In IMS Nodal test case, the Generic interface allows you to configure testing of a Generic IMS Interface. GEN RTP Traffic Node allows you to specify a different IP for RTP Traffic.
Use Different IP for RTP Traffic: Select to use a diffrent IP address for RTP Traffic. The Physical Interface becomes available for input.
Tcl Parameter: GenRtpTraffNodeEn
Tcl Parameter: GenRtpTraffAddr
With an Ethernet User Node, you can define:
The IP address and routing options... The IP Address will increment for each node.
The MAC Address to override the Hardware MAC address so the packets sent out of the interface will use the provisioned MAC address rather the Hardware MAC Address.
Custom port selection... and error injection with the Advanced... button.
Select default routing that were configured for the test server.
Select the Next Hop IP Address instead of using the test server's default route.
The Outbound Traffic Port to disable the normal routing function and to force packets out of the selected interface.