SIP Built-in Scripts

In VoLTE testing, the SIP VoIP Supplementary option, When enabled, provides users with a way for creating SIP tests using scripts and actions. The main advantage of using scripts and actions is to allow users to create different SIP message flows tailored to their particular test environments.


  • You may need to add a Wait-For-Time Built-in Action after the initial SIP Register when using SIP Supplementary Built-in Scripts. The Wait-For-Time Delay will depend on the response time of the test requirements.
  • Limited to 128 Actions per SIP Script.  When using B-Callers, multiple Subscriber feature with the Action Role choosing the "ALL" option, it will result in the single Action being counted N times, where N=number of Subs.


 SIP Built In Scripts: Enabled from SIP VoIP Supplementary Option.
Call Hold     (RFC 5359, Section 2.1)  

The “Call Hold” script is an extended version of the “Simple Call” script by adding a new demonstration of one caller places an existing call on-hold and then resumes the calls few minutes later.  The script performs the following functions:

  • A and B register with a registrar.

  • A connects to B

  • A, B starts sending media to each other, wait for few minutes

  • A places B on-hold, waits for few minutes and A resume calls with B.

  • A, B starts sending media, wait for few minutes and stop media

  • A disconnects from B.




Call Forwarding Unconditional (RFC 5359, Section 2.7) The “Call Forwarding Unconditional” script is used for demonstrating calls indented for one caller being unconditional forwarded to a different caller.  A script consists of 3 callers A, B, and C; and, a call is originally being made from A toward to B; and the expectation is that a proxy will intercept the call and forward it to C.  (NOTE: for this test to be executed successfully, it requires that a PROXY has supports for the forwarding function and properly configured.)  
Call Forwarding - No Answer   (RFC 5359, Section 2.9)

The Call Forwarding – No Reply” script

CFNR script involves 3 participants (A, B, C) and an application-server (AS).  It demonstrates AS that forwards a call based on no-reply expiration time. The call is originated from A and is intended for B. B does not reply and AS cancels the dialog with and starts a new dialog with the new recipient C.



Simple Call

The “Simple Call” script is used for demonstrating a simple normal SIP call between 2 callers A and B.  The script performs the following functions:

  • A and B register with a registrar.

  • A connects to B

  • A, B starts sending media to each other, wait for few minutes, and stop media

  • A Disconnects from B.

Three Party Calls   (3GPP TS 24.605)  

The “Three Party Calls” script is used for demonstrating a conference call involving 3 callers and a conference server.  The message flow is configured to match the message flows of 3-Party Call in 3GPP TS 24.605 specification.  The script performs the following functions:

  • A connects to B, starts media and place B on-hold

  • A connects to C, start media and places C on-hold

  • A connect to D (play as a conference server)

  • A refers B to D

  • B connects to D and disconnect from A

  • A refers C to D

  • C connects to D and disconnect from A

  • A, B,C disconnects from D.




Outgoing Call Barring

The Outgoing Call Barring script involves 2 participants (A, B) and an application-server (AS). It demonstrates AS that rejects an outgoing call from A if the media type in SDP offer matches configured media type.


1)     Call_CommunicationBarring (success, no auth) (A, B)

MSRP 5 Way Group Chat

The “MSRP 5 Way Group Chat ” script is used for demonstrating a Group Chat Scenario involving 5 callers and a conference server. 

 The script performs the following functions:

Call Forwarding - Busy (RFC 5359, Section 2.8)

The “Call Forwarding - Busy ” script is used for demonstrating a Call forwarding - busy. For example: Alice calls Bob, when Bob is busy, calls are forwarded to Carol. 

 The script performs the following functions:

Call Waiting (3GPP TS 24.615)

The “Call Waiting” script is used for demonstrating a Call Waiting scenario. For example: Alice calls Bob, Bob places Alice on Call waiting, starts a conversation, and hangs up.

The script performs the following functions:


MSRP 5 way group chat - HTTP File-transferring

The “MSRP 5 way group chat HTTP file-transferring” script is used for demonstrating an HTTP File transferring scenario.

The script performs the following functions:


MSRP 5 way group chat - MSRP File-transferring

The “MSRP 5 way group chat MSRP file-transferring” script is used for demonstrating an MSRP File transferring scenario.

