The AAA Server Nodal Test Case

Use the AAA Server Nodal test case to test one or more AAA servers using the RADIUS or Diameter protocol. The test system emulates the mobile nodes (MN) from the aspect of creating unique identifiers for each MN. It also emulates a Network Access Server (NAS), generating traffic from the NAS towards the AAA server, and listening for and responding to messages from the AAA server.

In the test case's simplest configuration, the NAS emulator generates authentication and accounting traffic towards a AAA server SUT as shown in the Diameter diagram below.

When you test with RADIUS, you can add an optional Alternate NAS emulator to any configuration. The Alternate NAS also attempts to authenticate the MNs with the SUT, simulating an HA in a CDMA network, for example.

You can test multiple AAA servers and divide authentication and accounting traffic between them by designating an authentication SUT and an accounting SUT. Secondary SUTs can be added for both functions, and the test will direct traffic towards the secondary SUT when the primary SUT is not responsive.

In the third SUT configuration option, you can test up to 10 SUTs in round-robin mode. All authentication and accounting traffic for the first MN is directed towards the first SUT, the second SUT is used for the second MN, and so on.

Simultaneous Testing of S6a, SWx, and STa Interfaces

Landslide AAA Server Nodal and HSS Node test cases support STa, S6b and SWx interfaces simultaneously.


In addition to the SUT configuration, you define:


Measurements collected for the basic AAA Server Nodal test case are reported on the following tabs. Additional measurements may be available depending on the test activity and options executed with the test case.

Diameter Measurements

RADIUS Measurements