Reserving a Test Server

Use the Test Server Reservation Scheduler window... to reserve a block of time on a test server, or to delete a reservation and release that time for others.

NOTE: The Test Server Reservation feature is available if your system is licensed.

To add a reservation:

  1. Open the scheduler by selecting View > Test Server Reservation Scheduler from the Main menu.

  2. Select the Test Server from the drop-down list if your system has more than one test server.

  3. Use the Next button, if necessary, to display the correct week.

  4. Right-click the day/time cell of the start time, or click Reserve and select the starting day and time from the drop-down lists in the Reservation dialog box.

    NOTE: The times displayed in the calendar grid are based on the TAS's time zone, which is displayed in the window title.

  5. Enter the reservation Duration in hours, and click Add to commit the reservation. The maximum duration allowed is 168 hours (one week).

    NOTE: A new reservation's start time cannot be earlier than the current time on the TAS, and no part of the reservation's duration can overlap another reservation. If either of these conditions exist, the reservation will not be added and you will receive an error message.

To delete a reservation:

  1. Display the reservation, following steps 1-3 above. Your reservations are highlighted in cyan.

  2. Right-click the reservation, select Delete, and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes in the confirmation window to remove the reservation.

    NOTE: System Administrators and the Super User can delete any reservation. All others can only delete their own reservations.

Related Topics

  1. About the Test Server Reservation Scheduler
  2. Executing a Test
  3. Managing Your Test Servers