Configure the GRE L2 tunnel information between Access Point and Gateway.


Variant 1

  • UDP Encapsulation
  • Gateway Destination Port
  • Gateway Authentication Port
  • Keep Alive Interval (s)
  • Keep Alive Timeout (intervals)
  • Forwarding Policy
  • Path MTU
  • IGMP Support
  • IGMP Version
  • Multicast Group Starting Address
  • Number of Multicast Groups
  • Number of Switchover Gateways
  • Forced Switchover Interval (s)
  • Switchover Gateway IP Address

Variant 1

  • X509 Certificate File     Installed    Test Data file
  • Private Key File            Installed    Test Data file
  • Gateway Authentication Port
  • HTTP Control
  • Device Model
  • Device Name
  • Device Serial Number
  • Device Firmware Version
  • Device Country Code
  • Data Endpoint
  • Flex Offload
  • Firmware Download
  • SSH

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GRE key

Select the GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) options for the GRE tunnel between the Access Point and the GW. Default = 0x0 Tcl Parameter: GreKey
GRE Checksum

Select to enable GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) Checksum.

Tcl Parameter: GreChksumEn
GRE Sequence Number

Select to enable GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) Sequence Number.

Tcl Parameter: GreSeqNumEn
ARP Over GRE  

In both WiFi Offload Gateway Nodal and Node test cases, select to capture messages sent from the Gateway to the AP and from AP back to the Gateway.  

The Access Point report tab is shows ARP Over GRE Requests Received/Sent measurements.

Tcl Parameter: ArpOverGreEn

ARP Router ID

ARP Router ID

Enable to Add ARP Router ID controls. Only available when AP Tunnel type = GRE L2.

Tcl Parameter: ArpRouterIdEn


Enabled when ARP Router ID is checked. Only available when AP Tunnel type = GRE L2.

Default = 2 ( Retry 0 means unlimited transmission until ARP response received, 1 means 1 retry and total 2 ARP requests sent)

Tcl Parameter: ArpRouterIdRetries

Retry Time (ms)

Enabled when ARP Router ID is checked. Only available when AP Tunnel type = GRE L2.

Default = 3000 (3 seconds) which is same retry timer as Vendor Variant 1.

Tcl Parameter: ArpRouterIdRetryTime


Vendor Variant Select the Vendor type. Default is None.

Vendor Variant is 1

Available for selection when Vendor Variant is 1.

UDP Encapsulation

Select to indicate UDP encapsulation of the GRE Tunnel packets.

Tcl Parameter: GreUdpEncapEn

Gateway Destination Port

Destination port of the gateway, for UDP Encapsulation. Available when you select UDP Encapsulation.

Default: 23233

Tcl Parameter: GreGwDestPort

Gateway Authentication Port

Authentication port of the gateway. Available irrespective of your selection of UDP Encapsulation.

Default: 23232

Tcl Parameter: GreGwAuthPort

Gateway IP Address

IP address of the Gateway (WOGW Nodal Test Case).

Keep Alive Interval

Tunnel keep alive interval in seconds  (WOGW Nodal Test Case).

Tcl Parameter: GreKeepAlive

Keep Alive Timeout

Number of missed keep alive intervals to detect timeout/failover condition  (WOGW Nodal Test Case).

Tcl Parameter: GreKeepAliveTimeout

Forwarding Policy


Value used for the forwarding policy field in the GRE header  (WOGW Nodal Test Case).

Tcl Parameter: GreForwardingPolicy


Indicates the SSID of mobile  (WOGW Nodal Test Case). You may choose define a fixed number or an auto-incrementing integer value.

Tcl Parameter: GreWlanId

Path MTU

Path MTU is the MTU for used for non-IP packets  (WOGW Nodal Test Case).  

Tcl Parameter: GrePathMtu

IGMP (WOGW Nodal Test case) Select to enable support for IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol). Used by hosts and adjacent routers on IPv4 networks to establish multicast group memberships. Select IGMP Version - options 1 (default), 2 or 3. Enter Multicast Group Starting Address - Only IPv4 multicast address is allowed. Number of Multicast Groups - options 1 (default) to 15. Tcl Parameter: IgmpSupportEn Tcl Parameter: IgmpVersion Tcl Parameter: IgmpMulticastGroupAddr Tcl Parameter: IgmpMulticastGroupNum
IGMP (WOGW Node Test case) Select to Emulate Multicast Router (signaling only). Select IGMP Version - options 1 (default), 2 or 3. Enter Startup Query Interval (s) - Range from 0 to 65535 (Default = 2) Enter General Query Interval (s) - Range from 0 to 65535 (Default = 5) Tcl Parameter: EmulateMulticastRouterEn Tcl Parameter: IgmpVersion Tcl Parameter: IgmpStartupQueryInterval Tcl Parameter: IgmpGeneralQueryInterval
Number of Switchover Gateways Enter Up to 8 Switchover Gateways

Tcl Parameter: GreNumSwitchoverAddr

Forced Switchover Interval (s) Enter the forced switchover interval in seconds. Default = 30 seconds

Tcl Parameter: GreNumSwitchoverInterval

Switchover Gateway IP Address Enter Up to 8 Switchover Gateway IP Addresses

Tcl Parameter: GreSwitchoverAddr_1


Selecting Vendor Variant also allows you to select digital certificate for authentication.

  • Control X509 Certificate File: Select Installed and use the drop-down list to select the X.509 certificate file.

  • Control Private Key File: Select Installed and use the drop-down list to select the file that will provision the local peers' private key.

