Managing Test Server WIFI

The Wi-Fi for TS provides a mechanism to store TS specific Test Case configuration information. On the Test Server Administration window, select the WI-FI tab to define information associated with the Test Server. Scan is also available on the RF Interface.


If you select an interface the Scan Button will be enabled. The Aggregate Scan can be selected if the current selected TS has any Wifi/WLANS.

A Timeout field is available in both the Scan and Aggregate Scan dialogs. It will default to 60 seconds for Aggregate Scan and 20 Seconds for single port scan. Auto-scan will skip scans that take longer than 10 seconds to complete. It will attempt to perform a scan however, it will skip it if the previous scan is still processing.

An optional -timeout N argument has been added to the Tcl API WLAN Scan perform function. This timeout value is provided for when the scan has to process many SSIDs and it takes a very long time.

SCAN Button

The on demand scan can only happen when the TS is READY and not running tests, you will get an error back if the TS is unable to scan. When you click the scan button, a request is sent to the TS and when the TS finishes the scan it sends back a report which is displayed in a Scan Results Window:


As of Release 17.0, A new Filter Button was added to both Aggregate and regular WLAN scan dialogs. When selected, a new Filter dialog pops up, allowing you to pick up to 5 channels to filter by. The filters are globally remembered while the Client is not shutdown, client shutdown will reset the filters.

They are remembered as follows:

On the Scan windows the title bar will display the current filter being applied as seen below (Scan of Wlan0:ch:2, 48 on E10-248.

Warning: Do not attempt to perform a FILTERED SCAN on a older Test Server that does not support it as it may recycle the Test Server.

NOTE: For 5G frequencies, refer to



NOTE: There is one results window globally for each WLAN in the system.  These are top level windows equal to the Landslide Client window, not dialogs, they will be on your desktop taskbar.   As you click the scan button in TS Admin or Test Case WifiNodal, if the window for that wlan is already opened it will just be refreshed.   Having top level windows allows you to monitor wlans while still working.  And you can copy paste cells from results to test case fields.




Example with Hidden SSID:


Aggregate Scan


Click "Aggregate Scan" button on TS Admin Wi-Fi Tab, available only if the current selected TS has any Wifi/WLANs. 

Once Wlans are selected click Scan, a Progress Dialog showing the progress of the scans across all TS-WLANs will be displayed. 

Once full scan is complete

  • A Singleton FRAME, means that the same Frame is always reused. If the frame is hidden from view, click Aggregate Scan button on TS Admin and it will bring the FRAME to the front. 
  • When the Frame is closed, it is still in memory, just hidden.



Example of Aggregate Scan with Filters set:


The Wi-Fi tab you can define:


The name of the Wi-Fi interface. (wlan0 through 3) with one card. Add a second card and interface wlan4 through wlan7 become available. If a WLAN is being reserved there will be a "R" indicator. See example below.

Card #

Card number (one or two).

Radio #

Up to four radios per card.

802.11 Version

Select which Protocol will be used for that interface, based on NIC type. Supported card types are AC or N. Supported protocols and selections impact what is valid for Antenna, MCS Index and Guard Intervals.  All Clients assigned to that interface will attempt to use that protocol.    Options: 802.11a, 802.11n, 802.11ac, 802.11g (802.11b is no longer supported)   

Card Driver

Type of Card Driver.  

There is a feature for Edge box (E10) where we are using external USB sticks to add extra radios, each external radio (wlan) will allow one subscriber to connect. Landslide will be using “TP-Link N150 Wireless High Gain USB Adapter (TL-WN722N)”.


Steps to follow after connecting usb adaptor to E10:

- Reboot TS

- Reboot TS (optional)

- Ipcfg


This above step will arrange the wlan correctly. The external wlan will be detected as "ath9k_htc".



Support for Wave 2 (4x4 MIMO and MU-MIMO) which requires an insert able test chip set on the Edge box. This insert will allow a 4th Antenna to be displayed and configured on the RF Interface.     Learn more about MU-MIMO (Wave 2).


Run Id. Only populated when a test is running.

Country Code

Select US/NON-US Channel option.

When CountryCode is present in the TsConfig file, the GUI will display Country Code selection based on the db.txt file.


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