O1 Service Tab

The O1-Service defines the configuration for the management service layer over the O1 interface. Available when O1 Interface is enabled in the RIC Node and RIC Nodal Test Cases.

On the RIC Nodal test case, it includes Test Data Files for the configuration data and performance measurements of CU/DU and Cells within CU/DU.


RIC Nodal Service - General

RIC Nodal Service - Trace Record Collection

RIC Nodal Service - Trace Record Collection

RIC Nodal Service - Trace Record Collection

RIC Nodal Service - Trace Record Collection

RIC Node Service 

RIC Node Service 

RIC Node Service 

RIC Node Service 

RIC Node Service 



RIC Nodal - General

NRCellCU Configuration Test Data File

Select to enter a test data file for NR Cell CU Configuration.

NRCellCU Configuration Test Data File details :


value with multiple items:


index range: 1 to 4

mcc: 3 digits

mnc: 2 to 3 digits

sd: 6 hex chars, set to FFFFFF if not needed

sst: 0 to 255

nRFrequencyRef string

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.


Example : nrcellcucfg.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellCuCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellCuCfgFile

NRCellCU Measurements Test Data File

Select to emulate corresponding measurements for data reporting performance measurements of NR Cell CU.

The columns in the TDF for each object class are based on the measurement names defined in the attached file gNB Performance Measurements - gNBperformancemeasurements.pdf

  • "." is used as delimiter for measurement name. 
  • For measurements with subcounters, the subcounter is not included in the column name. Because the subcounter is not fixed, the subcounter will be set within the value and multiple values are supported for such measurements. The value format is like:
    • <subcounter 1>:<value 1>|<subcounter 2><value 2>|...
    • subcounter part could be optional for some measurements, then only value part is inlcuded. For example: <value 1>|<subcounter 2>:<value 2>|...
    • The format of the subcounter is described the attached file gNB Performance Measurements. A combination of subcounters is supported.
  • For measurements supporting distribution Bin, the bin index part doesn't need to be included in the column name. The bin index is set within the value and multiple values are supported for such measurements. The value format is like:
    • 1:<value 1>|2:<value 2>|...
    • For complex bins with combined binX, binY or binZ, the value format is like: 1.1:<value 1_1>|1.2:<value 1_2>|2.1:<value 2_1>|2.2:<value 2_2>|...
  • For measurements supporting both distribution Bin and subcounter at the same time, the value format is: <bin idx>.<subcounter>:<value>|<bin idx>.<subcounter>:<value>|....
    • For example: 1.PLMN123456:100|1.PLMN789012:200|2.PLMN123456:50|2.PLMN789012:40

Example : nrcellcumeas.csv

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellCuMeasCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellCuMeasCfgFile

NRCellDU Configuration Test Data File

Select to enter a test data file for NR Cell DU Configuration.

NRCellDU Configuration Test Data File details :



enum in string



enum in string
cellState IDLE | INACTIVE | ACTIVE enum in string

value with multiple items:


index range: 1 to 4

mcc: 3 digits

mnc: 2 to 3 digits

sd: 6 hex chars, set to FFFFFF if not needed

sst: 0 to 255


value with multiple items:


plmnid: multiple items


cAGIdList: string

nIDList: string

nRPCI 0 to 1007  
nRTAC 0 to 16777215  
arfcnDL int32  
arfcnUL int32  
arfcnSUL int32  
bSChannelBwDL int32  
rimRSMonitoringStartTime string



rimRSMonitoringStopTime string



rimRSMonitoringWindowDuration 1 to 16384  
rimRSMonitoringWindowStartingOffset 0 to 23  
rimRSMonitoringWindowPeriodicity 1|2|3|4|6|8|12|24  
rimRSMonitoringOccasionInterval 1 to 4294967295  
rimRSMonitoringOccasionStartingOffset uint32  
ssbFrequency 0 to 3279165  
ssbPeriodicity 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160  
ssbSubCarrierSpacing 15 | 30 | 120 | 240  
ssbOffset 0 to 159  
ssbDuration 1 to 5  
bSChannelBwUL int32  
bSChannelBwSUL int32  
nRSectorCarrierRef_index string

index range: 1 to 4

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.

bWPRef_index string

index range: 1 to 4

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.

nRFrequencyRef_index string

index range: 1 to 4

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.

victimSetRef string

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.

aggressorSetRef string

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.


Example : nrcellducfg.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellDuCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellDuCfgFile

NRCellDU Measurements Test Data File

Select to emulate corresponding measurements for data reporting performance measurements of NR Cell DU. Additional details can be found above in - NRCellCU Measurements Test Data File


Example NRCellDU Measurements Test Data File : nrcelldumeas.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellDuMeasCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellDuMeasCfgFile

GNBCUCPFunction Configuration Test Data File

Select to enter a test data file for GNB CU CP Function Configuration.

