Adc Rules

All of the parameter associated with defining ADC Rules are listed below. ADC (Application Detection and Control) Rules define parameters that enable the detection of a Traffic data used in conjunction with the TDF (Traffic Detection Function) and the Sd reference point interface currently available in the DRA Nodal Test Case.



APN Mapping (Sd Interface)


IPv4/IPv6/Dual Stacks



Rule Set 1



Charging Rules




Rule Definition 1





Include QoS



QOS Class ID




Rule Base Names






Map Rules Set to APN

Use this option to enable mapping of different Rule Sets per APN. This parameter is not available for R-3 interface.

Value:  True/False

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvApnMapEn


Revalidation Time (s)

Available only when you do not select APN Mapping. Select and enter Revalidation Time (s) to configure ADC Rules revalidation time for default APN.  

Enter the Time in seconds to wait before revalidation. The revalidation time is in seconds and the default value is 3600s.

Tcl Parameter:




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APN Mapping

NOTE: When Map Rules Set to APN is enabled, each rule set must be mapped to an APN. A combination of PDP type and APN identifies a unique rule set

IPv4 APNs /

IPv6 /
Dual Stacks


The APN and Policy Rules mapping table is available for each PDP type: IPv4, IPv6, and Dual Stack. The number of rows in each table corresponds to a PDP type and is always synchronized with the number of rule sets for that PDP type.

TIP: Click (Tcl API Help Information on the right-hand side of the table) to display the Tcl Variable Information window with APN Name/Timer Mapping Tcl Variable Information.

RS Num Indicates the Rules Set Number. The Number of RS Num displayed corresponds to the Number of Rules Set you select on the Policy Rules pane.   Also indicates the Rule-Set to be sent (to the mapped APN) every time a revalidation timeout trigger is reported, if you select Include In Revalidation.
APN NUM Indicates the APN Number mapped to the Rules Set. The number of APNs displayed in the dropdown list corresponds to the Number of APNs you selected from the dropdown list.
Include In Revalidation Select to indicate that the rule set is revalidated/re-authorized when Revalidation Timeout event is triggered.   Selecting Include In Revalidation indicates that the Rule-Set is included in the revalidation rules sent to the mapped APN. You may select more than one Rule-Set for each APN.   For example, on the IPv4 APN tab, if APN1 is mapped to Rule Set 1 and a revalidation event is received from the SUT(PCEF) for this APN (IPv4 APN > APN1), then Rule Set #1 will be sent with a response to this revalidation request.

NOTE: Indicates that the rule-set is to be sent/revalidated when PCRF receives a CCRU with revalidation timeout trigger. The PCRF sends a CCAU, includes the specified Rule-Set along with an update of the next revalidation time (so that PCRF can send another revalidation timeout trigger).

If you do not select Include in Revalidation, the PCRF acknowledges the CCRU and does not send any rules set.



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IPv4 Rules / IPv6 Rules/ Dual Stack Rules

A maximum of 1024 rule sets are supported. Each rule set can have up to 8 charging rules, each charging rule can have up to 8 rule definitions, and each rule definition can have up to 16 packet filters. These Policy Rules are available for each PDP type: IPv4, IPv6, and dual stack.

NOTE: In DRA Nodal test case, the number maximum number of PCC Rule Sets, Charging Rules, and Rules Definitions depends on your system license.


Number of Rules Set

The Number of Rules Set define the maximum number of the Rules Set for an IP Connectivity Access Network (IP-CAN) bearer or service flow. A Rule Set is associated with a maximum of 8 Charging Rules, which is associated with a maximum of 8 Rule Definitions.


Number of Rule sets:

Use the dropdown list to select the number of Rules Set.


Range: 0 - 1024

Default:  0

Tcl Parameter: SdCcV4SrvNumRuleSet

Tcl Parameter: SdCcV6SrvNumRuleSet

Tcl Parameter: SdCcDsSrvNumRuleSet

Note: TCl Parameter based on type- either  V4, V6, or Ds



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Rule Set 1

By default, no rule sets are selected.  To modify a Rule Set, a Rule Set must be selected from the list of Rule Sets.  The Rule Sets list will contain the number of rule sets selected under the “Number of Rule Sets” dropdown.


