Adding to the Libraries

As you define tests from the library elements supplied with the test system, and with elements that you create, you will be saving your test definitions in various Test Libraries. This topic describes the common interface used to save DMFs, test cases, and test sessions. Other elements are saved using other methods, and any kind of element can be imported into your test system.

When you save one of the major elements — a DMF, test case, or test session — you can save additional information such as a description and keywords to aid in searching. In the example below, an existing test session is being saved.

To save a DMF, test case, or test session:

  1. Select the Library section in which to save the element from the tree structure in the left pane.  Your account permissions control which libraries you can select (See About Test Libraries). Test sessions will always be saved to the Test Session Library, test cases to the Test Case Library, and so on. If you are saving a new element, the Library selection will default to the last section you accessed. If you are updating an existing element, the selection will default to the element's section. The contents of the library section are displayed in a grid. You can sort the contents by clicking on a column header. Click the header again to reverse the direction of the sort. An up or down arrow in the column header indicates that the list is sorted by that column and whether the list is sorted in ascending or descending order respectively.

  2. Enter the attributes for the element: Name, Description, and Keywords. If you are saving an existing element, the attribute fields will be populated with the current values. You can also fill the fields by selecting an element in the content list.

    • The Name can be up to 64 characters, including underscores (no spaces), and must begin with a letter or number.

    • The Description (optional 256 characters) allows you to describe the purpose of the test, the SUT configuration, or any other information you find useful.

    • Keywords (optional) are provided to help you find elements in a large library. The Chooser windows used to select elements to open or add have the ability to filter the content list by keywords.

    NOTE: Keywords must be 1-30 characters)

    For example, KEYWORD1<SPACE><SPACE>KEYWORD2<SPACE>KEYWORD3 will be filtered as 3 keywords: KEYWORD1, KEYWORD2, KEYWORD3

  3. Click Save to save the element. If an element of the same name exists, a confirmation window displays. Click Yes to continue with the save and overwrite the element or No to return to the Save window.

Specific instructions for saving DMFs, test cases, and test sessions can be found in the following topics:

Related Topics

  1. About Custom Libraries
  2. About Test Libraries