In HSS Nodal test case, the AS tab for Sh interface allows the user to define requests related to user data and control the behavior of the Application Server (AS). The emulated AS may issue User Data Requests (UDR), Subscribe Notifications Requests (SNR), and Profile Update Requests (PUR). The AS tab contains common configurations for all requests such as the XML header, as well as specific parameters for each request type.
The AS may issue User Data Requests (UDR) to request for user data from the HSS. The requests include data-references to indicate the requested data to be returned from the HSS, in a User Data Answer. More than one data-reference may be included in the request.
The user data table indicates the data-reference number, name, and the expected XML tag returned from the HSS. Depending on the data-references configured to be included in the request, additional fields may be enabled.
The AS may subscribe to the HSS for changes in specific user data by sending a Subscribe Notifications Request (SNR), which includes data-references that the HSS should notify the AS about. Similarly to UDR, the SNR tab contains a table of data-references that the AS may subscribe to. Subscriptions are not mandatory and can be controlled by the user. When subscriptions are enabled a delay may be introduced prior to the initial subscribe, and a duration can be specified to control when the unsubscribe event will occur. Unsubscribing will inform the HSS to no longer send notifications to the AS.
If there are profile changes on the AS, the AS will send a Profile Update Request (PUR) to the HSS that includes the data-reference number of the changed data and the content in XML. Only one data-reference can be selected and included in the PUR. Profile updates are optional and can be enabled. When enabled, an initial delay can be set to postpone the start of updates. Multiple values for the data-reference can be defined to ensure subsequent requests contain different values when continuous and alternate values options are enabled. When “Alternate Values on Each Update” is checked, the defined values for the selected data-reference will be selected in round-robin. The frequency of the profile updates can also be defined.
Sh Session Measurements
Connection Management Measurements
Identifies a service or a set of services in an AS and the related repository data in the HSS. It is included in the Service-Indication AVP. It is configurable when the Repository Data (0) data-reference is selected.
Range: Up to 256 Characters.
Default: NONE
Identifies the instance of the Dynamic Service Activation Information being accessed for the Public Identity, as defined in TS 29.329. It is included in the DSAI-Tag AVP. It is configurable when the DSAI (19) data-reference is selected.
Range: Up to 256 Characters.
Default: NONE
Name of the AS that is included in the Server-Name AVP. It is configurable when Initial Filter Criteria (13) or DSAI (10) data-references are selected.
Range: Up to 256 Characters.
Default: NONE
The XML header can be overridden and included in the user data XML. Range: · Checkbox: Checked/Unchecked · Text field: Up to 256 characters Default: · Checkbox: Checked · Text field value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Indicates the domain to which the operation is applicable. It is included in the request and configurable when Location Information (14) or User State (15) data-references are selected. It is included in the Requested-Domain AVP. Range: · CS-Domain · PS-Domain Default: CS-Domain
Indicates to the HSS the identities to be downloaded. It is included in the request and configurable when IMS Public Identity (10) data-reference is selected. It is included in the Identity-Set AVP. For UDR, this parameter is optional and is enabled via a checkbox. For SNR, it is mandatory. Range: · All Identities · Registered Identities · Implicit Identities · Alias Identities Default: · Checkbox for UDR: Unchecked · Dropdown: All Identities
Indicates whether active location retrieval has to be initiated or not. It is included in the request and configurable when Location Information (14) is selected. It is included in the Current-Location AVP. Range: · Do Not Initiate · Initiate Default: Do Not Initiate
Enables subscriptions from the emulated AS. SNR will only be sent if this option is enabled. Once this checkbox is checked, all options within the SNR group will be enabled. Range: Checked/Unchecked Default: Unchecked
Specifies the number of milliseconds after the session has started for SNR to take place. If the value is 0, SNR will be sent immediately after UDR. Range: 0 – 4294967295 Default: 1000
The SNR to unsubscribe from the selected data-references will occur X milliseconds after subscription. If the value is 0, SNR to unsubscribe will be sent immediately after the initial subscribing SNR. Range: 0 – 4294967295 Default: 10000
Requests that the HSS includes the data of the requested data-references in the response. It is included in the Send-Data-Indication AVP. Optionally enabled via a checkbox. Range: · User Data Not Requested · User Data Requested Default: · Checkbox: Unchecked · Dropdown: User Data Not Requested
PUR will only be sent if this option is enabled. Once this checkbox is checked, all options within the PUR group will be enabled. Range: Checked/Unchecked Default: Unchecked
The profile update will occur based on a timer. The user can configure X milliseconds before the update occurs. If the value is 0, the update will occur immediately after UDR/UDA. Range: 0 – 4294967295 Default: 5000
Allows periodic PUR to be sent from the AS. If this option is not selected, only one PUR will be sent. Option can be enabled via a checkbox. Range: 0 – 4294967295 Default: · Checkbox: Unchecked · Text field: 5000
This option can only be checked if Continuous Update Period (ms) is checked. On subsequent updates, it will use the next available value configured for that Data-Reference. If there are no additional values, AS will send PUR with the same XML data content. Range: Unchecked/Checked Default: Unchecked
Data-references can be included in requests by selecting this option next to each data-reference. Range: Unchecked/Checked Default: Unchecked
Note: Where <num> is a number starting from 0. I.e. ShClnUdrDataRef0En enables data-reference 0 (Repository Data) to be included in UDR. |