GNBCUCPFunction Configuration Test Data File :


value with multiple items:


mcc: 3 digits

mnc: 2 to 3 digits


multiple items delimited with "|"

each item is a string


multiple items delimited with "|"

each item is a string


multiple items delimited with "|"

each item is a string


multiple items delimited with "|"

each item is a string


multiple items delimited with "|"

each item is a string


multiple items delimited with "|"

each item is a string

configurable5QISetRef string

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.

dynamic5QISetRef string

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.

dCHOControl string: true | false  
dDAPSHOControl string: true | false  


Example : gnbcucpcfg.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuCpFuncCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuCpFuncCfgFile

GNBCUCPFunction Measurements Test Data File

Select to emulate corresponding measurements for data reporting performance measurements of GNB CU CP Function. Additional details can be found above in - NRCellCU Measurements Test Data File


Example : gnbcucpmeas.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuCpFuncMeasCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuCpFuncMeasCfgFile

GNBCUUPFunction Configuration Test Data File

Select to enter a test data file for GNB CU UP Function Configuration.


GNBCUUPFunction Configuration Test Data File :


value with multiple items:


index range: 1 to 4

mcc: 3 digits

mnc: 2 to 3 digits

sd: 6 hex chars, set to FFFFFF if not needed

sst: 0 to 255

configurable5QISetRef string

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.

dynamic5QISetRef string

Distinguished name format but use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter instead of a comma (,), for example: (NRNetwork=1/NRFrequency=1)

forward slash (/) will be converted to a comma (,) at backend processing.


value with multiple items:


index range: 1 to 4

idx: uint32

setID: 0 to 327679

backhaulAddress: gNBId:tAI

gNBId: 0..4294967295

tAI: mcc-mnc-nRTAC

nrTAC: int64



Example : gnbcuupcfg.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuUpFuncCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuUpFuncCfgFile


GNBCUUPFunction Measurements Test Data File

Select to emulate corresponding measurements for data reporting performance measurements of GNB CU UP Function.

Additional details can be found above in - NRCellCU Measurements Test Data File


Example : gnbcuupmeas.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuUpFuncMeasCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuUpFuncMeasCfgFile

GNBDUFunction Configuration Test Data File

Select to enter a test data file for GNB DU Function Configuration.



GNBDUFunction Configuration Test Data File :

rimRSReportConf_reportIndicator DISABLED | ENABLED enum in string
rimRSReportConf_reportInterval uint32  
rimRSReportConf_nrofRIMRSReportInfo uint32  
rimRSReportConf_maxPropagationDelay 0 to 327679  

value with multiple items:


index range: 1 to 4

detectedSetID: uint32

propagationDelay: 0 to 327679

functionalityOfRIMRS: enum in string



Example : gnbducfg.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbDuFuncCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbDuFuncCfgFile


gNB-CU Alarm Configuration Test Data File

Select to enter a test data file for gNB-CU Alarm Configuration.

gNB-CU Alarm Configuration Test Data File :

EventDelay Integer

Range : 0 to 65535 in seconds. A delay timer.

The expiration of the timer emulates the warning happening.

alarmType string












probableCause string

It is a string. The description of the cause.

Possible options:

High Temperature

Low Temperature

HD Broken

specificProblem Integer

The code value of warning.

It is an integer value great then 0.

perceivedSeverity string








addAlarm value

A Landslide internal flag, it has to be the last variable of each row.

The value is "1" 


Example : AlarmCnfg.csv


Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuAlarmCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuAlarmCfgFile

gNB-DU Alarm Configuration Test Data File

Select to enter a test data file for gNB-DU Alarm Configuration.

gNB-DU Alarm Configuration Test Data File - same as gNB-CU Alarm Configuration Test Data File listed above.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbDuAlarmCfgFileEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbDuAlarmCfgFile

Emulate MOI Attributes Change

Select to emulate MOI (Managed Object Instance) Attributes change for NRCellCU, NRCellDU, GNBCUCPFunction, GNBCUUPFunction and GNBDUFunction.

Enter the Delay in seconds.

