Profile Tab

In DRA testing, the Profile tab allows you to create Diameter Commands/Messages and fill them with AVPs from the profile's defined AVP Database.


Product Name

Application ID

AVP Database

Subscriber Identifier AVP

Maintain Session

Vendor ID

Include Vendor Application ID

AVP DB Size (bytes)

Include Destination-Host AVP if Known

Session Initiator

Number of Sessions



Command Name

R Flag

P Flag

Command Code

Session Maintenance

Include ID AVP

Include Addresses

View/Edit# AVPs

Reporting Measurement


Edit AVP Content





Last saved or opened template. Save TC Template.

Product Name

Provisions the Product-Name AVP in CER and CEA messages. The default server name depends on the test case.

Range: N/A

Default: Landslide NAS or Landslide DCCA,  Landslide HSS, Landslide OFCS_Server, Landslide BBERF.  

Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileProductName

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileProductName

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileProductName

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileProductName


Application ID Each application is defined by an Application Identifier - Example PCRF = 16777236 - Additional information in Diameter Tab Application Id.  

Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileApplicationId

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileApplicationId

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileApplicationId

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileApplicationId


Vendor ID

Each Vendor is defined by a Vendor Identifier. Example 3GPP = 10415, ETSI = 13019. Additional information in Diameter Tab Vendor ID  

Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileVendorId

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileVendorId

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileVendorId

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileVendorId  

Include Vendor Application ID

Select to include the Vendor Application in the message.  

Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileIncVendorId

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileIncVendorId

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileIncVendorId

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileIncVendorId  

AVP Database Select to launch the AVP Database editor to view/edit the database.      
AVP DB Size (bytes)

Indicates the AVP size allocated for authentication packet flow descriptors and allows you to define the database memory to run AVP packets.

Range: 2004,000

Default: 200


Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileAvpDataSize

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileAvpDataSize

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileAvpDataSize

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileAvpDataSize  

Subscriber Identifier AVP

The number field next to the combo-box where you select User-Name, Subscription-ID, or User-Defined is disabled until User-Defined is selected. When the number field gets enabled, it will contain either 1 or 443 and the user must change that value to something else in order to retain the User-Defined setting. 

An error at the OK button will indicate " Subscriber Identifier AVP - User-Defined requires a value other than 1 or 443".

Options are = 1/User-Name, 443/Subscription-ID and n/User-Defined  

Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileSessionId

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileSessionId

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileSessionId

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileSessionId

Include Destination-Host AVP if Known

Select to include the appropriate destination host AVP in messages.  

Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileHostAvpEn

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileHostAvpEn

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileHostAvpEn

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileHostAvpEn  

Maintain Session State

Select to enable Session Initiator and Number of Sessions  

Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileMaintainStateEn

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileMaintainStateEn

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileMaintainStateEn

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileMaintainStateEn  

Session Initiator

Select Client or Server  

Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileSessionInit

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileSessionInit

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileSessionInit

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileSessionInit  

Number of Sessions

Select the number of sessions. Rage from 1 to 11.   Tcl Parameter: Gen1ProfileNumSessions

Tcl Parameter: Gen2ProfileNumSessions

Tcl Parameter: Gen3ProfileNumSessions

Tcl Parameter: Gen4ProfileNumSessions  


NOTE: Click on the top right-hand corner of the Server Group table for Tcl Parameters information.



Use these buttons to Edit individual commands.


Edit AVP Content

Select to launch the Generic Diameter Message Editor.
Delete Server Group Click to delete the selected row of server group.
Lock Select to prevent updates to AVP Database.
ID # Number in the list.
Command Name Name of the command. Ex. CCR (Credit Control Request)
R Flag If set, the message is a Request. Ex. CCR - Credit Control Request would be set to R.
P Flag If set, the message may be proxied, relayed or redirected. Ex. CCA (Credit Control Answer) would be set to P.
Command Code Code of Command. Ex. 272 (code of CCR Credit Control Request)
Session Maintenance Yes or No.
Include ID AVP Include AVP ID.
Include Addresses Include Addresses of AVPs.
View/Edit# AVPs Display/Edit the number of AVP's.
Reporting Measurement Name of Measurement for this Command.


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