Ut Http Tab

In IP Application Node testing, the Ut HTTP tab on the Ut > Control Interface allows for support of the UT interface for supplementary services :

List of applicable documents referenced by this topic: 

Document Number



3GPP TS 24.623


RFC 4825


Originating Identification Presentation/Restriction (OIP/OIR) (3GPP TS 24.607)


Terminating Identification Presentation/Restriction (TIP/TIR) (3GPP TS 24.608)


Communication Diversion (CDIV) (3GPP TS 24.604)


Communication Barring (CB)/ Anonymous Call Rejection (ACR) (3GPP 24.611)


Communication Waiting (CW) (3GPP TS24.615)


 HTTP1.1    "Message Syntax and Routing" [RFC7230]


 HTTP1.1    "Semantics and Content" [RFC7231]


 HTTP1.1    "Conditional Requests" [RFC7232]


 HTTP1.1    "Range Requests" [RFC7233]


 HTTP1.1    "Caching" [RFC7234]


 HTTP1.1    "Authentication" [RFC7235]

Enable TLS



HTTP Messages

HTTP Flow:

Ut HTTP Messages





HTTP Supplementary Script  - Create HTTP tests using Scripts and Actions

HTTP Message Editor (Right pane)

  • HTTP Flow Editor (Left Pane)

  • HTTP Message Editor (Right Pane)

  • Actions (Right Pane) - select from a list of  actions

  • Built-ins (right pane) - Select from a list of pre-built scripts



Enable TLS

Select to Enable TLS - Only supported when transport type is TCP. A new Tab TLS will be enabled where Cipher Suites, Private Key, and certificate can be used during TLS handshake.


Ut HTTP Messages

The HTTP tab | HTTP Messages pane displays two columns/panes. The left pane displays HTTP message flows line diagram and the right column/pane displays the relevant message header and message body content. When you click on a message (of a flow) in the left pane, the message is highlighted and on the right column/pane, displays the HTTP message headers and Body (HTTP message body, where applicable) for the highlighted message.

A default configuration is displayed as a template and allows you to modify HTTP headers and body (XML Body), where applicable. (A template is displayed for every HTTP message available to be modified).

Open a HTTP Flow Template

Click to open the HTTP Flow Template window and select a HTTP Flow from the available libraries.   

NOTE: The Save Template Dialog automatically uses the last opened/saved template name and you may edit it as required.

Save as Data Profile Template

Click to save the elected HTTP Flow as a template.

NOTE: Copy of Data Profile and HTTP Flow Templates prevent copy/move of system owned dependent items, e.g. {Basic}, {Scenario…} library items.

Pop-up HTTP Flow

Click to open the HTTP Flow in a larger re-sizable window.

HTTP Flow Line Diagram

Click on any HTTP Flow Message (left column) to enable HTTP Message editor (right column):


NOTE: If a HTTP message is not available for editing, the right column remains blank. (Headers and Body tab remain blank).


Ut HTTP Call Flow (Left Pane)

The HTTP Call Flow (Left Pane) shows a flow of messages expected for a current test configuration.  When you select a message in the flow control area, default HTTP templates are shown in the editing windows (Right Pane).

The line diagram illustrates standard representation of the selected message. Each message (represented by a horizontal line) includes a text string (Field) or a combination of a text string and predefined parameter type (Filler; shown in blue on the right pane).

Use Default

Selected by default. When selected, default content of HTTP headers and HTTP body are used in the test case.

When not selected, the template will be used to replace the default message content.

HTTP Flow Line Diagram

Click on any HTTP Flow Message (left column) to enable HTTP Message editor (right column)

NOTE: If a HTTP message is not available for editing, the right column remains blank. (Headers and Body tab remain blank).


HTTP Messages Editor (Right Pane)

Use Default

When selected, for all messages in the test case, Use Default is disabled for individual message (on the Right Pane).

When not selected, individual message editor will be enabled for configuration.