Range : 1 to 65535, Default : 1

Select to Update Configuration Test Data File. TDF for attribute change for corresponding MOI, the parameters are the same as above.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellCuEmuAttrChEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellCuEmuAttrChDelay

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellCuEmuAttrChTdf

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellDuEmuAttrChEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellDuEmuAttrChDelay

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcNrCellDuEmuAttrChTdf

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuCpFunctionEmuAttrChEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuCpFunctionEmuAttrChDelay

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuCpFunctionEmuAttrChTdf

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuUpFunctionEmuAttrChEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuUpFunctionEmuAttrChDelay

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbCuUpFunctionEmuAttrChTdf

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbDuFunctionEmuAttrChEn

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbDuFunctionEmuAttrChDelay

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcGnbDuFunctionEmuAttrChTdf


Trace Record Collection (RIC Nodal)

A Trace Record Collection tab is introduced in the RIC Nodal test case to emulate trace record collection from the UE(s). Six sub-tabs are added that correspond to the three trace job type flavors (i.e. Trace Only, Immediate MDT Only and Immediate MDT and Trace) for either gNB CU or DU node.

GNBCU Trace Only Collection


Select the number of Trace Collections for GNBCU Trace Only Collection.

Range : 0 to 3

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyCollectNum

For each Trace Collection, enter the following parameters:

Enter the Reporting Delay in seconds.

Range : 1 to 65535

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyRptDelay_1

Enter the pOPLMN.

Enter 3 digits for MCC and 2 or 3 digits for MNC or blank to disable pOPLMN.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyPOPlmnMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyPOPlmnMnc_1

Select the number of Recording Sessions.

Range : 1 to 8

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyTrsNum_1

For each Recording Session, enter the following parameters:

Enable to select the UE ID Type.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyUeIdTypeEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyUeIdType_1_1

Options : IMSI, IMEISV, TAC (default)

When UE ID Type = IMSI, enter the IMSI.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyUeIdImsi_1_1

When UE ID Type = IMEISV, enter the IMEI and the SV.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyUeIdImei_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyUeIdSv_1_1

When UE ID Type = TAC, enter the TAC.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyUeIdTac_1_1

Select the List of supported interfaces for the Recording Sessions.

Options : NG-C, Xn-C, Uu, F1-C, E1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyNgCEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyXnCEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyUuEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyF1CEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuTraceOnlyE1En_1_1

GNBDU Trace Only Collection


Select the number of Trace Collections for GNBDU Trace Only Collection.

Range : 0 to 3

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyCollectNum

For each Trace Collection, enter the following parameters:

Enter the Reporting Delay in seconds.

Range : 1 to 65535

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyRptDelay_1

Enter the pOPLMN.

Enter 3 digits for MCC and 2 or 3 digits for MNC or blank to disable pOPLMN.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyPOPlmnMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyPOPlmnMnc_1

Select the number of Recording Sessions.

Range : 1 to 8

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyTrsNum_1

For each Recording Session, enter the following parameters:

Enable to select the UE ID Type.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyUeIdTypeEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyUeIdType_1_1

Options : IMSI, IMEISV, TAC (default)

When UE ID Type = IMSI, enter the IMSI.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyUeIdImsi_1_1

When UE ID Type = IMEISV, enter the IMEI and the SV.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyUeIdImei_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyUeIdSv_1_1

When UE ID Type = TAC, enter the TAC.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyUeIdTac_1_1

Select the List of supported interfaces for the Recording Sessions.

Options : F1-C

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuTraceOnlyF1CEn_1_1

GNBCU Immediate MDT Only Collection


GNBDU Immediate MDT Only Collection


Select the number of Trace Collections for GNBCU Immediate MDT Only Collection or GNBDU Immediate MDT Only Collection. The parameters are the same, only the TCL variables differ.

Range : 0 to 3

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyCollectNum

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyCollectNum

For each Trace Collection, enter the following parameters:

Enter the Reporting Delay in seconds.

Range : 1 to 65535

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyRptDelay_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyRptDelay_1

Enter the pOPLMN.

Enter 3 digits for MCC and 2 or 3 digits for MNC or blank to disable pOPLMN.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyPOPlmnMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyPOPlmnMnc_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyPOPlmnMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyPOPlmnMnc_1

Select the number of Recording Sessions.

Range : 1 to 8

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyTrsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyTrsNum_1

For each Recording Session, enter the following parameters:

Enable to select the UE ID Type.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyUeIdTypeEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyUeIdType_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyUeIdTypeEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyUeIdType_1_1

Options : TAC (default)

When UE ID Type = TAC, enter the TAC.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyUeIdTac_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyUeIdTac_1_1

Select the List of MDT Measurements for the Recording Sessions.

Options : M1, M2, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9

When MDT Measurement = M1,

Enter the RSRP (Reference Signal Received Power), RSRQ (Reference Signals Received Quality), SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio).

