OTA Nodes

Available on UE Node Test Case on the E10 when running EDGE software.

Enables support of the LTE-RF interface on E10 such that an LTE module attached to an E10 can support L1-L3 of LTE-Uu Interface and enable LTE services over the RF. Only one UE per module (up to four modules) is currently supported. See LTE U1 Modem on the UE Node test case.

This is a licensed featured.

Define the following for UE 1:


The OTA ports display red with down arrows, like ETH, when they are down.


Example of OTA Nodes Devices with 4 UEs attached :

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1WirelessNode

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1AuthType

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1Apn

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1PdpType

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1Id

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1Password


IMS - Available when VoLTE is enabled on UE Node Test Configuration.

Tcl Parameter: OtaUeIms1

Tcl Parameter: OtaUeIms1AuthType

Tcl Parameter: OtaUeIms1Apn


System Selection Preference - Select PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) Enable to add the MCC and MNC and RF Band selection.


Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1PlmnEn

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1Mcc

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1Mnc

The supported RF bands for MC7455 are:

0000010000000000 - B41
0000000020000000 - B30
0000000010000000 - B29
0000000002000000 - B26
0000000001000000 - B25
0000000000080000 - B20
0000000000001000 - B13
0000000000000800 - B12
0000000000000080 - B8
0000000000000040 - B7
0000000000000010 - B5
0000000000000008 - B4
0000000000000004 - B3
0000000000000002 - B2
0000000000000001 - B1

The supported RF bands for EM7565 are:

0000000000000002 - B66
0000200000000000 - B46
0000010000000000 - B41
0000000080000000 - B32
0000000020000000 - B30
0000000010000000 - B29
0000000008000000 - B28
0000000002000000 - B26
0000000000080000 - B20
0000000000040000 - B19
0000000000020000 - B18
0000000000001000 - B13
0000000000000800 - B12
0000000000000100 - B9
0000000000000080 - B8
0000000000000040 - B7
0000000000000010 - B5
0000000000000008 - B4
0000000000000004 - B3
0000000000000002 - B2
0000000000000001 - B1

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1RfBandEn

Tcl Parameter: OtaUe1RfBand

Tcl Parameter: LteModemLogEn

Tcl Parameter: LteModemQcatIpAddrEn

Tcl Parameter: LteModemQcatIpAddr


LTE OTA U1 Modem Internet and IMS Interface restrictions:

  • No interface can be used by more than one WirelessNode. (i.e. Internet and IMS in one Test Case cannot both use eth5).
  • No Modem (set of interfaces) can be used by more than one UE-set-of-WirelessNodes. (i.e. if eth5 is used by Test Case0 UE1 Internet WirelessNode, eth6 can ONLY be used by Test Case0 UE1 IMS WirelessNode, it cannot not be used by another Test Case's or UE's WirelessNode.)
  • No UE-set-of-WirelessNodes can use more than one Modem. (i.e. Internet cannot use a different modem than IMS. You cannot have Internet on eth1 and IMS on eth6). Internet and IMS in one Test Case UE WirelessNode have to be on the same Modem.