In VoLTE/IMS Node testing, the SRTP tab on the Gm > Media tab allows you to define the SRTP traffic profile and resource allocation. Available in the Network Host test case, when Proxy is enabled and Enable SRTP on the WebRTC Control.

The Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) is designed to protect media against eavesdropping or alternation when being transported across a network. Prior to sending data out, sending source encrypts packets data and adds authentication/integrity code then sends. Receiving source verifies integrity of received packets, decrypt data before playing back to users.

SRTP is often deployed with an accompanied key management protocol based upon which sending and receiving sources get correct information (i.e. encryption type) for performing their tasks. We will support SDES. Session Description Protocol (SDP) Security Descriptions for Media Streams. 3GPP TS 33.328 proposes 2 key management solutions for SRTP. KMS (not supported at this time) and SDES.

SRTP has been deployed at UE for e2e support. Both ends will need to implement a key  management protocol (i.e. SDES) and SRTP.


Suite 1 through Suite 4

      Key Parameters

      Session Parameters





Apply Test Data File to Parameter Values  


Key Management

SDES is only supported option at this time.

SRTP is often deployed with an accompanied key management protocol based upon which sending and receiving sources get correct information (i.e. encryption type) for performing their tasks. We will support SDES. Session Description Protocol (SDP) Security Descriptions for Media Streams. 3GPP TS 33.328 proposes 2 key management solutions for SRTP. KMS (not supported at this time) and SDES.





Number of Cryptographic Suites

Must enter at least 1 Cryptographic suite or up to 4. Cryptographic suite describes local capability (i.e. encryption transform) of a subscriber/endpoint and its information will be used in negotiation with peers for selecting a common suite to protect RTP packets. Detail description of cryptographic suites will be discussed in the following sub-sessions.

Range: 1 to 4

Default: 1




Suite 1 to 4

Encryption Type

Select an Encryption Type. Two supported options.

AES-CM-128 (default) – Advanced Encryption Standard in Counter Mode with 128-bit key length.  This encryption type will be chosen by default.

AES-F8-128 – Advanced Encryption Standard in F8 mode with 128-bit key length










Key Derivation (PRF)

One Key Derivation Supported.  

AES-CM-128 (default) – Advanced Encryption Standard in Counter Mode with 128-bit key length.  This encryption type will be chosen by default.



GmSrtpKeyDerivative2 GmSrtpKeyDerivative3 GmSrtpKeyDerivative4


WebRtcSrtpKeyDerivative2 WebRtcSrtpKeyDerivative3 WebRtcSrtpKeyDerivative4


Integrity Type  

Select an Integrity/Authentication type for each Cryptographic Suite.

Options : HMAC-SHA1-80 (default), HMAC-SHA1-32


GmSrtpIntegrityType2 GmSrtpIntegrityType3 GmSrtpIntegrityType4


WebRtcSrtpIntegrityType2 WebRtcSrtpIntegrityType3 WebRtcSrtpIntegrityType4
Key Parameters


Number of Master Keys  

This entry is used for specifying how many pairs of master key/master salt need to be generated for this cryptographic suite.  A valid input value will be in range from 1 to 3 inclusive and a default value is set to 1.


GmSrtpNumMasterKeys2 GmSrtpNumMasterKeys3 GmSrtpNumMasterKeys4


WebRtcSrtpNumMasterKeys2 WebRtcSrtpNumMasterKeys3 WebRtcSrtpNumMasterKeys4


Include Master Key Indication (MKI) MKI Length (Octets)  

Include Master Key Indicator (MKI) and MKI Length (Octets): A TRUE/FALSE value is optionally used to specify whether MKI is inserted into each SRTP packet. However, when there are more than one pair of master key/salt are used in a session, this indicator must be always set to TRUE. When the indicator is set to TRUE, users is required to enter MKI length and MKI length is initially default to 4 octets.


