The CDF App tab is used to define the RF interface Diameter protocol between the OFCS node and PDN GW/Srv GW SUTs.


Related Measurements

Measurements collected for RF interface in OFCS Node are reported on CDF Node and CDF Sesssion tabs.

All (Acct-Interim-Interval)

The Acc-Interim-Interval AVP (AII) set to a non-zero value indicates the desired intermediate charging interval.

Use to include intermediate charging interval in seconds. The OFCS expects to receive either a ACR (Accounting-Request Interim) or ACR (Accounting-Request Stop) AVP within this time-out value.

An instance of the interval Timer starts at the beginning of the accounting session, reset on the receipt of an ACR [Interim] and stops when ACR [Stop] is received. After the specified timer expires, the CDF stops the accounting session with the appropriate error indication.

ACA Delay (s)

Indicates a delay in sending ACA after receiving ACR (to simulate a traffic/server load).

  • If the delay value is = 0, ACA is sent immediately after receiving the ACR.
  • If the delay value is > 0 then ACA will be sent after the delay period expires.

Option: 0 - 30 Seconds

Default: 0 (no delay)

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvAcaDelay


Starting Subscriber ID

In OFCS testing, the Starting Subscriber ID indicates the first Subscriber ID used in the OFCS test case. You can use the radio buttons to select either IMSI (the default) or MS ISDN.

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvSubscriberIdType

  • IMSI: The Starting International Mobile Subscriber Identifier included as part of the OFCS CDF Subscriber ID.

Range: 5 - 15 digits

Default: 222101000001056

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvStartingImsi  

  • MS ISDN: The starting ISDN directory number for the mobile subscriber. This value is incremented for each mobile subscriber.

Range: Maximum 16 digits

Default: 17962480141

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvStartingMsIsdn  

APN Assignments


Use the APN pane to define the APN values assigned to bearer contexts. You can define one APN for all contexts or a different APN for every context.

The number of APNs available for input depends on the Default Bearers per Session you selected on the Mobile Subscriber pane of the Emulator Configuration tab. The APN requires a range of  2 - 50 characters and each APN must be unique.

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvApn0DiaSrvApn10

Case Sensitive APNs

Use checkbox to indicate APN Names are case sensitive.

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvApnCaseSenseEn

Starting Auto-Incrementable APN

Enable to use the Auto Increment Wizard for APNs.  Use the Auto-Increment feature to provision a unique name for each APN.

Default: #(N0)

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvStartingApn

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvStartingApnEn



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Define Multiple SUT Profiles

Select to specify different profiles for PGW and SGW SUTs on the available tabs. Define Multiple SUT Profiles is available only when you select Multiple SUT Types on the Emulator Configuration tab.

Not selecting Define Multiple SUT Profiles allows you to enter only the SGW SUT Profiles.

Number of Profiles Select the number of profiles you wish to configure or click to add a row of profile. You may define a maximum of 128 profiles.
Define Mobile Subscriber Ranges Select specify a range of Mobile Subscribes to which this profile applies.
Profile Table



Profile Indicates the Profile ID and depends on the value selected in the Number of Profiles

Indicates the level at which the profile is applied: Bearer, RG, Both, None.

  • For SGW Profiles: Bearer, APN, None
  • For PGW Profiles: Bearer, RG, APN, Bearer+ RG, None


QCI and ARP attributes are enabled based on “# QCI/ARP” pairs.


Only APN level is enabled.


RG and SID attributes are enabled.


QCI, ARP, RG and SID column attributes are enabled.


Available only when you select Define Mobile Subscriber Ranges.

  • Selecting None disables the QCI, ARP, RG, SID, and APN column attributes.

  • Selecting None indicates monitoring statistics per MS or per range of MSs

Starting MN Available when you select Define Mobile Subscriber Ranges. Enter the Starting MN from which the profile applies.
# of MNs Available when you select Define Mobile Subscriber Ranges. Enter the number of MNs to which the profile applies. The profile applies to Starting MN + # of MNs.
QCI/ARP QCI/ARP: Three different sets of QCI/ARP is supported for each specific bearer. Select the number of QCI/ARP required for each bearer. The distinct sets of QCI/ARP pairs identifies each bearer and associates with the bearer-level accounting stats (Charging-id + qci/arp). The number of QCI and ARP columns depend on the Number of QCI/ARP Pairs you selected.
QCI The QoS Class ID (QCI) applies to the Uplink (UL) and Downlink (DL) IP flows. LTE test cases provide you with the ability to configure various QCI. Enter the QCI associated with the ARP value.
ARP Use the ARP (Priority of Allocation and Retention) to determine the relative priority level during admission and congestion processes. Enter the ARP value associated with the QCI.
RG Indicates the level of Rating Group associated with the profile.
SID Indicates the level of Security Identifier associated with the profile.
APN Select the APN associated with the profile.
NOTE: Not available when you select Define Mobile Subscriber Ranges and Profile as None.