The script performs the following functions:

Simple MCPTT Private Call

Part of the Mission Critical Push-To-Talk (MCPTT) services. Select to establish a MCPTT Private Call between A and B.

The script performs the following functions:

MCPTT Prearranged Group Call

Part of the Mission Critical Push-To-Talk (MCPTT) services. Select to establish a MCPTT Prearranged Group Call among 5 subscribers.

The script performs the following functions:


Call Connect to VMS with RTP.

Retrieval without Callback

Retrieval without Callback.

Retrieval with Callback (INVITE)

Retrieval with Callback (INVITE)

Retrieval with Callback (REFER)

Retrieval with Callback (REFER)

Retrieval with Callback (BYE ACR)

Retrieval with Callback (BYE Anonymous Call Rejection (ACR))

Call 610

Call 610 script.

MCPTT Private Call with Floor Control

Part of the Mission Critical Push-To-Talk (MCPTT) services. Select to a MCPTT Private Call with Floor Control. Used by the MCPTT Floor Control feature. A Private Call is initiated towards an MCPTT Server (Subscriber C)

MCPTT Group Call with Floor Control

Part of the Mission Critical Push-To-Talk (MCPTT) services. Select to a MCPTT Group Call with Floor Control. Used by the MCPTT Floor Control feature. A Group Call is initiated towards an MCPTT Server.

MSRP Close Group Chat

The script accomplishes full scenario for Close Conference Group. Initiate Close Group Chat towards Conference Server. This is a licensed feature.

All Wait_For_Time steps set to value 1000 milliseconds.   Wait_For_Time in step 7 specifies data exchange time and it should be changed manually.

It consists of the next actions:

1.       Register

2.       Wait_For_Time

3.       Group_CallConnect (See SIP Built-in-Actions)

4.       Group_DataPathSetupMsrp

5.       Wait_For_Time

6.       Group_MediaStart

7.       Wait_For_Time

8.       Group_MediaStop

9.       Wait_For_Time

10.     Group_CallDisconnect




In supplementary service’s flow four service roles are supported:

a.       Initiator (A)

b.      Participants (Invitees) (B)

c.       Confserver (C)

d.      NET

Initiator (A)


A is initiator, it sends a list of Invitees of (B) in XML body of INVITE message to confserver C. It includes all participants from B.  C performs Call Setup to each participant from B-list.

If B consists of 100 participant’s UEs, then we may specify the following operations:

  • A (B1-B100) -> F – Initiator requests confserver to call all participants

Participants (B)


  • In contrast to usage B as a UE in the case of big chatting group we consider it as participant list. If we do specify 100 UEs that B implies B1, B2…, and B100.

Confserver (C)


C is confserver.


  • It receives INVITE request from Initiator (A) and calls all participants from the participant (invitees) list

  • It receives request from A or any participant of B and forwards the received message to all participants from the group.


Document Number


RFC 5359

Session Initiation Protocol Service Examples

RFC 5850

SIP Call Control Framework

RFC 4032

SIP Preconditions Framework

RFC 6442

Location Conveyance for the Session

RFC 3398

Integrated Services Digital Network

ETSI GSM 5.0.0

Supplementary Services Specification Formats and Coding

ETSI TS 24.008

Mobile Radio Interface Layer 3 Specification


Call Waiting Flow

3GPP TS 24.083

Call Waiting (CW) and Call Hold (HOLD) Supplementary Services  

3GPP TS 24.615

Communication Waiting (CW) using IP Multimedia (IM)

ETSI TS 124.604

Communication Diversion (CDIV) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) Subsystem

ETSI TS 124.628

Common Basic Communication Procedures Using IP Multimiedia (IM) Core Network (CN) Subsystem Porotocol Specification  

3GPP TS 23.280 release 14

Common functional architecture to support mission critical services

3GPP TS 22.179 release 14

Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) Stage 1

3GPP TS 23.179 release 14

Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) Stage 2

3GPP TS 24.379 release 14

Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) Call Control; Protocol specification

3GPP TS 24.380 release 14

Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) Media plane Control; Protocol specification

3GPP TS 33.180 release 14

Security of the mission critical service

3GPP TS 24.334 release 14

Proximity-Services (ProSe) User Equipment (UE) to PreSe function protocol aspects

3GPP TS 24.299 release 14

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP)

3GPP TS 24.238

SIP Based User Configuration -



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