HSS Node will emulate Sh interface. HSS Node can support Sh data handling and subscription procedures. HSS will be able to:


Notification    Enable Notifications    Initial Notification Delay (ms)    Continuous Notification Period (ms)    User Data    Include XML Header in User Data

Include Public ID Extension

Include Sh-Data Extension

Include Sh Extension

Include Alias Identity in Sh Extension  

Include in Request Messages    Set All     Clear All    
Visited Network Identifier    Registration   
  • Request Capabilities
  • Deregistration Delay (ms)
Location Query   
  • Enable Location Query
  • Location Query Period (ms)
Deregistration Type   Force server Assignment Requests   User Data Already Available       Authentication  
  • Enable Authentication
  • Authentication Scheme
  • Number of Requested Vectors (Available in IMS Node test case)


Related Measurements

Sh Session Measurements

Sh Session Measurements

AS Node Measurements

Connection Management Measurements

APP Parameter Reference

Enable Notifications

Will send subscribed data-references, as well as “always included” data-references notifications to client based on a timer.  The notification will be sent even if data was not changed, but is subscribed to. 

Range:  True/False.

Default:  False



Initial Notification Delay (ms)

Delay prior to sending the first notification after receiving first session request.

Range:  1 to 9223372036854775807 numbers

Default:  1000


Continuous Notification Period (ms)

Checkbox to enable sending notifications for subscribed data, periodically, or the "always included" data - references, which is configured per Data-Reference under User Data Group.



Range:  1 to 9223372036854775807 numbers

Default:  5000


User Data

This section controls which data references will be included in the notification requests, by default, based on timer or whenever a notification request occurs. See detailed description for each case in User Data details section.

Include XML Header in User Data

If checked, the XML header will be included in the returned user data XML. The default header may also be changed.


Checkbox:  Checked/Unchecked

Text field:  Up to 256 characters


Checkbox:  Checked   

Text field value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



Include Public Id Extension

Select to include the Public Id Extension.



Include Sh-Data Extension

Select to include the Sh-Data Extension.


Include Sh Extension

Select to include the Sh Extension.


Include Alias Identity in Sh Extension

Select to include the Alias Identity in the Sh Extension.


Include in Request Messages

Force the user data for that data reference to always be included in the notifications request, even if the client does not subscribe to the data or doesn't change.

Range: True/False

Default:  False

Use Tcl Icon to find Tcl Variable names.

Set All

Automatically select all pertinent checkboxes for selected test case in "Include in Request Messages" section.

Clear All

Select to clear all checkboxes in the "Include in Request Messages" section.
Visited Network Identifier

Text edit field with the visited network's domain name that is included in the UAR from I-CSCF towards HSS.



Enable Registration Capabilities



Enter Deregistration Delay (ms) - Default - 2000


Location Query

Enabling Location Query will simulate location information requests from I-CSCF. if enabled, the elements within the container will be enabled.



Enter Location Query Period (ms) - Default - 1000. If the location query is a non-zero value, then the LIR will be sent periodically. otherwise, if Zero, then only the initial LIR will be sent.



Deregistration Type

Allows the user to change the value of the Server-Assignment-AVP to one of the deregistration types. They are

Timeout Deregistration = 4,

User Deregistration = 5,

Timeout Deregistration Store Server Name = 6,

User Deregistration Store Server Name = 7,

Administrative Deregistration = 8,

Deregistration too Much Data = 11


Force Server Assignment Requests

Enable to Force Server Assignment Request (SAR).



User Data Already Available

Allows the user to control the User-Data-Already-Available AVP within SAR. Only enabled if the Force Server Assignment Requests option is checked. 




When authentication is enabled, it will enable MAR from S-CSCF towards HSS. When Enable Authentication is not checked, all fields within the container are disabled and no MAR (Multimedia Auth Request) will be sent.  MAR, if enabled, will be sent after a successful UAR/UAA.



The following authentication schemes can be selected:


SIP Digest

NASS Bundled






Number of Requested Vectors - Default is 1.

A text edit field that defines how many authentication vectors are requested from HSS. If the authentication scheme is SIP Digest or GIBA, the field cannot exceed one.

Also available in IMS Node test case when Cx Interface is enabled.

Specify the number of authentication vectors to be requested in MAR.

