GM Http File

In VoLTE Node testing, the File Transferring Tab on the Gm > Control tab allows you to define the GM HTTP File Transferring capabilities for VoLTE Group Chat File Transferring Capabilities.

Available in AMF Nodal, MME Nodal, PGW Nodal, SGW Nodal, Wifi Offload Gateway Nodal , IMS Node and IP Application Node Test cases when Supplementary Services is enabled.


Generated Data Files

Number of Test Data Files (TDFs)

Enable HTTP File Transferring

Enable HTTP File Transferring

Enable HTTP File Transferring


Generated Data Files

Generated Files

Select to number of Generated Files.

Range: 0 to 10

Tcl Parameter: GmFakeFileCount


Enter the name of the file.

Tcl Parameter: GmFakeFile


Enter Content Type.

Default = text/ascii


Enter Content.


Enter Padding.


Enter Size in KB.

Test Data Files (TDFs)

Number of Test Data Files

Select to enter up to 10 Test Data Files (TDFs). Restricted to JPG or PNG file types.

  • See also, Applying Test Data FileApplying Test Data File.

    See Test Data Files for further explanation and sample files. If a sample is not found for the specific TDF, you can obtain a sample file from your Technical Support representative. You may also use the following options to select an existing TDF or create/edit TDF-CSV files (TDF-CSV Editor). 

    For most TDF Parameters used for Applying Parameters, each row in the file is the overridden value for a different “Session”, aka a different UE. But some TDFs are done in other dimensions, like Bearers, eNodeBs, Subscribers (2 per UE sometimes) or even Hosts, etc. Tooltips on the TDF Parameter: 

    Note that the “ID” is a unique ID. Please Provide the ID when reporting issues with a TDF. For TDFs that do not apply / override Parameters, but instead are just their own configuration or data or media files you won’t see TDF ID row details.

    TIP: When including large files, please be aware of memory limitations, since the TDF Editor shares memory with the Client.

    NOTE: The available TDF options vary. on the L3-7 | IPSec tab > IKE with RSA Settings you may only select the Certificate TDF from TAS (these are non-CSV TDFs).

    In addition, where applicable, any rules for defining TDFs are included in specific Test Cases. (For example, In MME Node test case, see MME Node - Provisioning TDF.)

    From the DMF Window, press Shift+Alt+A to display the  Save DMF as Tcl window. Click the Save to File button to save as Tcl file. See additional details on Using the Tcl API.


    Select/Create a new TDF-CSV

    Allows you to create a new TDF by entering a file name that doesn’t already exist or select an existing file by entering a file name that already exists.

    Click to open the Select Existing or Create window.

    • Navigate to the relevant library/folder,

    • Enter the name of the file:

    • If the file name already exists, the file is selected and applied in the test case.

    • If the file name does not exist, a message displays that says you are creating a new TDF and the embedded TDF-CSV will be launched.

      • Click Yes to launch the TDF-CSV Editor and create/save the new TDF-CSV.

      • Click No to select a different file

    NOTE: If you do not have permission to save in the selected library, an error displays when you try to create a new file.
    TIP: You may also navigate to the relevant library/folder and select file, and click OK.


    Upload a New TDF to TAS

    Click to import a new TDF file from your local folder and select in the test Case (instead of having to go to TDF Admin).

    • Navigate to the file on your local folder and select.
    • Then navigate to the location (library) where you want to save it on the TAS. You may rename the file, if required.  

    View Edit Selected TDF in TDF-CSV Editor

    Available only when you have selected a TDF on TAS. Click to open the selected file in TDF-CSV Editor (in place, that is, within the Test Case).

    Edit the file and save. You may also click Save As to save the edited TDF-CSV to a different library and also rename the file, if required.

    NOTE: You may also select a TDF from a library to which you do not have write permissions, edit the file as required, and save (Save As) only to a different library with the same file name or a different name.

    The only options available are Save As and Cancel.

    Open Selected TDF in Standalone TDF-CSV Editor

    Available only when you have selected a TDF on TAS. Select to retrieve the CSV file and open it in the stand alone TDF-CSV Editor.

