The PDN Context tab is used to define multiple Subscriber Groups, PDN Contexts and QoS Profiles to provision each Subscriber Group with unique APN/PDN Contexts.
PDN Contexts Context Tab Quality of Service |
Measurements collected for HSS related processing are reported on the HSS Node report tab.
NOTE: When PDN Contexts is used to define PDN Contexts and QoS Profiles in the SMS-HLR Interface (from SMS Network test case), the TCL variables with have a prefix of "SmsHlr" in palce of "HssSrv". |
Subscriber Groups and APN/Context Assignment |
Specify the number of Subscriber Groups to provision multiple sets of IMSIs, each with unique APN/PDN Contexts. You may define a maximum of 100 Subscriber groups. Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnApnSubscriberGroupCount
Define Subscribers in Group to provision unique APN/PDN Contexts. Enter the range of Subscribers that should include unique APNs/Contexts (1 to the maximum subscribers) Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnApnSubscriberGroup[n]Start start of subgroup n HssSrvPdnApnSubscriberGroup[n]End end of subsgroup n |
PDN Contexts/APN |
For example, If you configure PDN Context 1/APN 1 with subscribers ID Range 1-100, 300-500, 900-1000, then the 1/APN 1 is included only for the subscribers starting from 1 to 100, 300 to 500, and 900-1000. Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnApnSubscriberGroup1Apns (HssSrvPdnApnSubscriberGroup[n]Apns { ... } - assigned PDN Context Indexes to subgroup n)
Max APN Mode via TDF |
Select to define a maximum of 300 PDN Contexts. When you select this option, you may define only one APN in the GUI and use the TDF to apply the parameter values to the rest of the APNs. Include TDF as required.
Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnMaxModeEn |
Number of Contexts |
Use the drop-down list to select the Number of contexts to be established for the HSS Server. Options: 1— 30 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: HssSrvNumContexts
Allow Dynamic VPLMN |
Use the checkbox to allow the PDN context to derive a PDN GW identity from the visited PLMN. This parameter is available only if PDN Contexts is greater than 0. Tcl Parameter: HssSrvDynamicVplmn Values: 0 or 1 (0 = disabled, 1=enabled) |
Context Tab | ||||||
Enter the APN value assigned to PDP context. Enter up to 50 characters. "." and "-" are allowed. Click Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnApn_1 |
APN Network Identifier |
Enter the APN Network Identifier. Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnNtwkId_1 |
Use the dropdown list to select the address type of PDN. When you select the IPv4 or IPv6 option, the V4 and V6 radio buttons become available and V4 is selected by default. Options: IPv4, IPv6, IPv4 and IPv6, IPv4 or IPv6 and Non-IP Default: IPv4 Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnType_1 |
Select Include Operator APN Identifier and configure the Operator Identifier. Type: True/False Default: False
Range: 1 - 127 characters Default: APN ID<1-based tab suffix> |
Select to assign the QoS Profile Index to the PDN Contexts (references to the QOS Profile Index via the QosClass_[PDN Index] ). Tcl parameter: HssSrvPdnQosClass_1 (HssSrvPdnQosClass_[PDN_INDEX]) You may also change the assigned QOS Profile/Class Runtime. |
Use this checkbox to enable the type of charging for which the PDN context is liable. Select from one of 16 charging profiles that may be configured on the SGSN. You can either use the same charging characteristics for all PDN contexts or enter a different charging profile for each context. See table of Charging Profiles. Range: 0 - 65535 Default: 0 (indicates that it is not used) Tcl Parameter:
Select PDN-GW Address and enter the relevant IP address for the PDN context. Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnPgwAddrEn_1 |
Holds the PDN IP Address of the user. Select the Served Party Address checkbox to enter the relevant IP address for the PDN context.
Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnSpAddrEn_1 IPv4/IPv6 Address Enter valid IP addresses for the PDN context. You can either use the same IP address for all PDN contexts or enter a different address for each context. The address available depends on the PDN Type you selected.
Select the checkbox to define different Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate for each IP context. Enter the appropriate Class ID and define the IP flow Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate for UL and DL traffic in bps. Range = 0 to 4294967295 Default value = 0
Select the PDN GW ID and enter the origin host and realm of the PDN context. You can either use the same host and realm for all PDN contexts or enter a different address for each context.