Range : 1 to 5 

Default : 1

The specs (3GPP TS 29.228 V16 1.0, 3GPP TS 33.203 V16.1) allow for the HSS to send multiple authentication vectors in a single MAA so that at subsequent registrations it is not required to go back to the HSS to get a new one, instead the vectors in the list are used one by one until the end is reached and at that point a subsequent registration does require to go all the way to the HSS to get a fresh list of authentication vector(s).

The IMS node will use the extra vectors in subsequent registrations and avoid going to the HSS until they are exhausted.

Per TS 33.203 Figure 4, the fist time S-CSCF receives SIP REGISTER from I-CSCF for the UE, it will send MAR to HSS to retrieve authentication vectors, and it use the first vector for constructing the SIP 401 Unauthorized response message. The next time S-CSCF receives SIP REGISTER from I-CSCF for the same UE, it will skip sending MAR if it finds there is still unused authentication vector saved locally.


User Data Details



HSS will process the request and identify which user data are requested via the Data-References AVP.  Since Notif-Eff will be supported, multiple Data-References may be in the request.  If multiple Data-References are in the request, HSS will respond with all the requested user data in the User-Data AVP.

Data-Reference IMSPublicIdentity (10) – Identity-Set AVP

If Data-Reference IMS Public Identity (10) is requested, then the Identity-Set AVP may be optionally included.  When IMS Public Identity is requested, the public identity will always be returned in the class PublicIdentifiers class of Sh-Data, within the XML.

NOTE: Although different identity sets can be requested, only PublicIdentifiers will be supported.  RegisteredIdentities, ImplicitIdentities, AllIdentities, and AliasIdentities classes will be omitted, since AS implementation in HSS Nodal only supports one identity set of public identity.


Data-Reference LocationInformation (14) and UserState (15) – Requested-Domain AVP

When Data-References LocationInformation (14) and/or UserState (15) are included in the UDR, Requested-Domain AVP is required to identify which user data is being requested for.  Requested-Domain will be used to identify whether the LocationInformation/UserState data is requested for CS, PS, or EPS.  If Requested Domain is CS, then CSLocationInformation/CSUserState will be returned.  If Requested Domain is PS and Requested Node is not included or is SGSN, then PSLocationInformation/PSUserState will be returned. 

NOTE: Since Requested Nodes, an optional AVP, is not supported, only CS/PS will be supported.


Data-Reference RepositoryData (0) – Service-Indication AVP

If the request includes Data-Reference RepositoryData (0), then the request must contain the Service-Indication AVP.  The Service-Indication AVP will be used by HSS Node to identify which repository data is being requested for.  If it is not present, then an error message with result code DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP.


Data-Reference InitialFilterCriteria (13) – Server-Name AVP

When InitialFilterCriteria and/or DSAI, Data-Reference 13 and Data-Reference 19, respectively, is requested for, the Server-Name AVP is required in the request for identifying which InitialFilterCriteria/DSAI should be included in the response. 


Data-Reference DSAI (19) – DSAI-Tag AVP

When DSAI, Data-Reference 19, is requested for, the DSAI-Tag AVP is required in the request for identifying the associated DSAI that should be included in the response.


This command is used to update transparent and non-transparent data in the HSS.  The data referred to by the Data-Reference is updated with the values in the User-Data of the request.

NOTE: Update-Eff/Update-Eff Enhanced will not be supported in this release.  Subsequently, multiple repository and user data instances will not be supported. 


Updating of Data-Reference RepositoryData (0)

If the request is for updating RepositoryData (0), the HSS will check for Service-Indication and Sequence-Number within the user data XML provided in the request.  The Service-Indication will be used to identify which RepositoryData the update is for, and the Sequence-Number is to identify whether the request is to add/remove/delete.


If there is already data stored for this subscriber at the given Service-Indication, then the Sequence-Number must be non-zero and the expression (Sequence Number – 1) must be equal to the Sequence Number stored in the HSS; otherwise, HSS must respond with DIAMETER_ERROR_TRANSPARENT_DATA_OUT_OF_SYNC.  If it is equal, and Service Data is included, then the Service Data will be updated.  If it is equal, but the Service Data element is not included, then the stored Service Data, Service Indication, and Sequence Number will be removed.


If Service-Indication is not found, then it is a request to create a new repository data and requires that the sequence number be set to 0, and there must be Service Data included; otherwise, DIAMETER_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED will be sent.


Updating of Data-Reference PSIActivation (18)

If Data-Reference PSIActivation (18) is included in the request, then HSS must check that the User Identity contains a distinct Public Service Identity.  If it does, it will be updated.