Reset, Field+ (list), and Filler+ (list)

Available when Use Default is not selected. The Reset, Field+ , and Filler+ buttons help you with the editing process. You may replace the original Fields and Fillers in the message Header/Body by any text.

See list of Message Header/Body.


Click to reset the modified content back to the default configuration


Click to display a list of text string. Select a text string to insert within your SIP message.  You may also right-click at the insertion point, select the Insert HTTP Field option from the context menu.

Options: Authorization, Content-Length, Content-Type, Host, MME-Version, User-Agent, X-3GPP-Intended-Identity


Click to display a list of parameters/variables. Select a parameter to insert within your HTTP message, which is shown in blue.  You may also right-click at the insertion point and select the Insert Auto-Fill option from the context menu.

  • See Fillers:

  • "XML Body” is present exclusively for the XML data that will be carried in a message. This will be applicable only for PUT Message operations which will be part of actions that have “Update Service Info”. For “Custom Service” Action for “Updating Service Info”, the XML Body tab will be enabled for editing but will be blank.

XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<communication-diversion active="true">{LF}



<cp:rule id="rule66">{LF}














</cp:rule> {LF}




Click to insert carriage return (CR) or line feed (LF) characters or both (CRLF) at the selected byte/offset or right-click at the insertion point and select the New Line Mode option from the context menu.

Right-Click context menu

You may also right-click at the insertion point and select the required option from the context menu: Insert Field, Insert Auto-Fill, or New Line Mode (CRLF, CR, LF).


Editing HTTP Message

  • Clear Use Default selected (both in the Left and the Right panes).
  • Select the required flow (represented by a line in the left pane), a pre configured template displays (where applicable) on the right pane.
  • Click the Header/Body tab to edit, insert, modify, delete information by using the Field + (list) or the Filler + (list) as required.

Example of what happens when editing

  • Text string (field) that is not followed by a parameter (filler):

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-Client{CR}{LF}

Text string User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-Client will always be included in the final message.

• Text string followed by a variable/parameter/filler:

  • Content-Type: <{Content-type}>{CR}{LF}

  • If {Content-type} exists in the original message then the final message will include string.

Content-type: <sip:user0@;transport=udp>

  • If {Content-type} does not exist in the original message then the whole string will not be in the final message.

Conditional Parameters (used when parameters used in your template do not exist in the original message)

Since a configurable HTTP message is generated from an existing message, some parameters used in your template may not exist in the original message. You may use “…-if” parameter to take care of such cases.


Parameters with -if at the end are applied to the text string that starts from the previous parameter (Filler). Parameter with –if be inserted to indicate that this text string should be skipped if it does not exist in the message.



Text string Content-Length  will be included in the final message only if it exists in the original message.


Attribute Content-Length will be always included into the final message regardless of whether it exists in the original message.

Example HTTP Header and Template

GET – With Auth - (CW)


GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

Example XML Body

PUT – with Auth – (CDIV)


PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<communication-diversion active="true">{LF}



<cp:rule id="rule66">{LF}














</cp:rule> {LF}




HTTP Supplementary Script

The HTTP Supplementary option provides users with a way for creating HTTP tests using scripts and actions.

The main advantage of using scripts and actions;  is to allow users creating different HTTP message flows tailored to their particular test environments.

A script (a sample is shown below) consists of one of more actions.

An action performs a particular small common task in HTTP tests such as OIP (Originating Identification Presentation) update service info, TIR (Terminating Identification Restriction) delete service info, etc.  Actions are fixed and predefined by Landslide software; they cannot be created by users.  



Example of OIP Service Enable/Disable Script. It's made up of four Actions:

OIP Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth), OIP Update Service Info (success, no auth)

OIP Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth), OIP Update Service Info (success, no auth)


Ut Actions

See Complete list of Actions - Ut Actions

Ut Built-ins

See Complete list of Built-in Scripts - Ut Built-in Scripts

^ Back to Top

XCAP HTTP 1.1 Methods for UT Client

XCAP HTTP 1.1 Methods for UT Client:


HTTP GET method can be used to fetch the xml data for a particular supplementary service. GET method can be challenged by the XCAP server.


