The DHCP Server emulator is used in the DHCP Server Node test case to provide IP address allocation services during a test. The emulator is defined on the DHCP Server Node Address sub-tab.
If we need our DHCP Server Node send response in a broadcast way, we need to set Outbound Traffic Port in DHCP Server Node of Network Device tab to the port we need to broadcast, like eth2.
With an Ethernet node, you can define:
The IP address and routing options... The Starting IP will increment for each node.
The MAC Address to override the Hardware MAC address so the packets sent out of the interface will use the provisioned MAC address rather the Hardware MAC Address.
The Outbound Traffic Port to disable the normal routing function and to force packets out of the selected interface.
Custom port selection... and error injection with the Advanced... button.
DHCP Server node parm | Tcl Parameter: DhcpSrvNodeAddr |
The DHCP Server Node report tab displays the processing measurements for the emulator.