Range : 0 to 127,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyM1En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyRsrp_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyRsrq_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlySinr_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyM1En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyRsrp_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyRsrq_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlySinr_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M2,

Enter the Power Headroom.

Range : 0 to 63,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyM2En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyPwHdr_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyM2En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyPwHdr_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M4,

Enter the PDCP SDU (Packet Data Convergence Protocol Service Data Unit) Data Volume.

Range : 0 to 4294967295,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyM4En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyPdcpSduDataVol_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyM4En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyPdcpSduDataVol_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M5,

Enter the Average UE Throughput.

Range : 0.0 <= VALUE,

Default : 0.0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyM5En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyAvgUeTpt_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyM5En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyAvgUeTpt_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M6,

Enter the Packet Delay.

Range : 0.0 <= VALUE,

Default : 0.0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyM6En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyPktDelay_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyM6En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyPktDelay_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M7,

Enter the Packet Loss.

Range : 0 to 4294967295,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyM7En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyPktLoss_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyM7En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyPktLoss_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M8,

Enter the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator).

Range : 0 to 255,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyM8En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyRssi_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyM8En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyRssi_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M9,

Enter the RTT (Real Time Text).

Range : up to 32 characters

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyM9En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtOnlyRtt_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyM9En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtOnlyRtt_1_1

GNBCU Immediate MDT and Trace Collection


GNBDU Immediate MDT and Trace Collection


Select the number of Trace Collections for GNBCU Immediate MDT and Trace Collection or GNBDU Immediate MDT and Trace Collection. The parameters are the same, only the TCL variables differ.

Range : 0 to 3

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceCollectNum

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceCollectNum

For each Trace Collection, enter the following parameters:

Enter the Reporting Delay in seconds.

Range : 1 to 65535

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceRptDelay_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceRptDelay_1

Enter the pOPLMN.

Enter 3 digits for MCC and 2 or 3 digits for MNC or blank to disable pOPLMN.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTracePOPlmnMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTracePOPlmnMnc_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTracePOPlmnMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTracePOPlmnMnc_1

Select the number of Recording Sessions.

Range : 1 to 8

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceTrsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceTrsNum_1

For each Recording Session, enter the following parameters:

Enable to select the UE ID Type.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceUeIdTypeEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceUeIdType_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceUeIdTypeEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceUeIdType_1_1

Options : TAC (default)

When UE ID Type = TAC, enter the TAC.

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceUeIdTac_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceUeIdTac_1_1

Select the List of supported interfaces for the Recording Sessions for GNBCU.

Options : NG-C, Xn-C, Uu, F1-C, E1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceNgCEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceXnCEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceUuEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceF1CEn_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceE1En_1_1

Select the List of supported interfaces for the Recording Sessions for GNBDU.

Options : NG-C, Xn-C, Uu, F1-C, E1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceF1CEn_1_1

Select the List of MDT Measurements for the Recording Sessions.

Options : M1, M2, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9

When MDT Measurement = M1,

Enter the RSRP (Reference Signal Received Power), RSRQ (Reference Signals Received Quality), SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio).

Range : 0 to 127,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceM1En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceRsrp_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceRsrq_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceSinr_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceM1En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceRsrp_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceRsrq_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceSinr_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M2,

Enter the Power Headroom.

Range : 0 to 63,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceM2En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTracePwHdr_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceM2En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTracePwHdr_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M4,

Enter the PDCP SDU (Packet Data Convergence Protocol Service Data Unit) Data Volume.

Range : 0 to 4294967295,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceM4En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTracePdcpSduDataVol_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceM4En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTracePdcpSduDataVol_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M5,

Enter the Average UE Throughput.

Range : 0.0 <= VALUE,

Default : 0.0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceM5En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceAvgUeTpt_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceM5En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceAvgUeTpt_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M6,

Enter the Packet Delay.

Range : 0.0 <= VALUE,

Default : 0.0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceM6En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTracePktDelay_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceM6En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTracePktDelay_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M7,

Enter the Packet Loss.

Range : 0 to 4294967295,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceM7En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTracePktLoss_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceM7En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTracePktLoss_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M8,

Enter the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator).

Range : 0 to 255,

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceM8En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceRssi_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceM8En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceRssi_1_1

When MDT Measurement = M9,

Enter the RTT (Real Time Text).

Range : up to 32 characters

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceM9En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcCuImmedMdtTraceRtt_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceM9En_1_1

Tcl Parameters: RanO1NcDuImmedMdtTraceRtt_1_1


PerfMetricJob  CU / DU

Number of Jobs

Select to the number of jobs for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Range : 0 to 8

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobNum

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobNum

Update Job

Copy Original to Updated

Select Update Job for the "Updated Job" panel to become available for input. Use the panel to configure a ModifyMOI command for the selected job.