GmSrtpIncMki2 GmSrtpIncMik3 GmSrtpIncMki4


GmSrtpMkiLen2 GmSrtpMikLen3 GmSrtpMkiLen4



WebRtcSrtpIncMki2 WebRtcSrtpIncMik3 WebRtcSrtpIncMki4



WebRtcSrtpMkiLen2 WebRtcSrtpMikLen3 WebRtcSrtpMkiLen4



Include Key Lifetime (2^x)

Include Key lifetime (2^x): This entry is optionally used for specifying user-defined key lifetime value. An entered value should not exceed a max packet lifetime of a chosen encryption algorithm (see RFC 4568 Crypto-Suites and Parameters" ) for max packet lifetime). When not included, key lifetime is set to a maximum packet lifetime of a chosen encryption algorithm.


GmSrtpIncKeyLifetime2 GmSrtpIncKeyLifetime3 GmSrtpIncKeyLifetime4


GmSrtpKeyLifetime2 GmSrtpIncLifetime3 GmSrtpIncLifetime4



WebRtcSrtpIncKeyLifetime2 WebRtcSrtpIncKeyLifetime3 WebRtcSrtpIncKeyLifetime4



WebRtcSrtpKeyLifetime2 WebRtcSrtpIncLifetime3 WebRtcSrtpIncLifetime4



Use Salt Key

Include Salt Key.


GmSrtpUseSaltKey2 GmSrtpUseSaltKey3 GmSrtpUseSaltKey4



WebRtcSrtpUseSaltKey2 WebRtcSrtpUseSaltKey3 WebRtcSrtpUseSaltKey4


Session Parameters


Include Key Derivation Rate (KDR=2^x)

 Key Derivation Rate (KDR=2^x) – optionally used for specifying how frequent session key will be derived from a master key. If not specified, a default rate is 1 (2^0).  Valid value is in a set {1,2,3…,24} which denotes a power of 2 from 2^1to 2^24.


GmSrtpIncKeyDerivRate2 GmSrtpIncKeyDerivRate3 GmSrtpIncKeyDerivRate4


GmSrtpKeyDerivRate2 GmSrtpKeyDerivRate3 GmSrtpKeyDerivRate4



WebRtcSrtpIncKeyDerivRate2 WebRtcSrtpIncKeyDerivRate3 WebRtcSrtpIncKeyDerivRate4



WebRtcSrtpKeyDerivRate2 WebRtcSrtpKeyDerivRate3 WebRtcSrtpKeyDerivRate4




Include UNCRYPTED_SRTP – a TRUE/FALSE value is optionally used for specifying RTP packets will be unencrypted. If not used, RTP packets are encrypted by default.


GmSrtpIncUnencryptSrtp2 GmSrtpIncUnencryptSrtp3 GmSrtpIncUnencryptSrtp4



WebRtcSrtpIncUnencryptSrtp2 WebRtcSrtpIncUnencryptSrtp3 WebRtcSrtpIncUnencryptSrtp4



Include UNCRYPTED_SRTCP – a TRUE/FALSE value is optionally used for specifying RTCP packets will be unencrypted.  If not used, RTCP packets are encrypted by default.


GmSrtpIncUnencryptSrtcp2 GmSrtpIncUnencryptSrtcp3 GmSrtpIncUnencryptSrtcp4



WebRtcSrtpIncUnencryptSrtcp2 WebRtcSrtpIncUnencryptSrtcp3 WebRtcSrtpIncUnencryptSrtcp4


Include Unauthenticated SRTP  

Include UNAUTHENTICATED_SRTP – a TRUE/FALSE value is optionally used for specifying SRTP packets are not authenticated. If not used, SRTP packets are authenticated by default.


GmSrtpIncUnauthSrtp2 GmSrtpIncUnauthSrtp3 GmSrtpIncUnauthSrtp4



WebRtcSrtpIncUnauthSrtp2 WebRtcSrtpIncUnauthSrtp3 WebRtcSrtpIncUnauthSrtp4



Apply Test Data File to Parameter Values

See About Applying Parameter ValuesAbout Applying Parameter Values.

