Serving (s) Call Session Control Function (CSCF). HSS Node will emulate CX interface based on specifications 3GPP TS 29.328 and TS 29.329. HSS Node can support Sh data handling and subscription procedures. HSS will be able to:
Authentication | |
Profile Updates |
Registration |
Sh Session Measurements
Connection Management Measurements
If checked, the XML header will be included in the returned user data XML. The default header may also be changed. Range: Checkbox: Checked/Unchecked Text field: Up to 256 characters Default: Checkbox: Checked Text field value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Select to Include the Public ID Barring Indication (SIP). A drop-down box becomes available to select a value either False (0) (default) or True (1) to be place in the indicator.
Select to include the Public ID Extension.
Select to Include the Tel-URI Barring Indication. A drop-down box becomes available to select a value either False (0) (default) or True (1) to be place in the indicator.
Select to include the Service Profile Extension.
Enables Authentication fields. Range: True/False Default: False
Enabled when authentication scheme is IMS-AKA. When checked, confidentiality key AVP will be included in MAA from HSS. | |||
Select from the following authentication schemes. Options: IMS-AKA, SIP Digest, NASS Bundled, GIBA.
This is the password that is shared between the UE and HSS. Its used by authentication scheme IMS-AKA and SIP Digest. Use the Auto-Increment wizard to set up keys. Click here to find out additional information about Parameter Auto Increment Wizard.
Key is used for authentication scheme IMS-AKA. Disabled for other authentication schemes.
String containing the fixed broadband access line identifier for NASS Bundled authentication. Disabled for other authentication schemes.
Profile Updates |
Profile update portion provides configuration of the push profile requests initiated from HSS towards the S-CSCF. There are two methods to initiate the PPR, which are based on timers, or manually through GUI updates during run-time. Both methods are mutually exclusive.
This field controls the delay of the profile update after the subscriber has been registered (UAR/UAA and MAR/MAA if authentication enabled). When 0 (zero) is entered, the PPR (Push-Profile-Request) message will not be sent from HSS Node. Range: 0 to 65535 Default = 1000
This field controls the frequency of the updates. If unchecked, PPR will only be sent once. Range: 1 to 65535 Default = 5000
This table allows control over which information will be sent as part of the PPR. User Profile and Charging Information are available for all Authentication Schemes. The authentication information should be enabled only if Authentication is enabled and the Authentication scheme is SIP Digest.
If the subscriber is successfully registered, the HSS may be configured to perform a network initiated deregistration of the public identities via RTR towards the S-CSCF. If Deregistration Delay is 0 then no deregistration will be sent; otherwise, if a non-zero value, then RTR will be sent N milliseconds after a successful registration.
When RTR is sent, a deregistration reason must be included in the RTR. The possible values are: Permanent Termination = 0, New Server Assigned = 1, Server Change = 2, Remove S-CSCF = 3.
When RTR is sent, an optional reason may be included, which is sent as a string.