HTTP PUT method can be used to update the xml data for a particular supplementary service. PUT method can be challenged by the XCAP server.


HTTP DELETE method can be used to remove the xml data for a particular supplementary service or the entire document. DELETE method can be challenged by the XCAP server.

Message flows for UT Client supplementary services:

The following message flows will be available for each supplementary service.

User can select the supplementary service as shown in the table below.

GET (Success, no auth)

GET (Success, with auth)

GET (Fail, no auth)

GET (Fail, with auth)

PUT (Success, with auth)

PUT (Success, with auth)

PUT (Fail, no auth)


PUT (Fail, with auth)

DELETE (Success, with auth)

DELETE (Success, no auth)

DELETE (Fail, no auth)

DELETE (Fail, with auth)

UT Actions


Action name



OIP Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth)

Retrieve OIP Supplementary Service Information without challenge


OIP Retrieve Service Info (success, with auth)

Retrieve OIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge


OIP Retrieve Service Info (fail, no auth)

Retrieve OIP Supplementary Service Information fails


OIP Retrieve Service Info (fail, with auth)

Retrieve OIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


OIP Update Service Info (success, no auth)

Update OIP Supplementary Service Information without challenge


OIP Update Service Info (success, with auth)

Update OIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge


OIP Update Service Info (fail, no auth)

Update OIP Supplementary Service Information fails


OIP Update Service Info (fail, with auth)

Update OIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


OIP Delete Service Info (success, no auth)

Delete OIP Supplementary Service Information without challenge


OIP Delete Service Info (success, with auth)

Delete OIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge


OIP Delete Service Info (fail, no auth)

Delete OIP Supplementary Service Information fails


OIP Delete Service Info (fail, with auth)

Delete OIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


OIR Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth)

Retrieve OIR Supplementary Service Information without challenge


OIR Retrieve Service Info (success, with auth)

Retrieve OIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge


OIR Retrieve Service Info (fail, no auth)

Retrieve OIR Supplementary Service Information fails


OIR Retrieve Service Info (fail, with auth)

Retrieve OIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


OIR Update Service Info (success, no auth)

Update OIR Supplementary Service Information without challenge


OIR Update Service Info (success, with auth)

Update OIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge


OIR Update Service Info (fail, no auth)

Update OIR Supplementary Service Information fails


OIR Update Service Info (fail, with auth)

Update OIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


OIR Delete Service Info (success, no auth)

Delete OIR Supplementary Service Information without challenge


OIR Delete Service Info (success, with auth)

Delete OIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge


OIR Delete Service Info (fail, no auth)

Delete OIR Supplementary Service Information fails


OIR Delete Service Info (fail, with auth)

Delete OIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


TIP Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth)

Retrieve TIP Supplementary Service Information without challenge


TIP Retrieve Service Info (success, with auth)

Retrieve TIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge


TIP Retrieve Service Info (fail, no auth)

Retrieve TIP Supplementary Service Information fails


TIP Retrieve Service Info (fail, with auth)

Retrieve TIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


TIP Update Service Info (success, no auth)

Update TIP Supplementary Service Information without challenge


TIP Update Service Info (success, with auth)

Update TIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge


TIP Update Service Info (fail, no auth)

Update TIP Supplementary Service Information fails


TIP Update Service Info (fail, with auth)

Update TIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


TIP Delete Service Info (success, no auth)

Delete TIP Supplementary Service Information without challenge


TIP Delete Service Info (success, with auth)

Delete TIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge


TIP Delete Service Info (fail, no auth)

Delete TIP Supplementary Service Information fails


TIP Delete Service Info (fail, with auth)

Delete TIP Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


TIR Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth)

Retrieve TIR Supplementary Service Information without challenge


TIR Retrieve Service Info (success, with auth)

Retrieve TIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge


TIR Retrieve Service Info (fail, no auth)

