The values on the HSS S6t Session tab report the processing measurements for the S6t interface in a HSS Node test case.
In the default view, the Reports tab displays the Summary view, which summarizes the measurements for the test session. If your test includes multiple test cases, you can view the report for a single test case by changing the report view...
Unless otherwise noted, cumulative values report the number of occurrences or rates calculated since the start of the test, and per-interval values report the number of occurrences or rates calculated during the interval. You can view either by changing the measurement values...
Elapsed Time is the first measurement on every tab. It reports the amount of time between the start of the test and the end of the report interval.
Test Iteration reports the current iteration in a repeating test session. It is only displayed when a Number of Iterations is defined for the test session.
The following are measurements:
CIR Received — Indicates the number of Configuration-Information-Request (CIR) commands received by the HSS from SCEF Server.
CIA Sent — Indicates the number of Configuration-Information-Answer (CIA) commands sent by the HSS to SCEF Server.
RIA Received — Indicates the number of Reporting-Information-Answer (RIA) commands received by the HSS from SCEF Server.
RIR Sent — Indicates the number of Reporting-Information-Request (RIR) commands sent by the HSS to SCEF Server.
NIR Received — Indicates the number of NIDD-Information-Request (NIR) commands received by the HSS from SCEF Server.
NIA Sent — Indicates the number of NIDD-Information-Answer (NIA) commands sent by the HSS to SCEF Server.
Unknown User — number of unknown user message received by HSS as a result of checking checks whether the IMSI is known (upon receiving a Notify request).
Poorly Formed Requests — The number of transactions that failed because the SUT's answer message could not be parsed.
Send Error — The number of errors encounters during send operation.
1xxx Informationals Sent — The number of 1xxx Infomationals sent.
1xxx Informationals Received — The number of 1xxx Infomationals received.
2xxx Successes Sent — The number of 2xxx Successes sent.
2xxx Successes Received — The number of 2xxx Successes received.
3xxx Protocol Errors Sent — The number of 3xxx Protocol Errors messages sent.