Usage monitoring is only available when your system is licensed for the feature and you selects LTE Spec Version as 9.4 or higher and AGW I/F is Gx on the Emulator Configuration tab. Usage Monitoring Control data is a collection of monitoring instances. Each monitoring instance allows you to pre-configure resource monitoring, reporting at the PCEF. PCRF Usage Monitoring requires you to configure these two steps:
All of the parameter associated with defining Monitoring instances and mapping Charging Rules are listed below.
Monitor |
Enable Usage Monitoring Control |
Select to configure PCRF Usage Monitoring controls :
Tcl Parameter: GxSrvUsageMonitorEn |
Periodic Query |
Use Periodic Query to request for Usage-Monitoring result. You can configure to periodically query the PCEF for accumulated result of either all or individual active monitoring instances of an IP-CAN session of a subscriber. Select Periodic Query to indicate whether a configured monitor would be a candidate for periodic query of accumulated usage result.
Tcl Parameter: GxSrvPerQueryEn Tcl Parameter: GxSrvPerQueryInternal Tcl Parameter: GxSrvPerQueryType |
Time in NTP Format |
Available if Initial Usage Threshold Time is selected. Select to include time in NTP format in CC-TIME AVP (per RFC 4006). Tcl Parameter: GxSrvUsageMonNtpTimeEn |
Number of Monitoring Instances |
Tcl Parameter: GxSrvNumUsageMonitors |
The Assignments pane allows you to configure usage monitoring levels and map monitor instances to its IPCAN or charging rules.
Use the Monitoring Level and Session Level Assignments to assign individual monitoring instance to IPCAN (APN) or PCC Rule.
The number of rows depend on the Number of Monitoring Instance you selected.
Monitor |
Indicates Monitor 1 to the value selected in the Number of Monitoring Instance. | |
Indicates whether the Monitor instance is provisioned for an IPCAN (APN) session or PCC-Rule(s). Select one the following options. Default is PCC-Rule-Level.
Assignment |
Rule Level Assignments
Use the Rule Level Assignments to assign individual monitoring instance to a Charging Rule. The number of rows in the Rule Level Assignments table depend on the Number of Rule Set and Charging Rule you defined on the PCC Rules tab. In addition, you may assign separate Rule Sets for IPv4, IPv6, and Dual Stacks, depending on your selection on the PCC Rule Tab.
Rule Set |
The Rule Set depends on the Number of Rule Set and Charging Rule you selected and defined on the PCC Rules tab. For exampleFor example, if you selected 3 Rule Sets and 2 Charging Rule, then 4 Rule set (rows) are displays for assignment. |
Charging Rule |
The Rule Set depends on the Number of Rule Set and Charging Rule you selected and defined on the PCC Rules tab. See the illustrated exampleexample. |
Monitor Assignment |
For a charge rule you wish to monitor, go to the Charging Rule row and choose an appropriate monitoring instance from the dropdown. |
NOTES: For Usage-Monitoring instances to Charge-Rule mapping:
NOTE: You may pre-configure a maximum of 10 usage monitoring instances. The maximum number of 10 monitoring instances supports monitoring of 10 different IPCAN/APNs (maximum of 10 APNs). |
Activation Delay |
An Activation Delay of a monitoring instance is a time (in seconds) to delay the start of monitoring after a resource had been granted or established. By default, an activation delay is set to zero. Tcl Parameter: GxSrvUsageMonActDelay_1 The PCRF signals PCEF to start monitoring right after an IPCAN is established or charge-rule is installed.
Monitoring Key |
The Monitoring Key identifies a monitoring instance. The configured value is sent back and forth between PCRF and PCEF for provisioning or reporting usages. Range: 64 characters ( mandatory and unique) Default: Monitor_Key_1 Tcl Parameter: GxSrvUsageMonKey_1 Periodic Query AllowedSelect to indicate that periodic query is enabled and is available only when you select Periodic Query. Tcl Parameter: GxSrvUsageMonPerQueryEn_1 |
An initial usage threshold is a volume of usage threshold in bytes sent from PCRF to PCEF at the activation of Usage Monitoring. When activated, PCEF accumulates usages of requested monitoring resource and reports to PCRF when accumulated usages reach the threshold specified.
Select to indicate the required initial usage threshold for each monitor instance. |
Total Volume (Bytes) |
Specify the usage threshold of total volume (all usages).
Individual Volume |
Specify the usage threshold of individual volume for each up/down link direction.
Time (s) |
Select to indicate the time at which the PCEF reapplies the threshold value provided by the PCRF (Monitoring-Time AVP (AVP Code 2810)). Select to use time threshold instead of volume threshold and enter a value. The value indicated the time at which the PCEF reapplies the threshold value provided by the PCRF (Monitoring-Time AVP (AVP Code 2810)).
Option: 0 - 65535 Default: 60 Tcl Parameter:
Use the Modifier pane to modify either usage threshold or monitoring key of an active monitor instance.
NOTE: The configured values in the Modifier pane is also used for Auto-Restart Monitoring purposes. |
Enable Modifier | Select to enable the Modifier pane. | ||||||
Modify Usage Threshold | Available only when you select Total or Individual Volume threshold set in the Initial Usage Threshold pane. Select to modify initial volume threshold set. You can select whether to increase or decrease Total Volume or Individual Volume.
Modify Time Threshold | Available only when you select Time in the Initial Usage Threshold pane. Select to modify initial Time set. You can select whether to increase or decrease Time by a specified value.
Modify Monitoring Key |
Select Monitoring Key and enter the number of Monitor instance from which the monitoring key will be taken.
Enable Periodic Modify |
Select to have PCRF send modify-request to PCEF periodically, that is, for every period set in the Periodic Modify Interval (sec) (value larger than zero).
NOTE: If the Modifier type you have selected becomes disabled by a change in the selected Threshold type, the modifier defaults to Modify Monitoring Key. |
The PCEF stops monitoring for a particular monitor instance after it sends a usage report to the PCRF. In response to the report, the PCRF decides whether PCEF should continue monitoring for the reported instance or stop monitoring.
Enable Auto-Restart Monitoring |
Select to indicate whether to stop or restarting the monitor.
NOTE: When a report was generated due to a service termination (for example due to session terminated, bearer disconnected, rule deactivated, and so on), the PCRF automatically ignores your selection of Auto-Start Monitoring and does not restart the monitoring (behaves as if the Auto Restart Monitoring was not selected). |