Click on "Copy Original to Updated" to copy the contents of the "Original Job" pane to the "Updated Job" pane.

The configuration for Updated Job is the same as the Original Job, only TCL variable names use a different prefix "NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpd".

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdEn_1

Job ID

Enter up to 64 characters for the Job Identifier. 

Default : job_1, job_2, etc

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdId_1

Administrative State

Select the Administrative State.


Default : UNLOCKED

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobAdminState_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobAdminState_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdAdminState_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdAdminState_1

Granularity Period (min)

Select the Granularity Period in minutes. 

Options : 1, 5, 15, 30, 60

Default : 1

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobGranuPeriod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobGranuPeriod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdGranuPeriod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdGranuPeriod_1

Reporting Method

Select the Reporting Method. 

Options : file-based-reporting

Default : file-based-reporting

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobRptMethod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobRptMethod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdRptMethod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdRptMethod_1

File Reporting Period (min)

Select the File Reporting Period in minutes. 

Options : 1, 5, 15, 30, 60

Default : 1

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobFileRptPeriod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobFileRptPeriod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdFileRptPeriod_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdFileRptPeriod_1

Measurement Object Class

Select the Measurement Object Class. 

Options : NRCellCU, GNBCUCPFunction, GNBCUUPFunction for CU, NRCellDU for DU

Default : NRCellCU for CU and NRCellDU for DU

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobObjCls_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobObjCls_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdObjCls_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdObjCls_1

Include Root Object Instance

Select to Include Root Object Instance.

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobRootObjInstEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobRootObjInstEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdRootObjInstEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdRootObjInstEn_1

Include Object Instances

Number of Object Instances  Starting Object Instance Index

Select to Include Object Instance. When enabled and if Measurement Object Class is NRCellCU or NRCellDU, you can select Number of Object Instances and Starting Object Instance Index. 

Range : 1 to 65535

Default : 1

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobObjInstsEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobObjInstsEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdObjInstsEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdObjInstsEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobObjInstsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobObjInstsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdObjInstsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdObjInstsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobObjInstsStartIdx_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobObjInstsStartIdx_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdObjInstsStartIdx_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdObjInstsStartIdx_1

Performance Metrics

At least 1 measurement name should be selected. Performance Metrics configuration is table-based. The table supports templates, cut/copy/paste, and move operations. Selections are made by adding a new row with Plus button then double-clicking the Measurement Spec column.

The measurement names for different object classes defined in 3GPP TS 28.552. Details can be found above in - NRCellCU Measurements Test Data File The Performance Metrics should be configured based on it only the measurement names applicable to the Measurement Object Class selected can be selected. The measurement names can be constructed as follows:

  • 'family.measurementName.subcounter' for measurement types with subcounters. The format of subcounter is described in the document above.
  • 'family.measurementName' for measurement types without subcounters.
  • 'family' for measurement families.

Note : duplicate Measurement Names are not allowed and will be prevented during GUI capture. Duplicate Measurement Names restriction applies to each Performance Metrics table individually. It is not across Original/Updated tabs, Job tabs, or CU/DU. The Measurement Name column reflects the final, user-modified measurements after setting bin/sub-counters, etc.

The selection list is based on the Measurement Object Class selection above the table. 

1) The family is the first segment in the individual measurement names, and selections for an entire family are in the list.  When a family group is selected, individual measurements within the family are not allowed.

2) There are also measurements for distribution groups.  These are like "5QI1QoSflow.Rel.AbnormCallDuration", that has an individual measurement named "5QI1QoSflow.Rel.AbnormCallDuration.BinX".  When a distribution group is selected, individual measurements within the group are not allowed.

3)  There is a Description box below the table.  It will contain information about the selected measurement, including whether or not it's a Family or Distribution Group.

Example for NRCellCU - 

Available for CU or DU for PerfMetricjob.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobPerfMetricsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobPerfMetricsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdPerfMetricsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdPerfMetricsNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobPerfMetricsSpec_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobPerfMetricsSpec_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdPerfMetricsSpec_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdPerfMetricsSpec_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobPerfMetrics_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobPerfMetrics_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuPerfJobUpdPerfMetrics_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuPerfJobUpdPerfMetrics_1_1


NtfSubscriptionControl  CU / DU

Number of Subscriptions

Select to the Number of Subscriptions for CU or DU for NtfSubscriptionControl.

