Realm-Based Routing Table

The Realm-Based Routing Table tab allows you to define the routing entries and associated proxy policies within the realm-based routing table (RFC 3588, section 2.7).  The realm-based routing table is used to define a route entry’s associated servers in which the message should be relayed, redirected, or proxied.  




DRA Binding

DRA Binding specifies how the PCRF route information will be stored within the DRA.  This will also be used to differentiate between DEA and DRA. DEA does not perform DRA binding.  In DRA mode The user will be able to select from the following options:


When this option is selected, the DRA node will behave as a DEA node. The binding for each PCRF will be separate.  Redirect will behave normally without session states being kept, and will not use policy.   That is, redirect-Host-Usage will be selectable, and no back-end DRA binding will occur.


PCRF routing information will be stored per UE-NAI


PCRF routing information will be stored per IP-CAN


Default:  None

Lookup Type

The lookup type defines how the route entry is be looked for.  The lookup is  executed based on the Realm name.

Options: Exact Mach, Longest Match

Default: Exact Match

Enable Origin Host Replacement

Enable to overwrite Original-host-AVP and replace with DRA Node's own host name. Only available when at least one route is set to Proxy.

Default: False

Tcl Parameter: OriginHostReplaceEn

Enable Default Routing

Select to enable a default route to be used when a route entry does not exist for a request.

Default Route ID

Available when Enable Default Routing is selected. Selected a Default Route ID to ensure a route is used when a route does not exist for a request.  

Options: 1 - n

(Depends on the number of routes configured, that is, the number of rows in the Routing Table)

Default: 1

Routing Table

NOTE: Click Add to insert a row and configure the routing information and Remove to delete.


A unique ID


Allows you to specify the Realm in which the application resides. Used as a primary key in the routing table lookups.

Vendor ID

An Application is identified by a Vendor ID and an App ID. Used as a secondary key field in routing table lookups.

Indicates the DRA Node supported Proxy mode for Application.

  • Select a predefined Application, to automatically populate Vendor ID and App ID columns. These parameters are not available for editing.
  • Select Custom Application to define Vendor ID and Application ID, which become available for editing.

NOTE: This full list of applications will be selectable but will only be supported in the case for redirect and relay case while in DEA mode.  In the case of Proxy and DRA mode, the full list of applications will not be supported since it requires understanding the messages.  If an application is selected and is not supported in proxy mode, the Action Proxy will not be available.



App ID


Spec column is populated automatically when you select a predefined Application and indicates the specification number associated with the Application.

Spec is not available when you define Custom Application.


Allows you to define how a message is to be treated.

Options: Redirect, Relay, Proxy

NOTE: When Action is Redirect, the Redirect Host Usage and Redirect Max Cache Time is available.


Diameter messages that fall within this category have the identity of the home Diameter server (s) appended, and returned to the sender of the message.


All Diameter messages that fall within this category are routed to a next hop server, without modifying any non-routing AVPs.


All Diameter messages that fall within this category are routed to a next hop server. The local server may apply its local policies to the message by including new AVPs to the message prior to routing.


Host Usage

Available only when Action is Redirect. Select Host Usage from the list.

Max Cache

Available only when Action is Redirect and the value is automatically populated and you may change as required.

Server ID List

Allows you to define one or more servers that is associated with the route entry (to which the message is to be routed).  

  • When Action is Relay or Proxy, the Server ID List contains the identity of the server(s) to which the message is routed next.
  • When Action is Redirect contains the identity of one or more servers to which the message is redirected. The list of servers will be used in the Redirect-Host AVP list.  



  • Click Set to select/populate Server ID List and Edit Server ID List window opens. The number of Available SUTs depends on the number of Peer SUTs you defined on the Network Devices tab.
  • Select the Server ID list (s) under the Available SUTs pane, click >> to move selection to the Selected SUTs pane.
  • Remove the SUTs from the Selected SUTs pane, select the Server and click << (to move it back under the Available SUTs pane).
  • Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to rearrange the list of selected SUTs.

  • Click OK to populate the Server ID List.

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