DHCP Server Node

The DHCP Server emulator is used in the DHCP Server Node test case to provide IP address allocation services during a test. The emulator is defined on the DHCP Server Node Address sub-tab.

If we need our DHCP Server Node send response in a broadcast way, we need to set Outbound Traffic Port in DHCP Server Node of Network Device tab to the port we need to broadcast, like eth2.

Ethernet Configuration


  • If you require the DHCP Server Node to send a broadcast response, set the Outbound Traffic Port (for example, eth2) to be used to send the broadcast response.
  • If the IP Address Type is IPv6 on the DHCP Server Node TC > DHCP > DHCP, you are required to enter the MAC Address.

With an Ethernet node, you can define:


DHCP Server node parm

Tcl Parameter: DhcpSrvNodeAddr     


Related Measurements

The DHCP Server Node report tab displays the processing measurements for the emulator.