Indicates whether the allocated PDN-GW Address is Dynamic or Static. Select as required. Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnPgwGwAllocType_1 |
Available if PDN-Type = Non-IP. Options: SGi Based Data Delivery Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnNonIpMechType_1 |
Select to include the Interworking 5GS indicator, Select Subscribed or Not Subscribed. Currently not supported in SMS Network test case under SMS-HLR interface.
Select to Enable Wildcard APN. The default wildcard value will depend on the PDN Context number. This will include the wildcard value per 3GPP TS 23.003 (3) (9.1.2) and 3GPP TS 23.008 (30) (2.13.6). All APNs and associated PGW-ID pairs stored in the HSS not associated with an explicit APN subscription, (i.e. The access to that APN has been authorized as a consequence of having Wildcard APN in the user subscription), shall be included by the HSS inside the APN Context of the wildcard APN, as multiple instances of the Specific-APN-Info AVP. Currently not supported in SMS Network test case under SMS-HLR interface.
Select Specify Subscribers to provision multiple sets of IMSIs, each with unique APN. Enter the range of Subscribers that should include unique APNs (1 to the maximum subscribers) For example, If you configure APN Context 1 with subscribers ID Range 1-100, 300-500, 900-1000, then the APN Context 1 is included only for the subscribers starting from 1 to 100, 300 to 500, and 900-1000.
The MME/SGSN needs the QOS information PDN Context basis for IP packet Uplink and Downlink. The MME/SGSN ensures that the granted QOS does not exceed the Authorized QoS per IP flow. The authorized bit rate/sec is defined separately for Uplink and Downlink packet flow.
Number of QoS Classes |
Indicates the number of QoS Profiles defined. You may define a maximum of 15 QOS Profiles. The number of QoS Class tabs displayed depends on the Number of QoS Classes value you select. The QoS Profile defined is assigned and referenced by the PDN Contexts (references a QOS profile by index). Tcl Parameter: HssSrvPdnQosCount |
NOTE: QOS variable names are suffixed by their QOS Profile index. |
QoS Profile is available irrespective of the Number of Contexts and QoS Class ID selection. Currently not supported in SMS Network test case under SMS-HLR interface.
See also QoS ProfileQoS Profile
Reliability Class | Range: 0 — 7 Default: 1 Tcl ParameterTcl Parameter: QosReliability_1 Where applicable, the Tcl Variable names for the QOS parameters are suffixed based on the Summary vs Individual setting and the number of context in a test.
_0_0 (Primary), _0_1 (secondary), _0_2 (secondary), _1_0, _1_1, _1_2, _2_0, _2_1, and _2_2.
Delay Class | The relative importance for the handling of all SDUs (R97/98). Range: 0 — 7 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosDelay_1
The maximum throughput allowed for a PDP context. Range: 0 — 15 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosPeakThruput_1
Mean Throughput | The average throughput allowed for a PDP context. Range: 0— 31 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosMeanThruput_1
Delivery Order | Indicates whether in-sequence SDU delivery is used (R99). Range: 0 — 3 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: DeliveryOrder_1
Transfer Delay | Indicates the maximum delay for 95th percentile of the distribution of delay for all delivered SDUs during the lifetime of a bearer service, where delay for an SDU is defined as the time from a request to transfer an SDU to its delivery. Range: 0 — 63 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosTransferDelay_1
The relative importance for the handling of all SDUs (R99). Range: 0 — 3 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosTrafficPriority_1
Range: 0 — 255 (Use the conversion wizard or see Standard Values... for rate/value conversion.) Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosGuaranteedBitrateUplink_1
Range: 0 — 255 (Use the conversion wizard or see Standard Values... for rate/value conversion.) Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosGuaranteedBitrateDownlink_1
Indicates whether SDUs detected as erroneous will be delivered or discarded (R99). Range: 0 — 7 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosErrorSdu_1
The relative importance of the GPRS bearer compared to other GPRS bearers for allocation and retention. The network elements can use Allocation/Retention Priority to prioritize bearers when performing admission control (R99). Range: 0 — 255 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosAllocPriority_1