ACR Database

Enable ACR Database

Select to enable database creation of received ACR (Accounting Request) by OFCS Node. Once checked , all other related configurations will be enabled.

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvAcrDatabaseEn  

Default = False

NOTE: There is a performance and capacity impact as each ACR request is processed into the database, it can consume large amounts of memory.


Max Accounting Records Select to specify the maximum size of the database.

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvAcrMaxRecords

Range from 1 to 2048

Default = 100

Include Full ACR Message in Hex   Select and all ACR messages will be created in Hex strings in the database.

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvAcrHexEn

Default = False

Specify Subscriber Range Starting and Ending subscriber range will be enabled if "Specify Subscriber Range" is checked. By default the subscriber range is false (i.e. The requests from all subscribers are added to the Database)

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvAcrSubsEn

Default = False

Starting Index Unsigned integer value ranging from 1 to "Number Of Subscribers".  Starting Index is always less than (or equal to) Ending Index.

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvAcrSubsStart

Range from 1 to 1500000

Default = 1

Ending Index Unsigned integer value ranging from 1 to "Number Of Subscribers". Ending index must be greater than or equal to Starting Index.

Tcl Parameter: DiaSrvAcrSubsEnd

Range from 1 to 1500000

Default = 1

List of options to include in ACR (Accounting Requests) Database


AVP Code




User Name



Accounting Record Type



Node Functionality



3GPP Charging Id



Change Condition



Called Station Id






Accounting Input Octets



Accounting Output Octets



Time Usage



Rating Group



Service Id



QoS Class Identifier



Bearer Identifier



ARP Level



Max Requested Bandwidth UL



Max Requested Bandwidth DL



Guaranteed Bitrate UL



Guaranteed Bitrate DL



APN Aggregate Max Bitrate UL



APN Aggregate Max Bitrate DL


The resultant database ( <tc_Id>_accouting_records.db will be uploaded by the TAS from test servers /home/spcoast/<s_id>/<ts_id> to result page.


OFCS Node collects the information from the accounting request from SGW and PGW.  SGW and PGW requests can be distinguished by AVP: Node-Functionality (862), which is part of IMS-Information AVP group.  The values are as follows.

    S_GW   = 8,    P_GW   = 9,


Accounting request, Diameter Command Code 271 constitute of so many fields, out of which Landslide should be able to create a SQLite db by the pre configured fields. Since accounting request occurs in every pre configured “interim interval, only the accounting request contains service parameters are logged in to the database.


Service parameters are included in Traffic volumes, AVP code 2046 (in the case of SGW) and in Service Data Container, AVP Code 2040 (in the case of PGW). This way we can reduce the database operation required.


The proposed database tables are shown below. Additionally we provide GUI level configuration to pick and choose which of these fields should be in the Database. The actual number of columns of the Database depends upon the GUI configuration.


Main Table of ACR: Record Hex Dump is for dump everything in hex for the whole diameter message. This is optional, and it is useful if the user want to catch all the information in the ACR messages. The content will be in hex, and may be imported into Wireshark for viewing.


Session Id

Accounting Request Number

User Name

Node Functionality


3GPP Charging Id

Accounting Record Type

Called Station Id


Record Hex Dump




















The multiple Traffic volumes or service data container from an ACR is reported under a separate table. Service/Traffic-Data-Table: Each row corresponds to either traffic data volume or service Data container within a single ACR.

Session Id and Accounting Request Number are joint columns between these two tables.


Service Data/Traffic Volume Sequence Number is an internal auto-incremented number to identify individual instance of Service Dat Container/Traffic Volume AVP groups in a single ACR message.


The rest of the columns correspond to what is chosen from GUI:


Session Id

Accounting Request Number

Service Data Container /Traffic Volume Sequence number


Accounting Input Octets

Accounting Output Octets

Time Usage

Change Condition

Rating Group



















If all the Check boxes in the GUI are configured, both tables of the DB look as follows.


Accounting Request Table

Service Information Table:


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