The Rf emulator is used in the SGW and PGW test cases to simulate CTF Servers that can provide Offline Charging services. The test case can emulate two servers: one primary server and an optional secondary server for failover testing.
NOTE: The maximum number of sessions is determined by your license. |
Define the following:
Multi-Homed: Select to indicate that SCTP endpoint is multi-homed, where more than one destination transport address is used to reach the endpoint.
Tcl Parameter: CtfSctpMultiHomedMultiSrcEn
Host: Depending on whether the node emulates originating or destination point, Host identifies the endpoint that originated the Diameter message or the Diameter Identity of the destination host.
Realm: Depending on whether the node emulates originating or destination point, Realm identifies the realm of the originator of any Diameter message or the realm the message is to be routed to.
With a Rf node, you can define:
With an Ethernet node, you can define:
The IP address and routing options... The node IP address provisions the Host-IP-Address AVP in CEA messages sent to the peer.
The MAC Address to override the Hardware MAC address so the packets sent out of the interface will use the provisioned MAC address rather the Hardware MAC Address.
Custom port selection... and error injection with the Advanced... button.
The Outbound Traffic Port to disable the normal routing function and to force packets out of the selected interface.
The OCS Server and Diameter Server Node report tab displays the processing measurements for the emulator.