AVP Configuration

See AVP Template Parameters

AVP Database Size

Indicates the AVP size allocated for charging rules packet flow descriptors and allows you to define the database memory to run AVP packets.

DB Size (bytes) has been added to the VSA/AVP configuration window. This is the value the AVP Database estimator calculates that is required for the AVP Database size. It should be used when determining the size of the AVP Database Size in Bytes.

Range: 0 — 4000

Default: 200

Tcl Parameter: SdCcAvpData_1

Type: True/False


Charging Rules

Charging rule defines the ADC rule for a service flow sent by the PCRF to the TDF.

NOTE: In DRA Nodal test case, the number maximum number of ADC Rule Sets, Charging Rules, and Rules Definitions depends on you on your system license.


Number of ADC Rules

The number of charging rules indicate the maximum number of charging rules that may be defined. Select a required value from the dropdown list.

NOTE: The number Charging Rules tabs depend on the value selected in the Number of Charging Rules drop-down list. A maximum of eight tabs may display.

Charging Rules n

The Rule Name along with Rule  Definitions and associated parameters form part of the PCC Charging Rule.


Use the dropdown list to indicate the rules Action (Install or Remove Charging Rules) to execute.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvCrAction

Type: True/False

Activation Time (s)

Deactivation Times (s)

Enter the Activation Time to indicate number of seconds to wait before sending revalidation Rule-Set to the mapped APN.

Default: 120 seconds

Enter the Deactivation Time to indicate the number of seconds to wait before deactivating the currently installed Rule-Set mapped to the APN.

Default: 240 seconds

Tcl Parameter: Array


  • The Activation Time and Deactivation Time are attributes of the Charging Rules and are not associated any other PCRF Node timers. Hence, are not dependent on Action.

  • The Activation Time and Deactivation Time are included in the CCAI/CCAU messages within the Charging-Rule-Install AVPs.

  • Activation and Deactivation Times are not available in DRA Nodal test case.

Activation/Deactivation Time is calulated as follows.

  • Activation/Deactivation Time = current_time + Activation/Deactivation time.
  • When you select Use Local Time, the activation and deactivation time is calculated based on the Local time for the APN context (Default or APN Mapping).

Activation/Deactivation Time =

User Configured Local Time + Activation/Deactivation Time

  • When you select Revalidation and Use Local Time:

Activation/Deactivation Time =

User Configured Local Time + (Interval * Counter) + Activation/Deactivation Time

Where, Counter is 0 <= Counter < X Times

Rule Names: The Rule Name defines a name for ADC rule and uniquely identifies a charging rule within the TDF.

  • Number of Rule Names

The Rule Name (Charging Rule Name) defines a unique name for each PCC charging rule definition in communication between the AGW and the PCRF.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvCrNumRuleName

Type: True/False

NOTE: The number rows of Rule Name depends on the value selected in the Number of Rule Names drop-down list. A maximum of eight rows of Rule Names may display.


  • Rule Name

This is the name of the Rule Definition associated with the Charging Rule tab. You may enter a maximum of 8 rule names for each Charging Rule. For example, default names for Charging Rule Tab 1 are Rule Name 1_1_1, Rule Name 1_2_1, and so on.


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Rule Definitions

The rule definitions along with the associated Policy Rule parameters form part of the PCC Charging Rule.

NOTE: In DRA Nodal test case, the number maximum number of ADC Rule Sets, Charging Rules, and Rules Definitions depends on you on your system license.

The Number of Rule Definitions parameter, the  Rule Definition parameters, and the PCC Rules parameters are available only when the  Number of Rule Definitions is > 0.


Number of Definitions


The number of definitions indicate the maximum number of charging rule definitions that may be specified.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvCrNumRuleDef_1_1

Type: True/False

NOTE: The number Rule Definitions sub-tabs depends on the value selected in the Number of Definitions dropdown list. A maximum of eight sub-tabs may display.


Rule Definition n

Rule Name

The Rule Name is the Rule Definitions Name, which is a reference for the Rule Definitions and Policy Rule.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvCrRuleDefName_1_1_1

Type: True/False

TDF Application Identifier

Present when licensed and version is >= to 11.4. Use the TDF Application Identifier to enable monitoring of traffic for application of interest. See ADC (Application Detection and Control) feature.