Range : 0 to 8

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubNum

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubNum

Update Subscription

Copy Original to Updated

Select Update Subscription for the "Updated Subscription" panel to become available for input. Use the panel to configure a ModifyMOI command for the selected job.

Click on "Copy Original to Updated" to copy the contents of the "Original Subscription" pane to the "Updated Subscription" pane.

The configuration for Updated Subscription is the same as the Original Subscription, only TCL variable names use a different prefix "NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpd".

Available for CU or DU for NtfSubscriptionControl.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdEn_1

Notification Types

Enable Notification Types to be able to select from the Available list to the Selected list. 

Available List: notifyMOICreation, notifyMOIDeletion, notifyMOIAttributeValueChanges, notifyMOIChanges , notifyEvent, notifyNewAlarm, notifyChangedAlarm, notifyAckStateChanged, notifyComments

notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged, notifyChangedAlarmGeneral, notifyClearedAlarm, 

notifyAlarmListRebuilt,  notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList, notifyFileReady, notifyFilePreparationError


Available for CU or DU for NtfSubscriptionControl.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubNtfTypesEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubNtfTypesEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubNtfTypes_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubNtfTypes_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdNtfTypesEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdNtfTypesEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdNtfTypes_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdNtfTypes_1


Scope Type

Scope Level

Enable Scope and select the Scope Type and Scope Level.


Default : BASE_ONLY

Select the Scope Level when Scope type is BASE_NTH_LEVEL or BASE_SUBTREE.

Range : 1 to 65535

Deafult : 1

Available for CU or DU for NtfSubscriptionControl.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubScopeEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubScopeEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubScopeType_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubScopeType_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubScopeLvl_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubScopeLvl_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdScopeEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdScopeEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdScopeType_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdScopeType_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdScopeLvl_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdScopeLvl_1

Notification Filter

Enable Notification Filter to enter up to 4000 string in the input box provided.

Available for CU or DU for NtfSubscriptionControl.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubNtfFilterEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubNtfFilterEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubNtfFilter_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubNtfFilter_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdNtfFilterEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdNtfFilterEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdNtfFilter_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdNtfFilter_1


Select Heartbeat to enable Heartbeat processing for NtfSubscriptionControl for CU / DU and Original Subscription, Updated Subscription.

Per O-RAN.WG10.O1-Interface.0-R003-v10.00 > 6.6.2 - 6.6 Heartbeat Management Services.
    28.622 > 4.3.21, 28.622 > 4.4.1.

Enter ID for Heartbeat processing. Range : 1 to 255, default : 1 

Enter Heartbeat Notification Period in seconds for Heartbeat processing.

Range : 0 to 4294267295, default : 10. Zero (0) means no heartbeat notification.

Select Trigger Heartbeat Notification.

Options : true, false

Default : true

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubHeartbeatEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubHeartbeatEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubHeartbeatId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubHeartbeatId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubHeartbeatNtfPer_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubHeartbeatNtfPer_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubTrigHeartbeatNtf_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubTrigHeartbeatNtf_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdHeartbeatEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdHeartbeatEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdHeartbeatId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdHeartbeatId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdHeartbeatNtfPer_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdHeartbeatNtfPer_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuSubUpdTrigHeartbeatNtf_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuSubUpdTrigHeartbeatNtf_1


TraceJob  CU / DU

Select for support of trace management services in ORAN non-RT RIC Node testing through the O1 interface. Specifically, trace management services cover the following areas : 

For each Trace Job, six flavors of Job Type is currently supported:

Depending on the selected Job Type, the user can configure different parameters that are used to activate a trace session. 

Spec Reference : 

Number of Jobs

Select the Number of Jobs for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Range : 0 to 8

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobNum

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobNum

Job Type

For each Job for CU or DU, select the job Type for TraceJob.


Default : Trace Only

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobType_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobType_1

PLMN Target

For all job types, enter the PLMN Target details for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Enter the MCC and MNC of the Target PLMN.

MCC - Enter 3 digits or blank to disable PLMN Target

MNC - Enter 2-3 digits or blank to disable PLMN Target

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobPlmnTgtMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobPlmnTgtMnc_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobPlmnTgtMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobPlmnTgtMnc_1

Trace Reference

For all job types, enter the Trace Reference details for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Enter the MCC and MNC and Trace ID of the Trace Reference.

