Ut Client

Ut Client is used in IP Application node when Ut Interface is enabled.

XCAP Client


Related Measurements

Measurements collected on IP Application node Test Summary report .


General Settings

Public User Name

Public User Name for XCAP Client server. Only one User Name is required and it is not configured to any service bearers.

Range : Up to 128 Char.

Default = User#(N0)

Click to use the Auto-Increment Format Wizard.

Tcl Parameter: XcapClnPublicUserName


Password for XCAP Client server. Only one Password is required and it is not configured to any service bearers.

Range : Up to 128 Chars.

Default = password#(N0)

Click to use the Auto-Increment Format Wizard.

Tcl Parameter: XcapClnPassword

Realm Network Domain Name

Enter Realm Network Domain Name.  

String value with Auto-Increment field (NI), including IPv4 Addresses allowed

Click to use the Auto-Increment Format Wizard.

Default = spirent.com

Tcl Parameter: XcapClnRealmDomain

Local Port

Local Server port for Ut XCAP Client.

Range 0 to 65535

Default = 4000

Tcl Parameter: XcapClnLocalPort

Authentication Type

Two types of Authentication methods are supported (HTTP Basic and HTTP Digest).

Two Options: Basic and Digest

Default = HTTP Digest

Tcl Parameter: XcapClnAuthMethod


Used when Authentication Type = Digest. Client Nonce used in Digest Authentication.

Range up to 128 Chars

Tcl Parameter: XcapClnCNonce

Nonce Count

Used when Authentication Type = Digest. Nonce Count used in Digest Authentication.

Range from 0 to 2147483647

Default = 0

Tcl Parameter: XcapClnNonceCount