Retrieve TIR Supplementary Service Information fails


TIR Retrieve Service Info (fail, with auth)

Retrieve TIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


TIR Update Service Info (success, no auth)

Update TIR Supplementary Service Information without challenge


TIR Update Service Info (success, with auth)

Update TIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge


TIR Update Service Info (fail, no auth)

Update TIR Supplementary Service Information fails


TIR Update Service Info (fail, with auth)

Update TIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


TIR Delete Service Info (success, no auth)

Delete TIR Supplementary Service Information without challenge


TIR Delete Service Info (success, with auth)

Delete TIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge


TIR Delete Service Info (fail, no auth)

Delete TIR Supplementary Service Information fails


TIR Delete Service Info (fail, with auth)

Delete TIR Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CDIV Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth)

Retrieve CDIV Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CDIV Retrieve Service Info (success, with auth)

Retrieve CDIV Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CDIV Retrieve Service Info (fail, no auth)

Retrieve CDIV Supplementary Service Information fails


CDIV Retrieve Service Info (fail, with auth)

Retrieve CDIV Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CDIV Update Service Info (success, no auth)

Update CDIV Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CDIV Update Service Info (success, with auth)

Update CDIV Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CDIV Update Service Info (fail, no auth)

Update CDIV Supplementary Service Information fails


CDIV Update Service Info (fail, with auth)

Update CDIV Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CDIV Delete Service Info (success, no auth)

Delete CDIV Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CDIV Delete Service Info (success, with auth)

Delete CDIV Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CDIV Delete Service Info (fail, no auth)

Delete CDIV Supplementary Service Information fails


CDIV Delete Service Info (fail, with auth)

Delete CDIV Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CB Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth)

Retrieve CB Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CB Retrieve Service Info (success, with auth)

Retrieve CB Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CB Retrieve Service Info (fail, no auth)

Retrieve CB Supplementary Service Information fails


CB Retrieve Service Info (fail, with auth)

Retrieve CB Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CB Update Service Info (success, no auth)

Update CB Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CB Update Service Info (success, with auth)

Update CB Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CB Update Service Info (fail, no auth)

Update CB Supplementary Service Information fails


CB Update Service Info (fail, with auth)

Update CB Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CB Delete Service Info (success, no auth)

Delete CB Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CB Delete Service Info (success, with auth)

Delete CB Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CB Delete Service Info (fail, no auth)

Delete CB Supplementary Service Information fails


CB Delete Service Info (fail, with auth)

Delete CB Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CW Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth)

Retrieve CW Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CW Retrieve Service Info (success, with auth)

Retrieve CW Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CW Retrieve Service Info (fail, no auth)

Retrieve CW Supplementary Service Information fails


CW Retrieve Service Info (fail, with auth)

Retrieve CW Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CW Update Service Info (success, no auth)

Update CW Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CW Update Service Info (success, with auth)

Update CW Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CW Update Service Info (fail, no auth)

Update CW Supplementary Service Information fails


CW Update Service Info (fail, with auth)

Update CW Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


CW Delete Service Info (success, no auth)

Delete CW Supplementary Service Information without challenge


CW Delete Service Info (success, with auth)

Delete CW Supplementary Service Information with challenge


CW Delete Service Info (fail, no auth)

Delete CW Supplementary Service Information fails


CW Delete Service Info (fail, with auth)

Delete CW Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


Custom Retrieve Service Info (success, no auth)

Retrieve Custom Supplementary Service Information without challenge


Custom Retrieve Service Info (success, with auth)

Retrieve Custom Supplementary Service Information with challenge


Custom Retrieve Service Info (fail, no auth)

Retrieve Custom Supplementary Service Information fails


Custom Retrieve Service Info (fail, with auth)

Retrieve Custom Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


Custom Update Service Info (success, no auth)

Update Custom Supplementary Service Information without challenge


Custom Update Service Info (success, with auth)

Update Custom Supplementary Service Information with challenge


Custom Update Service Info (fail, no auth)

Update Custom Supplementary Service Information fails


Custom Update Service Info (fail, with auth)