See Test Data Files for further explanation and sample files. If a sample is not found for the specific TDF, you can obtain a sample file from your Technical Support representative. You may also use the following options to select an existing TDF or create/edit TDF-CSV files (TDF-CSV Editor). 

For most TDF Parameters used for Applying Parameters, each row in the file is the overridden value for a different “Session”, aka a different UE. But some TDFs are done in other dimensions, like Bearers, eNodeBs, Subscribers (2 per UE sometimes) or even Hosts, etc. Tooltips on the TDF Parameter: 

Note that the “ID” is a unique ID. Please Provide the ID when reporting issues with a TDF. For TDFs that do not apply / override Parameters, but instead are just their own configuration or data or media files you won’t see TDF ID row details.

TIP: When including large files, please be aware of memory limitations, since the TDF Editor shares memory with the Client.

NOTE: The available TDF options vary. on the L3-7 | IPSec tab > IKE with RSA Settings you may only select the Certificate TDF from TAS (these are non-CSV TDFs).

In addition, where applicable, any rules for defining TDFs are included in specific Test Cases. (For example, In MME Node test case, see MME Node - Provisioning TDF.)

From the DMF Window, press Shift+Alt+A to display the  Save DMF as Tcl window. Click the Save to File button to save as Tcl file. See additional details on Using the Tcl API.


Select/Create a new TDF-CSV

Allows you to create a new TDF by entering a file name that doesn’t already exist or select an existing file by entering a file name that already exists.

Click to open the Select Existing or Create window.

  • Navigate to the relevant library/folder,

  • Enter the name of the file:

  • If the file name already exists, the file is selected and applied in the test case.

  • If the file name does not exist, a message displays that says you are creating a new TDF and the embedded TDF-CSV will be launched.

    • Click Yes to launch the TDF-CSV Editor and create/save the new TDF-CSV.

    • Click No to select a different file

NOTE: If you do not have permission to save in the selected library, an error displays when you try to create a new file.
TIP: You may also navigate to the relevant library/folder and select file, and click OK.


Upload a New TDF to TAS

Click to import a new TDF file from your local folder and select in the test Case (instead of having to go to TDF Admin).

  • Navigate to the file on your local folder and select.
  • Then navigate to the location (library) where you want to save it on the TAS. You may rename the file, if required.  

View Edit Selected TDF in TDF-CSV Editor

Available only when you have selected a TDF on TAS. Click to open the selected file in TDF-CSV Editor (in place, that is, within the Test Case).

Edit the file and save. You may also click Save As to save the edited TDF-CSV to a different library and also rename the file, if required.

NOTE: You may also select a TDF from a library to which you do not have write permissions, edit the file as required, and save (Save As) only to a different library with the same file name or a different name.

The only options available are Save As and Cancel.

Open Selected TDF in Standalone TDF-CSV Editor

Available only when you have selected a TDF on TAS. Select to retrieve the CSV file and open it in the stand alone TDF-CSV Editor.

Generate Stub TDF-CSV

TIP: Available only when a CSV specification has been defined for in the Test Case for the TDF widget ( View TDF Actions/Options Menu)


Opens an example context specific test data parametersexample context specific test data parameters, which you may save as a .CSV file or open in the TDF-CSV Editor.


Launch Standalone TDF-CSV Editor

Click to open a blank TDF-CSV Editor.

The Launch Standalone TDF-CSV editor options handles very large TDFs that may use too much Client memory if opened within the Test Case/in the embedded editor.  You may set the standalone TDF-CSV Editor memory high to edit large TDFs.



GmSrtpCfgFileEn2 GmSrtpCfgFileEn3 GmSrtpCfgFileEn4



GmSrtpCfgFile2 GmSrtpCfgFile3 GmSrtpCfgFile4



WebRtcSrtpCfgFileEn2 WebRtcSrtpCfgFileEn3 WebRtcSrtpCfgFileEn4



WebRtcSrtpCfgFile2 WebRtcSrtpCfgFile3 WebRtcSrtpCfgFile4



The Following Snippet was taken from RFC 4568 providing an overview description of Cryptographic Suites and their Parameters.



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