Generating Keys

Before you can test using digital certificates, the test server must be provisioned with private key files and corresponding X.509 certificates. The files will be generated in PEM format, which you can then convert to DER or PKCS#12 if necessary.

The generateRsaKeys command generates the files and places them in the directory accessed during the test and when generating certificates: /home/cfguser/rsa. The command can be used with the following parameters:

IMPORTANT: Key generation can take several hours depending on the number of key pairs generated, and the amount of test server resources consumed will adversely affect test operations. Reserve the test server to prevent other users from running test sessions during key generation.

To generate public and private key files:

  1. SSH to the test server and log in as cfguser.

  2. Change to the CA directory (/home/cfguser/sseworks): cd sseworks.

  3. Enter the generate command. If the default values are acceptable, you can simply specify the number of key pairs to be generated — up to 100,000. You can define the number of key pairs to use in the test definition. If there are less key pairs than MN sessions, the test will distribute the keys among the sessions as evenly as possible. The key file names are also specified in the test, allowing you to generate files with different key sizes, for example, and use them in different tests. In this example, 10,000 1024-bit keys are generated and written to the files specified.

    ##> generateRsaKeys --num 10000 --size 1024 --private MyPrivateKeys.pem --public MyPublicKeys.pem

  4. A confirmation message is displayed as the process begins and progress messages are printed as every 1000 key pairs is generated. When the process is complete, a final time stamp is printed and the prompt is displayed as shown below.

    Creating 10000 public and private RSA keys of size 10248 bits...
    Public RSA key output file: /home/cfguser/rsa/MyPublicKeys.pem
    Private RSA key output file: /home/cfguser/rsa/MyPrivateKeys.pem

    Time: Jun 20 10:46:16
    completed key # 1000  Time: Mon Jun 20 10:52:16
    completed key # 2000  Time: Mon Jun 20 10:58:22
    completed key # 3000  Time: Mon Jun 20 11:04:18
    completed key # 4000  Time: Mon Jun 20 11:10:17
    completed key # 5000  Time: Mon Jun 20 11:16:16
    completed key # 6000  Time: Mon Jun 20 11:22:23
    completed key # 7000  Time: Mon Jun 20 11:28:15
    completed key # 8000  Time: Mon Jun 20 11:34:17
    completed key # 9000  Time: Mon Jun 20 11:40:17
    completed key # 10000  Time: Mon Jun 20 11:46:24
    Time: Mon Jun 20 11:46:24

  5. If the test requires PKCS#12 format, you will need to generate the certificates before converting the format. If the test requires DER format, you can convert the private key file now:

    1. Change to the rsa directory: cd /home/cfguser/rsa.

    2. Enter the conversion command: openssl rsa -inform PEM -outform DER -in <pem-file-name> -out <der-file-name>

      Using the example file above:

      ##> openssl rsa -inform PEM -outform DER -in MyPrivateKeys.pem -out MyPrivateKeys.der

  6. Generate the X.509 certificates.


Related Topics

  1. Generating X.509 Certificates
  2. Managing Certificate Files
  3. Using Digital Certificates