The System Status window... gives you an overall view of system status, Licensing (for License Server licenses), user activity, test server status and test session activity. The information is arranged in an expandable tree hierarchy with color-coded status indicators. The status is constantly updated while the window is open, giving you real-time status without the need to manually refresh the display.
In the System view, the System elements includes:
TAS Memory In-Use (just the TAS process),
TAS Hard Drive Space (just the main partition)
Running Tests #
Active Test Servers #
Active SUTs #
Remaining ECs (POLQA, VMAF and DSP).
Results Storage - (focused on rsl_low and rsl_high).
The memory/disk fields are updated every 30 seconds. They will change color as they reach FULL, similar to the Client Memory Monitor. The bar will turn orange as it approaches rsl_high and it will turn red at rsl_high.
In addition, to help prevent out of disk space issues on the TAS, a System-Wide Notification will be sent to all logged in users as well as Real-Time Log messages when disk is determined to be low:
Real-Time Log messages and System-Wide Notifications for low HD space. Low space warning is reported every 4 hours in Real-Time log.
If you attempt to run a test and the TAS has less than 1 GiB of disk left you will get extra messages in the Run Log:
port_capture: 03/23 13:41:02.308:TAS:ts0(Coast-11.84) eth2 capturing started
warning: 03/23 13:41:02.309:TAS: TAS Disk Space: 632MiB remaining
log: 03/23 13:41:02.360:ts0(Coast-11.84):p0(0)::tc0: Sourcing TC ::s0001::tc0, Parent ::s0001
log: 03/23 13:41:02.440:ts0(Coast-11.84):p0(0)::tc0: Begin Test Case
3/23 13:41:47.704:TAS: Generating final report(s)...
log: 03/23 13:41:47.985:TAS: Generating Standard TAS Report
log: 03/23 13:41:47.988:TAS: Running low on TAS disk space, 632MiB remaining
log: 03/23 13:41:48.506:TAS:Test is completed, (FAILED), result files:
NOTE: Added support via Swagger (RESTFul API - Using the RESTful API) to manually GET / DELETE / from Results Storage, independent of the Automatic Cleanup. By doing so, you can better control which files remain over a longer period of time. i.e. if you remove all the large PCAPs every hour, more room is left within the rsl_high limit for other types of files. |
(Only available for License Server licensed systems)
In the Licensing view, License Server license status information is displayed. The Licensing elements includes:
License limiting total TASs, TS, by Type, etc. - (additional information in topic About Licensing)- License Server User guide - Landslide_License_Server_R4.8_User_Guide.pdf
Last Checkout - Timestamp of last checkout with License Server
License Server Status – Current Status of connection with License Server, RUNNING, WARNING, or LOCKED
License Server Redundency allows for continuous License Server accessibility when one License Server is offline (due to power outage / network outage / etc) by having 2 License Servers in sync and having TAS's licenses installed and included on both addresses. The License Server Active field (see below) will indicate if the Primary or Secondary license server is active.
Additional status details are provided based on type of license being used (see below)
License Server - TS Days Consumption (Visible if Consumption Licensing is enabled). This license server based licensing model tracks and limits the number of TS Days that are used by a license. It is only available via License Server License (Corporate or standard Spirent-in-the-Cloud). A TS Day is a unit of measure for either: A single specific test server (by ID/Name) when it reaches 1 hour of TS-Process-Minutes usage in a given day starting at midnight local TAS time or a Catch-All TS Day when no single TS has reached a TS Day, but the sum of all TS-Process-Minutes >= 12 hours. The day resets at midnight. The TAS will prevent TSs from running tests if the Remaining TS Days reported by the License Server is 0 AND the TS has not already reported its TS Day Used. The TAS will track TS Days for each TS, using the TS-Process-Minutes Usage stats. When a TS reached 1 hour of TS-Process-Minutes, it will be marked as "Used a TS Day".