Options: All Certificate files installed on the test server

Default: N/A

You may also select Test Data File to specify the certificate file names. This allows you to upload a certificate you want to use as a Test Data File without causing the test Server to reboot.

  • Using Test Data Files also allows you to save certificates for to different repositories and provides you with a means to use the same certificates files names from different repositories.
  • When Certificates are TDF, they are exportable to STE. See topic Exporting Test Suites for additional information.


See also Applying Parameter ValuesApplying Parameter Values.

See Test Data Files for further explanation and sample files. If a sample is not found for the specific TDF, you can obtain a sample file from your Technical Support representative. You may also use the following options to select an existing TDF or create/edit TDF-CSV files (TDF-CSV Editor). 

For most TDF Parameters used for Applying Parameters, each row in the file is the overridden value for a different “Session”, aka a different UE. But some TDFs are done in other dimensions, like Bearers, eNodeBs, Subscribers (2 per UE sometimes) or even Hosts, etc. Tooltips on the TDF Parameter: 

Note that the “ID” is a unique ID. Please Provide the ID when reporting issues with a TDF. For TDFs that do not apply / override Parameters, but instead are just their own configuration or data or media files you won’t see TDF ID row details.

TIP: When including large files, please be aware of memory limitations, since the TDF Editor shares memory with the Client.

NOTE: The available TDF options vary. on the L3-7 | IPSec tab > IKE with RSA Settings you may only select the Certificate TDF from TAS (these are non-CSV TDFs).

In addition, where applicable, any rules for defining TDFs are included in specific Test Cases. (For example, In MME Node test case, see MME Node - Provisioning TDF.)

From the DMF Window, press Shift+Alt+A to display the  Save DMF as Tcl window. Click the Save to File button to save as Tcl file. See additional details on Using the Tcl API.


Select/Create a new TDF-CSV

Allows you to create a new TDF by entering a file name that doesn’t already exist or select an existing file by entering a file name that already exists.

Click to open the Select Existing or Create window.

  • Navigate to the relevant library/folder,

  • Enter the name of the file:

  • If the file name already exists, the file is selected and applied in the test case.

  • If the file name does not exist, a message displays that says you are creating a new TDF and the embedded TDF-CSV will be launched.

    • Click Yes to launch the TDF-CSV Editor and create/save the new TDF-CSV.

    • Click No to select a different file

NOTE: If you do not have permission to save in the selected library, an error displays when you try to create a new file.
TIP: You may also navigate to the relevant library/folder and select file, and click OK.


Upload a New TDF to TAS

Click to import a new TDF file from your local folder and select in the test Case (instead of having to go to TDF Admin).

  • Navigate to the file on your local folder and select.
  • Then navigate to the location (library) where you want to save it on the TAS. You may rename the file, if required.  

View Edit Selected TDF in TDF-CSV Editor

Available only when you have selected a TDF on TAS. Click to open the selected file in TDF-CSV Editor (in place, that is, within the Test Case).

Edit the file and save. You may also click Save As to save the edited TDF-CSV to a different library and also rename the file, if required.

NOTE: You may also select a TDF from a library to which you do not have write permissions, edit the file as required, and save (Save As) only to a different library with the same file name or a different name.

The only options available are Save As and Cancel.

Open Selected TDF in Standalone TDF-CSV Editor

Available only when you have selected a TDF on TAS. Select to retrieve the CSV file and open it in the stand alone TDF-CSV Editor.

Generate Stub TDF-CSV

TIP: Available only when a CSV specification has been defined for in the Test Case for the TDF widget ( View TDF Actions/Options Menu)


Opens an example context specific test data parametersexample context specific test data parameters, which you may save as a .CSV file or open in the TDF-CSV Editor.


Launch Standalone TDF-CSV Editor

Click to open a blank TDF-CSV Editor.

The Launch Standalone TDF-CSV editor options handles very large TDFs that may use too much Client memory if opened within the Test Case/in the embedded editor.  You may set the standalone TDF-CSV Editor memory high to edit large TDFs.


Available for selection when Vendor Variant is 1 - Enter Control Panel data fields.

HTTP Control

Select to enable the HTTP Control pane.

Added support for testing the following use cases:

1: Connect emulated APs, Connect emulated UEs, Pass Traffic in both capacity and session loading configurations.

2: Dataplane support direct IP (with VPN) to Network Host, or GRE dataplane

3: Scale up to 50,000 APs

4: Support UEs roaming between emulated Aps

5: Support simulated Firmware download

Tcl Parameter: GreHttpCtrlEn

Device Model

Enter the device Model. Up to 16 characters.

Default: R710

Tcl Parameter: GreDeviceModel

Device Name

Enter the device name. You may choose use an auto increase format using the auto-increment Wizard.

Tcl Parameter: GreDeviceName

Device Serial Number

Enter the device serial number. You may choose use an auto increase format using the auto-increment Wizard.

Default: 241503704872

Tcl Parameter: GreDeviceSerialNum

Device Firmware Version

Enter the device firmware version. Up to 32 characters.


Tcl Parameter: GreDeviceFwVersion

Device Country Code

Enter the device country code. Up to 16 characters.

Default: US

Tcl Parameter: GreDeviceCountryCode

Data Endpoint

Enter a valid IPv4 address to be used for data endpoint. Available if Flex Offload is not enabled.

Tcl Parameter: GreDataEndPoint

Flex Offload

Select for Flex Offload.

Tcl Parameter: GreDataFlexOffloadEn

Firmware Download


Select for Firmware Download.

Tcl Parameter: GreFirmwareDownEn


Select for Secure Socket Shell or SSH.

Options : True (default) or false.

Tcl Parameter: GreSshEn





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