About the Network Browser Tab

Use the Network Browser tab in the Test Session window to browse available networks and add test cases. The Network Browser tab contains an interactive diagram of all the different types of networks in which Landslide can test or simulate devices.

Symbols and Terminology

Cursor — whenever the mouse rolls over an object/network, the arrow cursor changes to a hand cursor.

Test Point () —  Test Points, blue target icons, are placed on network interfaces that are supported by one or more Landslide test cases and are labeled with the interface name. A test point indicates that the system is licensed for at least one test case or optional feature that can test the network interface. If the system is not licensed for any test cases that support an interface, a solid black circle is displayed instead of the target icon.

Device colors — Emulated devices are blue, test devices are green and devices that are outside the scope of a selected test case are gray.

NOTE: Gray colored devices may play a supporting role in a test but the test case does not interact with them (although the SUT may).

Browse Mode

The first time you open the test session window after logging in to the client, the browser loads information from the test cases in the Basic library, uses the information to construct and display the options in the Network Browser. While this information is being gathered, a progress bar with the message Loading test case information displays. This operation is only performed the first time a test session is accessed and the information is retained for the duration of the client’s session.

NOTE: In order for the browser to load, the client must have access to all available test cases. They will be downloaded from the Manager if necessary and this process may take some time over a remote connection when the system is licensed for many test cases.

You may use the mouse scroll wheel to change the scale of the diagram within the supported scale limits. When you roll mouse over a network, it is highlighted with a blue outline and the cursor changes to a hand. If you then click the highlighted network, the browser zooms in (or out, depending on the current scale) to the selected network, moves the network to the top left corner of the panel, and displays the Test Selection Panel to the right of the network. The browser is now in Test Selection Mode. To return to browse mode, click the Browse Networks button.

Test Selection Mode

In this mode, you may select test points, devices, and the available test cases. You may also Right-click to reset any selection.

Components in Browser Selection Mode

The selected network and test selection panel to the right of the network components allows you to select test points and available test cases.

NOTE: Test Case and test server are automatically selected if the list contains only  one choice.

Related Topics

  1. About Test Cases
  2. Testing with the Test System
  3. Using Test Cases