    Generate Stub TDF-CSV

    TIP: Available only when a CSV specification has been defined for in the Test Case for the TDF widget ( View TDF Actions/Options Menu)


    Opens an example context specific test data parametersexample context specific test data parameters, which you may save as a .CSV file or open in the TDF-CSV Editor.


    Launch Standalone TDF-CSV Editor

    Click to open a blank TDF-CSV Editor.

    The Launch Standalone TDF-CSV editor options handles very large TDFs that may use too much Client memory if opened within the Test Case/in the embedded editor.  You may set the standalone TDF-CSV Editor memory high to edit large TDFs.

Tcl Parameter: GmGenDataFileTdfCount

Encoding Type

Select Encoding Type.

Options : None, base64 (Image will be encoded in base64)

Tcl Parameter: GmGenDataFileTdfEncodeType_1


HTTP File Transferring

Enable HTTP File Transferring.

Select to enable HTTP File transferring.

Tcl Parameter: GmHttpFileEn

Remote File Servers

Enter up to 10 Remote File Servers. Available when HTTP File transferring is enabled.

Enter IP Addresses.

Override IMS PDU with PDU Selections (in 5G test cases)

Override IMS APN with Default Bearer Selections (in 4G test cases)

Available on AMF Nodal and MME Nodal. Available when HTTP File transferring is enabled.

Mapping table between PDU / APN and HTTP DMF Selection. For DMFs listed in the table below, enter a PDU or Default Bearer.

In 4G test cases, it is labeled "Override IMS APN with Default Bearer Selections". In 5G test cases, it is labeled "Override IMS PDU with PDU Selections".

When you can assign each DMF an APN/PDU index that will override the typical assignment of the IMS APN/PDU from the VoLTE/Vo5G tab. This is a 0-based index limited by the "Number of Default Bearers"/"Number of PDUs" value from the Test Configuration tab. 

Tcl Parameter: GmHttpFileOverrideImsApnEn

Tcl Parameter: GmHttpFilePdu_0

HTTP File Transfer DMFs


Enable HTTP Stats

See Data Message Flow (Data Traffic Tab > Data Message Flows) to create HTTP File Transfer DMFs.

Select Data Protocol = http or https.

Enable HTTP Stats - When enabled, the L5-7 Client|Advanced HTTP measurements are collected and are displayed. See Layer 5-7 Protocol Measurements Advanced HTTPNOTE: Use of this feature may cause performance degradation. 

Tcl Parameter: GmHttpFileDmf

Tcl Parameter: GmHttpFileHttpStats

DMF Settings to connect and upload an image to a Content Server

File transfer via shared weblink for RCS (Rich Communication Services) enabled UEs.

Landslide processes the XML reply from CS and send XML content (MSRP) to other UE.

  1. Use the SIP Action Group_Chat_HttpUploadFile to send a file to a Http file server.
  2. Configure DMF to perform HTTP Digest Authentication and extract the XML from Content Server reply.
  3. Setup Security Tab on VoLTE tab                   
  4. Paste Buffer -
  1. HTTP POST #1 - {Insert_Digest_URI}: Insert with Digest-URL from Security
  2. 401 Unauthorized
  1. HTTP POST #2 (with authenticate) -


  1. HTTP 200 OK - {Copy_Buffer_3}: Extract Content Server's XML and store in Paste Buffer 3, will be use for GroupChat_SendCpimFileInfo action
  2. GroupChat_SendCpimFileInfo - Destination options:
    • All: File information will be send to all Subscriber within B-callers sub-list.
    • One@: File information will be send to sub-index within B-callers.

DMF settings to connect and download an image from Content Server

  1. Use the SIP Action Group_Chat_HttpDnloadFile to retrieve a file to a Http file server.
  2. HTTP-DMF Setting for Download - configure DMF to perform HTTP Digest Authentication and download the file from Content Server


  1. Security -
  1. Paste Buffer - Buffer_1: Content Server username for authentication
  2. HTTP GET #1 - {Insert_Digest_URI}: Insert with URI from received MSRP from GroupChat_SendCpimFileInfo action, {Extract_Digest_URI}: Extract the URI (Not needed for client, for B2B purpose only)
  3. HTTP 401 Unauthorized

  1. HTTP GET #2 -
  1. HTTP 200 OK -


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