Tab

Network Interface Tabs

NOTE: The selections in the Test Options pane can control whether an interface or protocol tab is visible. Only tabs with configurable settings are displayed. Selecting HA Node Emulation in ASN Nodal, for example, causes the R3 tab to be displayed with the MIP protocol tab. Changing the MIP Scheme selection to Simple IP in CSN Nodal adds a DHCP protocol tab to the R6 interface tab for the DHCP Client settings and a DHCP protocol tab to the R3 interface tab for the DHCP Relay Agent settings. When a protocol is dynamically added to an interface tab, its sub-tab is selected by default so that when you selects the interface tab the new settings are visible.

Additional Tab and Buttons

VisionWorks Tags