With the Test Session menu, you can save the test session logs, save reports, and retrieve test result files.
Close the Test Session window
Save As Tcl the open test session (saves the session as a Tcl file)
Remote Test, Auto TS Mode to configure a limited function single test server test session to be scheduled to run many times remotely on a test server, without the TAS sequencing the test sessions themselves. Note : This option is no longer supported.
Use Gratuitous ARP to send a G-ARP (Gratuitous ARP) or Neighbor Advertisement from emulated network device.
Do not delete temp files to not delete the temporary files that are created on the TAS and Test Server during test session execution.
Abort after any TS recycles - Indicates, the normal/default behavior, that the entire test session is aborted when any Test Server recycles.
Abort after all TSs recycle - Indicates that only the Test Cases associated with the recycled Test Server are ignored and the rest of the Test Case in the Test Session continues to run.
ETH Initialization warnings as info/logs - Select to have all sessions that do not complete to be reported as INFO Logs.
Remote TS Control Messaging - Enabling this option will force the TAS to confirm each control message and to re transmit up to two more times to confirm it is received by the Test Server.
Set Auto Delete Timeout - Automatically delete completed test sessions after a timeout period, defaulted to 24 hours.
Show Graphs 3-5 on Separate Tabs - Select to show Charts/Graphs 3 through 5 on separate tabs.
Delete PCAPs if Test Criteria State is not Failed - Select to discard the PCAP and not to save it in TAS results if the test case PASS/FAIL criteria are all passed.
Clear the test log
Save the displayed log
Open TAS Log retrieves the test log when you reconnect to a test session
Save a test report
Retrieve All test Results: This option is available after a test session has stopped running. Select this option to retrieve test results to your local directory.
View Local Results Directory: This option is available only after you have retrieved the test results. Select this option to view the test results file in your local directory.
Generate a per session report