Updating of Data-Reference DSAI (19)

If Data-Reference DSAI (19) is included in the request, must check that the DSAI-Tag is found; otherwise, response of DIAMETER_ERROR_DSAI_NOT_AVAILABLE will be responded with.


Updating of Data-Reference SMSRegistrationInfo (24)

If Data-Reference SMSRegistrationInfo (24) is included in the request, HSS will check whether the IP-SM-GW number contained in the update request is empty or not.  If it is empty, then it will be deleted in HSS; otherwise, if it differs, then respond with DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_DATA_CANNOT_BE_MODIFIED.  If it does not differ, then update HSS stored info.


Updating of Data-Reference STN-SR (27)

If Data-Reference STN-SR (27) is included in the request, HSS will check if STN-SR exists in its database.  If STN-SR does not exist, then DIAMETER_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED will be responded with; otherwise, if it exists and differs from the STN-SR included in the request, it will be updated.



The AS can subscribe to data changes and allowing the HSS to notify the AS when changes occur.  When an AS subscribes to data, HSS will maintain a list associated with that specific data to notify the subscribed ASs of changes.  The AS, in the same request, may unsubscribe or subscribe.  HSS will check the Subs-Req-Type AVP to identify whether it’s an unsubscribe or subscribe request.  If unsubscribe, then the AS will be removed from the subscription list.

Data-Reference RepositoryData (0) – Service-Indication AVP

If the request includes Data-Reference RepositoryData (0), then the request must contain the Service-Indication AVP.  The Service-Indication AVP will be used by HSS Node to identify which repository data is being requested for.  If it is not present, then an error message with result code DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP.


Data-Reference IMSPublicIdentity (10) – Identity-Set AVP

If Data-Reference IMS Public Identity (10) is requested, then the Identity-Set AVP may be optionally included.  When IMS Public Identity is requested, the public identity will always be returned in the class PublicIdentifiers class of Sh-Data, within the XML.

NOTE: Although different identity sets can be requested, only PublicIdentifiers will be supported.  RegisteredIdentities, ImplicitIdentities, AllIdentities, and AliasIdentities classes will be omitted, since AS implementation in HSS Nodal only supports one identity set of public identity.


Data-Reference RepositoryData (0) – Service-Indication AVP

If the request includes Data-Reference RepositoryData (0), then the request must contain the Service-Indication AVP.  The Service-Indication AVP will be used by HSS Node to identify which repository data is being requested for.  If it is not present, then an error message with result code DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP.  If it is included, HSS will check whether RepositoryData for the provided Service-Indication exists.  If it does not exist, DIAMETER_ERROR_SUBS_DATA_ABSENT error will be sent back.


Data-Reference InitialFilterCriteria (13) – Server-Name AVP

When InitialFilterCriteria and/or DSAI, Data-Reference 13 and Data-Reference 19, respectively, is requested for, the Server-Name AVP is required in the request for identifying which InitialFilterCriteria/DSAI should be included in the response. 


Data-Reference DSAI (19) – DSAI-Tag AVP

When DSAI, Data-Reference 19, is requested for, the DSAI-Tag AVP is required in the request for identifying the associated DSAI that should be included in the response.  If it is not included, then the DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP error message should be returned.  If it is and it does not match any DSAI-Tags for the Public Identity, then DIAMETER_ERROR_DSAI_NOT_AVAILABLE should be returned in an error message.


As a part of the request from AS, the User-Data for the requested Data-References can be included in the response if Send-Data-Indication is true.  If it is true, HSS will include the User-Data AVP with the requested Data-References.


Since Notif-Eff will be supported, HSS should be ready to accept a request with multiple Data-References, and include the associated data in the User-Data AVP.


The PNR is sent from HSS to AS to notify the AS of data changes, which could include modifications or deletions.  In the PNR, the User-Data AVP is included to indicate the data that is changed. 


Timer Based Notifications

In initial phase, notifications will be initiated based on a timer.  Every period, the notification will be sent.  Only those that were subscribed will be notified.  The data will be static.


Interworking with Cx Interface

When Cx is also enabled, some fields within the User Profile (Figure 7) will be disabled, since the information will be retrieved from Cx session. These fields include the IMS User State and assigned S-CSCF name, since these are dynamic information.


The User Profile will be shared between Sh and Cx interface, which means that even the Initial Filter Criteria will be shared between both interfaces, for the same public identity.