Type:  string - 64 characters

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvCrRuleDefTdfAppId_1_1_1

Flow Status

Use the Flow Status dropdown list to select indicate the Flow Status of the AVP to be included in the nested Charging-Rule-Install DIAMETER AVP of the RAR message from the PCRF to the AGW via Gx interface.


  • ENABLED (2)
  • DISABLED (3)
  • REMOVED (4)

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvCrFlowStatus_1_1_1

Default:  False (enabler values: true/false)  


Mute Notification

Mute Notification can be used to disable notification messages, ie. Start/Stop Event triggers matching the monitored application. - Part of ADC (Application Detection and Control) feature.  Application being monitored is listed in TDF_Application Identifier.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcV4SrvCrRuleDefMuteNotifyEn_1_1_1

Default : False (enabler values:tue/false)


Monitoring Key

The Monitoring Key identifies a monitoring instance. The configured instance is sent back and forth between the PCRF and TDF for provisioning or reporting Usages.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcV4SrvCrRuleMonKey_1_1_1

Default : 1

Up to 64 Characters

Include Final Unit Indication

Final Unit Action

The Final Unit Action is part of the grouped Flows AVP and is available only when the Final Unit Indication checkbox is enabled. Select the Final Unit Action checkbox and select the required option from the dropdown list to include the Flows AVP in the nested Charging-Rule-Install DIAMETER AVP of the RAR message from the PCRF to the TDF via Sd interface.


Tcl Parameter: SdCcV4SrvCrFinalAction_1_1_1

Default:  False (enabler values: true/false)  

Default Value: TERMINATE

Redirect Information

Enable checkbox to enter Redirect Server - Address Type and Server Address.

Redirect Server - Address Type

Available to Redirect Server if MCD Number checkbox is enabled and Final Unit Action = REDIRECT - Select type of address that traffic will be redirected to.

Address Type = IPv4, IPv6 or URL

Tcl Parameter: SdCcV4SrvCrRuleDefRedirectServerAddrType_1_1_1


Redirect Server - Server Address


Available to Redirect Server if MCD Number checkbox is enabled and Final Unit Action = REDIRECT - Enter Valid IPv4, IPv6 or URL Address for redirection

Tcl Parameter: SdCcV4SrvCrRuleDefRedirectServerAddr_1_1_1


Rule Failure Code

Check to provide a value for Failure code 1 through 23.

Tcl Parameter: Sd4SrvCrRuleFailCode_1



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Policy Rules

The Policy Rules define the QoS authorized for an IP Connectivity Access Network (IP-CAN) bearer or service flow.

Include QoS

Select the checkbox to enable and define the maximum and guaranteed uplink and downlink bandwidth for an IP Connectivity Access Network.

Tcl Parameter: TyCcSrvCrPolRuleEn_1_1_1

Default:  False (enabler values: true/false)

QOS Class ID

Defines the maximum authorized traffic class for the IP-CAN bearer or service flow  Enter the required QOS Class ID and define the associated maximum bandwidth for uplink and downlink IP packets.  

Valid Options: 0 - 255

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvCrQci_1_1_1

Default:  False (enabler values: true/false)  

Maximum Bandwidth

Select to enable and enter the Maximum Uplink and Downlink values.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvPrMaxBwEn_1_1_1

Default:  False (enabler values: true/false)  

Uplink: Defines the maximum bit rate in bits per second allowed for the Uplink IP packets.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvPrMaxBwUl_1_1_1

TDefault:  False (enabler values: true/false)  

Downlink: Defines the maximum bit rate in bits per second allowed for the Downlink IP packets.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvPrBwDl_1_1_1

Default:  False (enabler values: true/false)  


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Rule Base Names

The Rule Name defines a base name for ADC rule and uniquely identifies a charging rule within the TDF.

Number of Rule base Names

Indicates the maximum number of rule base names defined with each charging rule names. Select a required value from the drop-down list.

Tcl Parameter: SdCcSrvCrNumBaseName_1_1

NOTE: The number of rows of Rule Base Names depend on the value selected in the Number of Rule Names dropdown list. A maximum of eight rows may display.

Rule Base Name


The Rule-Base-Name is a reference for activating a group of ADC rules predefined at the TDF.


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