The Test Server Reservation Scheduler allows you to reserve a test server for your exclusive use. You can reserve as little as 1 hour or a maximum of 168 hours (one week). If another user attempts to execute a test session during your reserved time, they receive a message indicating that you have reserved the test server.
NOTE: The Test Server Reservation feature is available if your system is licensed for it, or via the TAS Setting test_server_manager. |
The TAS's time zone is displayed in the window title. All times used in the scheduler are based on this time zone.
Use the Test Server drop-down list to select the test server.
The current week is displayed by default. Use the Previous and Next navigation buttons to step through the weekly calendars. Reservations made prior to the current date are retained for up to two weeks past the start time.
Reservations are displayed in the weekly calendar grid. Your reservations are highlighted with cyan.
Use the control buttons to define a reservation (Reserve), Print the displayed calendar, or Close the window.