The fraction of SDUs lost or detected as erroneous (R99). Range: 0 — 15 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosSduRatioError_
The undetected bit error ratio in the delivered SDUs. If error detection is not requested, this indicates the BER in the delivered SDUs (R99). Range: 0 — 15 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosResidualBer_
The relative importance of the GPRS bearer compared to other GPRS bearers for allocation and retention. The network elements can use Allocation/Retention Priority to prioritize bearers when performing admission control (R97/98). Range: 0 — 7 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosResidualBer_1
Range: 0 — 7 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: TrafficClass_1
The maximum SDU size for which the network will satisfy the negotiated QOS. Range: 0 — 255 Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: MaxSduSize_1
Range: 0 — 255 (Use the conversion wizard or see Standard Values... for rate/value conversion.) Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: MaxBitrateUplink_1
Range: 0 — 255 (Use the conversion wizard or see Standard Values... for rate/value conversion.) Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: MaxBitrateDownlink_1
Use the checkbox to include octets 14 — 16 in the QOS Information Element. When enabled, you can define the following attributes. |
Source Statistics Descriptor — Indicates the source type. Range: 0 — 15 (0 = unknown, 1 = speech) Default: 0 Tcl Parameter: QosSourceStatisticsDescriptor_1
Signalling Indication — Indicates whether the PDP context is optimized for signalling traffic. Range: 0 (not optimized) — 1 (optimized) Default: 0 Tcl Parameter: QosSignallingIndication_1
Use the checkbox to include octets 15 and 16 when a downlink rate larger than 8,640 kbps should be requested. The bit rates are calculated in 100 kbps increments (8,700 — 256,000 kbps) as (8600 kbps + (value * 100 kbps)). The extended Max/Guaranteed Bit Rate Downlink fields will completely override the Max/Guaranteed Bit rate downlink/uplink, if they are set to anything other than 0. |
Max Bit Rate for Downlink (extended) Range: 0 — 255 (Use the conversion wizard for rate/value conversion.) Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosMaxBitrateDownlinkExt_1
Guaranteed Bit Rate Downlink (extended) Range: 0 — 255 (Use the conversion wizard for rate/value conversion.) Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosGuaranteedBitrateDownlinkExt_1
Related Measurements
Use the checkbox to include octets 17 and 18 when a uplink rate larger than 8,640 kbps should be requested. The bit rates are calculated in 100 kbps increments (8,700 — 256,000 kbps) as (8600 kbps + (value * 100 kbps)). Tcl Parameter: QosIncGbrdMbrdExt_0_0 QosIncGbrdMbrdExt_1 Range: True or False Default: False The extended Max/Guaranteed Bit Rate Uplink fields will completely override the Max/Guaranteed Bit rate Uplink, if they are set to anything other than 0.
Max Bit Rate for Uplink (extended) Range: 0 — 255 (Use the conversion wizard for rate/value conversion.) Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosMaxBitrateUplinkExt_1
Guaranteed Bit Rate Uplink (extended) Range: 0 — 255 (Use the conversion wizard for rate/value conversion.) Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: QosGuaranteedBitrateUplinkExt_1
Apply Test Data File to Context File |
The parameter is avaialble only when you select Max APN Mode via TDF. You can provision explicit values for each PDN Context/APN by using a Test Data File. See Test Data Files for further explanation and sample files. If a sample is not found for the specific TDF, you can obtain a sample file from your Technical Support representative. You may also use the following options to select an existing TDF or create/edit TDF-CSV files (TDF-CSV Editor). For most TDF Parameters used for Applying Parameters, each row in the file is the overridden value for a different “Session”, aka a different UE. But some TDFs are done in other dimensions, like Bearers, eNodeBs, Subscribers (2 per UE sometimes) or even Hosts, etc. Tooltips on the TDF Parameter: Note that the “ID” is a unique ID. Please Provide the ID when reporting issues with a TDF. For TDFs that do not apply / override Parameters, but instead are just their own configuration or data or media files you won’t see TDF ID row details.