MCC - Enter 3 digits , default : 000

MNC - Enter 2-3 digits , default : 000

Trace ID - Enter 6 Hex characters , default : 000001

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobPlmnTrMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobPlmnTrMnc_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobPlmnTrTraceId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobPlmnTrMcc_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobPlmnTrMnc_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobPlmnTrTraceId_1

Job ID

For all job types, enter the Job ID for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Enter up to 64 characters for the Job ID.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobId_1

Trace Target

For all job types, select the Target ID Type for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Options : NG_RAN_CELL

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobTgtIdType_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobTgtIdType_1


When Job Type = LOGGED MDT ONLY, TRACE ONLY or IMMEDIATE MDT AND TRACE, enter the Target ID Value. 

Enter up to 128 characters. Default : Cell-1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobTgtIdVal_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobTgtIdVal_1

Trace Configuration

When Job Type = TRACE ONLY or IMMEDIATE MDT AND TRACE, select the list of Interfaces for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Options : NG-C, Xn-C, Uu, F1-C (DU only), E1 

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobNgCEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobXnCEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobUuEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobF1CEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobE1CEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobF1CEn_1


Select the Trace Depth.


Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobTraceDepth_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobTraceDepth_1

MDT Configuration

When Job Type = IMMEDIATE MDT ONLY or IMMEDIATE MDT AND TRACE or LOGGED MDT ONLY, or RLF REPORT ONLY, or RCEF REPORT ONLY enter the parameters for MDT Configuration for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Select the Anonymization of Data.



Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobAnonOfData_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobAnonOfData_1

Select the Sensor Information, any or all three. Select UE SPEED, UE ORIENTATION, BAROMETRIC PRESSURE

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobSenInfoUsEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobSenInfoUsEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobSenInfoUoEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobSenInfoUoEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobSenInfoBpEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobSenInfoBpEn_1

Select the Number of Areas. 

When Job Type = RLF REPORT ONLY, or RCEF REPORT ONLY, this is the only parameter that becomes available for entry in the MDT Configuration section.

Range :0 to 32

Default : 1

For each Area, enter the CGI (Cell Global Identity)/TAC (Type Allocation Code) /TAI (Tracking Area Identity) in the table provided.

Add up to 32 CGIs, 8 TACs, or 8 TAIS

Range : 1 to 32 characters

Defaut : blank

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobAreaScopeNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobAreaScopeNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobAreaScope_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobAreaScope_1_1

Immediate MDT Configuration

When Job Type = IMMEDIATE MDT ONLY or IMMEDIATE MDT AND TRACE , enter the parameters for Immediate MDT Configuration for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Select the List of Measurements.

You can select any or all of these measurement options : M1, M2, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9. 

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM1En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM1En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM2En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM2En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM4En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM4En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM5En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM5En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM6En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM6En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM7En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM7En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM8En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM8En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM9En_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM9En_1


Select M1 EVENT TRIGGERED to include it.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLomM1EvtEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLomM1EvtEn_1

When M1 is selected, enter the following parameters in the Type Specific Options section: Reporting Trigger., Reporting Interval, Report Amount (number of reports), Beam Level Measurement, Event Threshold

Select the Reporting Trigger. Options : PERIODICAL, A2 FOR LTE, A2 TRIGGERED PERIODIC FOR LTE

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobRptTrig_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobRptTrig_1

When the Reporting Trigger = PERIODICAL or A2 TRIGGERED PERIODIC FOR LTE, select the Report Interval (in milliseconds). 

Options : 120, 240, 480, 640, 1024, 2048, 5120, 10240, 60000, 360000, 720000, 1800000

Default : 120

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobRptInt_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobRptInt_1

When the Reporting Trigger = PERIODICAL or A2 TRIGGERED PERIODIC FOR LTE, select the Report Amount (number of reports). 

Options : 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, INFINITY

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobRptAmt_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobRptAmt_1

Select to include Beam Level Measurement for M1.

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobBeamMeasEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobBeamMeasEn_1

Enter the Event Threshold for M1.

Range : 0 to 127

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobEvtThres_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobEvtThres_1

When M4 or M5 is selected, Select the Collection Period RRM NR in milliseconds.

Options : 1024, 2048, 5120, 10240, 60000

Default : 1024

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobCpRrmNr_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobCpRrmNr_1

When M6 is selected, Select the Collection Period M6 NR in milliseconds.

Options : 120ms, 240ms, 480ms, 640ms, 1024ms, 2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms, 20480ms, 40960ms, 1min, 6min, 12min, 30min

Default : 120ms

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobCpM6Nr_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobCpM6Nr_1

When M7 is selected, Select the Collection Period M7 NR in minutes.

Range ; 1 to 60 minutes

Default : 1 minute

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobCpM7Nr_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobCpM7Nr_1

Select the Positioning Method for Immediate MDT Configuration.

