FTP Data Transfer Subflow

This message flow simulates a file downloaded from the Network Host node by the MN using FTP. It is used as a subflow in several FTP message flows.

When this flow is used in standalone mode, the MN initiates the TCP connection after the MN's control session is established and the data delay timer expires, or after the client node is started.

When it is used as a subflow, the TCP connection is established when the subflow is executed. The connection can be initiated by either the client or the server depending on whether active or passive mode is specified in the main flow.

The message flow begins as soon as the TCP connection is established.

  1. The server sends a 78-byte packet containing Zs and terminated with a CR-LF pair.

The TCP connection is closed at the end of the message flow. When the flow is used as a subflow, this is triggered by the Stop Sub command.

In standalone mode, the message flow will repeat once per second while the MN session is active. This assumes that the entire flow can be completed in one second. The flow must complete before the next iteration can begin, even if this results in a slower transaction rate.

Modifying the Message Flow

You can modify the message content or import a file to be used as the message.

When this flow is used as a subflow, the defined Client Port and Server Port are used to provision the commands in the main flow.

You can specify that random port numbers, in the IANA specified dynamic range of 49152 — 65535, be assigned when the subflow executes by entering a 0 for either Client Port or Server Port.