HSS Client

The HSS Client tab in S6a interface is used to define the client authentication and location information requests sent from the HSS SUT to the MME.

The HSS SUT via the S6a interface enables transfer of subscription and authentication data for authenticating/authorizing user access to the evolved system (AAA interface) between HSS and MME.

HSS Client is available in the HSS Nodal test case when either HSS-MME/SGSN I/F - S6a ,HSS-MME/SGSN I/F - S6d ,HSS-MME/SGSN I/F - Gr are enabled.



Related Measurements

Measurements collected for HSS related processing are reported on the HSS Node report tab.


Defines the authentication keys used by the MNs.

NOTE: During, SGW Nodal Inter Technology testing with HSS Interface, authentication is performed by the HSS and hence, the Secret and Operator Variant parameters are not available.

Perform Authentication

Select the checkbox to enable authentication.

Tcl Parameter: HSSClnAuthEn


EPS Authentication

Indicates EPS Authentication is supported when you select Perform Authentication and the Number of Requested Vectors is automatically set to 2 for the S6a/S6d interface.

Tcl Parameters:




UMTS Authentication

Verify Received Auth Parameters

Indicates UMTS Authentication is supported when you select Perform Authentication and the Number of Requested Vectors is automatically set to 2 for the S6a/S6d/Gr interface

Select Verify Received Auth Parameters for processing of sendAuthenticationInformation to validate authentication parameters.

Note : When Verify Received Auth Parameters is enabled, additional computing power will be consumed, thus it will greatly impact performance if a large number of subscribers are involved.

Limitation : Only the first set of the authentication vectors will be verified when multiple sets of vectors are returned by HLR/HSS. This feature also increases memory usage and may impact capacity as well. 

Reference : TS 33.201, TS 33.102.

Tcl Parameter: HssClnS6aUmtsAuthEn

Tcl Parameter: HssClnS6dUmtsAuthEn

Tcl Parameter: HssClnGrUmtsAuthEn

Tcl Parameter: HssClnGrUmtsVerifyRcvdEn

GSM Authentication

Indicates GSM Authentication is supported when you select Perform Authentication and the Number of Requested Vectors is automatically set to 2 for the S6a/S6d/Gr interface.

Tcl Parameter: HssClnS6aGsmAuthEn

Tcl Parameter: HssClnS6dGsmAuthEn

Tcl Parameter: HssClnGrGsmAuthEn

Gr UMTS Authentication Verification


Secret Key

Operator Variant Algorithm Configuration Field


Validate Sequence

Limit Sequence Difference

Available when UMTS Authentication and Verify Received Auth Parameters are enabled for Gr interface. 


Enter the Secret Key. 

Range : string or Hex (starting with 0x)

Default : 0x00

Enter the Operator Variant Algorithm Configuration Field. 

Range : 16-byte Hex string starting with 0x

Default : 0x63BFA50EE6523365FF14C1F45F88737D

Select Validate Sequence. Per 3GPP TS 33.102 - Verification of sequence number freshness in the USIM and Re-synchronisation procedure . Used to Verify the MAC and SQN at Emulated UE end and Verification of Re-sync case (when SQN mismatch happens at SIM and HLR end).

When enabled, you can select to enter Limit Sequence Difference

Range : 1 to 4294967295

Default 1000

Tcl Parameter: HssClnGrUmtsSecretKey

Tcl Parameter: HssClnGrUmtsOpVar

Tcl Parameter: HssClnGrUmtsValSeqEn

Tcl Parameter: HssClnGrUmtsLimitSeqDiffEn

Tcl Parameter: HssClnGrUmtsLimitSeqDiff

Include Notification (NOR) Timers

Select to indicate/track the number of Notify Request (NOR) command sent from MME or SGSN to HSS within a specified period of time.

Range : 0 to 65535

Default : 1

NOTE: Include Notification (NOR) Timers is not used in DRA Nodal test case, as it uses the  message flows and message timers to simulate what messages are sent and when they are sent.


Tcl Parameter: HssClnNORTimeEn

Tcl Parameter: HssClnNOrTime

MT SMS Enabled

Available when HSS Interface and SGd Interface are enabled on MME Node Emulator Configuration. When checked, the information necessary for the MME to register for SMS service on the HSS is included in the Update Location Request messages sent by the MME node.

Tcl Parameter: HssClnMtSmsEn

ProSe Capability

Select to enable ProSe Capability

Tcl Parameter: HssClnProSeCapEn


Enter the Location Code to identify the location of the HSS Client.

NOTE: During, SGW Nodal Inter Technology testing with HSS Interface, the Location Information on the HSS Client tab is not available (the Location Information on the GTPV2 tab is used for reporting).
  • Mobile Country Code

Range: 000 — 999 (leading zeros are retained)

Default: 001

Tcl Parameter: HssClnMcc

  • Mobile Network Code

Range: 000 — 999 (leading zeros are retained)

Default: 01

Tcl Parameter: HssClnMnc

  • Service Area Code

Range: 000 — 999 (leading zeros are retained)

Default: 01

Tcl Parameter: HssClnSac



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