Options : GNSS, E_CELL_ID

Default : GNSS

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobPosMethEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobPosMethEn_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobPosMeth_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobPosMeth_1

Logged MDT Configuration

When Job Type = LOGGED MDT ONLY, enter the parameters for Logged MDT Configuration for CU or DU for TraceJob.

Enter the Trace Collection Entity ID.

Range : 0 to 255

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobTceId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobTceId_1

Select the Logging Duration in seconds.

Options : 600, 1200, 2400, 3600, 5400, 7200

Default : 600

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLogDura_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLogDura_1

Select the Logging Duration in milliseconds.

Options : 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480, 32720, 40960, 61440

Default : 1280

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLogInt_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLogInt_1

Select the Report Type.



Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobRptType_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobRptType_1

When Report Type = EVENT_TRIGGERED, select the Event List for Triggered Measurement. 



Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobEvtLstForTm_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobEvtLstForTm_1

When Report Type = EVENT_TRIGGERED and Event List for Triggered Measurement = L1_EVENT, enter the Logging Event Threshold.

Range : 0 to 127

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLogEvtThres_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLogEvtThres_1

When Report Type = EVENT_TRIGGERED and Event List for Triggered Measurement = L1_EVENT, enter the Logged Hysteresis.

Range : 0 to 30

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLogHyst_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLogHyst_1

When Report Type = EVENT_TRIGGERED and Event List for Triggered Measurement = L1_EVENT, select the Logged Time To Trigger (ms). 

Options : 0, 40, 64, 80, 100, 128, 160, 256, 320, 480, 512, 640, 1024, 1280, 2560, 5120

Default : 0

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobLogTimeToTrig_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobLogTimeToTrig_1

Select Number of PLMNs in MDT PLMN List and enter the MCC and MNC for each MDT PLMN.

Range : 0 to 16

Default : 0

Enter MCC - 3 digits. Default : 000

Enter MNC - 2-3 digits. Default : 000

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobMdtPlmnListNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobMdtPlmnListNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobMdtPlmnListMcc_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobMdtPlmnListMcc_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobMdtPlmnListMnc_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobMdtPlmnListMnc_1_1

Select Number of Area Configurations in Area Configuration for Neighbouring Cells and enter the Frequency and Cell for each Area Configuration.

Range : 0 to 32

Default : 0

Enter Frequency - up to 32 characters

Enter Cell - up to 32 characters

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobAcfncNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobAcfncNum_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobAcfncFreq_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobAcfncFreq_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuTraceJobAcfncCell_1_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuTraceJobAcfncCell_1_1


FaultSupervisionControl  CU / DU

Number of FS Controls

Select to the Number of Fault Supervision Controls for CU or DU for FaultSupervisionControl.

6.2 Fault Supervision Management Services
6.2.0 Overview
Fault supervision management services allow a Fault Supervision MnS Provider to report errors and events to a Fault
Supervision MnS Consumer and allows a Fault Supervision MnS Consumer to perform fault supervision operations on the Fault Supervision MnS Provider, such as get alarm list.
Stage 1 Fault Supervision MnS is specified in 3GPP TS 28.545 [5].
Stage 2 Fault Supervision notifications are specified in 3GPP TS 28.532 [3].
Stage 2 AlarmList IOC and AlarmRecord data type are specified in 3GPP TS 28.622 [7].
Stage 3 Solution Sets for XML, JSON and YANG are specified in 3GPP TS 28.623 [22].

Spec Reference : 

  • O-RAN.WG10.OAM-Architecture-R003-v09.00
  • O-RAN.WG10.O1-Interface.0-R003-v10.00
  • O-RAN.WG10.Information Model and Data Models.0-R003-v05.00
  • O-RAN.WG5.O-CU-O1.0-R003-v05.00
  • O-RAN.WG5.O-DU-O1.0-R003-v07.00
  • 3GPP 28.532-h30
  • 3GPP 28.622-h11
  • 3GPP 28.623-h61
  • 3GPP 28.552-h80
  • 3GPP 28.545-h00

Range : 0 to 8

Default : 1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuFscNum

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuFscNum

Alarm List ID

Enter the Alarm List ID for CU or DU for FaultSupervisionControl.

Range: 1 to 255

Default: 1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuFscAlarmListId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuFscAlarmListId_1

Alarm ID

Enter the Alarm ID for CU or DU for FaultSupervisionControl.

Range: 1 to 255

Default: 1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuFscAlarmId_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuFscAlarmId_1

Perceived Severity

Enter the Perceived Severity for CU or DU for FaultSupervisionControl.

Options : CLEARED

Default: CLEARED

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcCuFscPerSeverity_1

Tcl Parameters: NonRtRicO1NcDuFscPerSeverity_1


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