Update Custom Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


Custom Delete Service Info (success, no auth)

Delete Custom Supplementary Service Information without challenge


Custom Delete Service Info (success, with auth)

Delete Custom Supplementary Service Information with challenge


Custom Delete Service Info (fail, no auth)

Delete Custom Supplementary Service Information fails


Custom Delete Service Info (fail, with auth)

Delete Custom Supplementary Service Information with challenge fails


Wait For Time

Halt a script for a specified time

Ut Built-ins Script

OIP Service Enable/Disable

OIP Service Enable/Disable - built-ins script:

HTTP Message Header/Body

GET - No Auth - (OIP)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - With Auth - (OIP)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - No Auth - (OIP)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{ LF}

<originating-identity-presentation active="true"/>

PUT - With Auth - (OIP)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<originating-identity-presentation active="true"/>

DELETE - No Auth - (OIP)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - With Auth - (OIP)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - No Auth - (OIR)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - With Auth - (OIR)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - No Auth - (OIR)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<originating-identity-presentation-restriction active="true">{LF}



PUT - With Auth - (OIR)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<originating-identity-presentation-restriction active="true">{LF}



DELETE - No Auth - (OIR)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - With Auth - (OIR)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/originating-identity-presentation-restriction ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - No Auth - (TIP)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - With Auth - (TIP)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - No Auth - (TIP)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<terminating-identity-presentation active="true"/>

PUT - With Auth - (TIP)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<terminating-identity-presentation active="true"/>

DELETE - No Auth - (TIP)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - With Auth - (TIP)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - No Auth - (TIR)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - With Auth - (TIR)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - No Auth - (TIR)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<terminating-identity-presentation-restriction active="true">{LF}



PUT - With Auth - (TIR)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<terminating-identity-presentation-restriction active="true">{LF}



DELETE - No Auth - (TIR)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - With Auth - (TIR)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/terminating-identity-presentation-restriction ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - No Auth - (CW)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - With Auth - (CW)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - No Auth - (CW)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<communication-waiting active="true"/>

PUT - With Auth - (CW)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<communication-waiting active="true"/>

DELETE - No Auth - (CW)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - With Auth - (CW)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-waiting ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - No Auth - (CDIV)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - With Auth - (CDIV)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - No Auth - (CDIV)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<communication-diversion active="true">{LF}



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PUT - With Auth - (CDIV)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<communication-diversion active="true">{LF}



<cp:rule id="rule66">{LF}














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DELETE - No Auth - (CDIV)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - With Auth - (CDIV)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/communication-diversion ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - No Auth - (CB)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - With Auth - (CB)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - No Auth - (CB)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<incoming-communication-barring active="true">{LF}


<cp:rule id="rule67">{LF}










PUT - With Auth - (CB)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


XML Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{LF}

<incoming-communication-barring active="true">{LF}


<cp:rule id="rule67">{LF}










DELETE - No Auth - (CB)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - With Auth - (CB)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/incoming-communication-barring ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque = "{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - No Auth - (Custom Service)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

GET - With Auth - (Custom Service)

GET {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque="{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - No Auth - (Custom Service)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

PUT - With Auth - (Custom Service)

PUT {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque="{default-opaque}", algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Type: {Content-Type}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - No Auth - (Custom Service)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}

DELETE - With Auth - (Custom Service)

DELETE {xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ HTTP/1.1{CR}{LF}

Host: {host-ip}{CR}{LF}

Authorization: Digest username="{public-username}", realm="{domain}", nonce="{default-nonce}", uri="{xcap-root-uri}/{auid}/users/{sip-uri}/simservs/~~/ ", cnonce="{default-cnonce}", nc={default-nc}, qop=auth, response="{default-response}", opaque="{default-opaque}",algorithm="MD5"{CR}{LF}

User-Agent: Spirent-Ut-client{CR}{LF}

X-3GPP-Intended-Identity: {sip-uri}{CR}{LF}

Content-Length: {Content-Length}{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}


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