PCC Rules Overview

You can define the Policy and Charging Control Rule (PCC) requested by the Access Gateway (AGW) using the PCRF Node Ty interface test case. The PCC rules are provided by the PCRF to the AGW over the Ty interface.

The PCC Rules tab allows you to define:

NOTE: Although defined slightly different in their associated standards, both the 3GPP and 3GPP2 organizations have implemented a policy decision function and associated reference points. 3GPP2 defines the reference points as Tx and Ty, while 3GPP defines them as Rx and Gx.

Policy Rules

The PCRF provides authorized QOS/Policy Rules for a PCC rule. The AGW needs the Authorised QOS information for IP packet uplink and downlink. The AGW ensures that the granted QOS does not exceed the Authorized QOS per IP flow. The authorized bandwidth is defined separately for uplink and downlink packet flow. The QOS class ID in the Policy Rules apply to the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) IP flows.

You can choose to use the same QOS profile for all IP contexts or you can define different profiles for each context. Use the QOS drop-down list to select the appropriate QOS Class ID and define the IP flow bandwidth for UL and DL traffic.

NOTE: The number Policy Rules sub-tabs depend on the value selected in the Number of Policy Rules drop-down list.

In the example above, 6 Policy Rules are defined and sub-tabs labeled 1 — 6 display. Each sub-tab contains QOS Class ID and maximum bandwidth for UL and DL. You can define a maximum of 6 QOS Class ID and associated maximum bandwidth for UL and DL.

Charging Rules

Charging Rules apply for all uplink and downlink flow of IP packets. Each charging rule is associated with a maximum of six QOS Class IDs and two Rule Names as shown in the example.

Rule Name parameter is the name of the Charging Rule associated with the Charging Rule tab. You may enter a maximum of two rule names for each Charging Rule. For example, default names for Charging Rule in Tab 1 are Rule Name 1_1 and Rule Name 1_2.

Each Charging Rule is also associated with a maximum of two rule definitions, which in turn are associated with two definitions name.

Rule Definition Name is the name of the Rule Definition associated with the Charging Rule tab. You may enter a maximum of two definition names for each Charging Rule. For example, default names for Charging Rule Tab 1 are Rule Definition Name 1_1 and Rule Definition Name 1_2.

See Also