License Server Status – Current Status of connection with License Server, RUNNING, WARNING, or LOCKED
Last Checkout – Timestamp of last checkout with License Server
Max TS Days – Indicates the total TS-Days the license will support, as reported by the License Server
Remaining TS Days – Indicates how many TS-Days remain for the license. Does not include TS-Days currently counted and in use by this TAS
Used TS Days – Indicates the total TS-Days used by this TAS under this License
License Server - Multi-TAS Limit by TS licensing is used to share a provisioned maximum number of active test servers across multiple TAS systems with a single license file. The single license (applied individually to each TAS being controlled) allows the same application and feature configuration to be used on each TAS. The type of test servers defined is also the same for each TAS in this case as well. Each TAS can add and configure up to the maximum number of test servers allowed for the TAS type defined. However, the license server monitors the number of active test servers across all TAS using the common license file and limits the number of test servers allowed to run concurrently to the Total Licensed TS value provisioned in the license.
License Server - Multi-TAS Limit by TS Type is used to allow the License to limit TS's by type across multiple TAS's. The license server monitors the number of active test servers across all TAS using the common license file and limits the number of test servers by type allowed to run concurrently to the Total Licensed TS value provisioned in the license. Limit by TS Type also provides the ability for each TAS to Offline Reserve a number of TS types, so the TAS will automatically reserve TS if/when it goes offline from the License Server. Once a TAS goes offline, it will reserve as many TSs as are available up to the Offline-Reservation-Count.
TS Type A max limit of 2 and License Server offline
Scenario I - active 0, granted 1, remaining 2 → can reserve 1 TS Type A
Scenario II - active 1, granted 1, remaining 2 → can reserve 1 TS Type A
Scenario III - active 0, granted 1, remaining 0 → cannot reserve any TS Type A
Once the TAS goes to offline mode the total number of TSs that can run by TS-Type will be equal to MAX ( OFFLINE_RESERVED, TOTAL RUNNING).
If the 5 Virtual Smalls are offline reserved, and currently 8 are running, when TAS goes offline the total offline will be 8
If the 5 Virtual Smalls are offline reserved and currently 2 are running, when TAS goes offline the total offline will be 5
From License Server perspective, TAS will also go offline after the configured timer. Once the TAS goes offline, the License Server will treat all of it's OFFLINE Reserved TSs as currently IN-USE to prevent other TASs from using them. It will use the same logic as the TAS.
If the 5 Virtual Smalls are offline reserved, and currently 8 are running, when TAS goes offline the total offline will be 8
If the 5 Virtual Smalls are offline reserved and currently 2 are running, when TAS goes offline the total offline will be 5
Note - If Blocked by License Server Reject TAS enabled, you will see this Error in the Logs : "Offline, and not all TSs locally reserved rejecting total - TAS blocked by License Server". If Blocked by License Server Reject License enabled, you will see this Error in the Logs : "Offline, and not all TSs locally reserved rejecting total - License blocked by License Server".
In the Users view, the user names of all of the users currently logged in to the test system and all those with disconnected test sessions are displayed in alphabetical order. A user node can be expanded to display the client platform's IP address, Client = <client type can be GUI,Tcl, Rest or Cli)>, User = <user name on Client System>, timezone =<Time zone on Client System>, and os = <Operating System on Client System> when the user is logged in to the system. If the user is running one or more test sessions, the client node can be expanded to display the test sessions.
In the Test Servers view, all test servers are listed by host name and the version of the software installed on the test server is displayed. In this view the test server status is also indicated with a color code:
No color — ready and idle (no active test sessions)
Green — ready and active (at least one test session is running)
Red — not ready (server is running at capacity or is otherwise not available for testing)
Orange — needs upgrade (test server software is not compatible with the TAS software)
Black — the test server configuration is invalid due to a problem with the assigned IP addresses
When a test server is green, the node can be expanded to display the test sessions. The test session nodes can also be expanded to display the session owner and the SUTs that are used in the test session.
In the Test Sessions view, all active test sessions are displayed in session ID order. A test session node can be expanded to display the test servers used by the session, the session's owner, and the SUTs that are used in the session.
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